and warning the world that the wrath of God is soon to be finally poured out in justice against wickedness. subsequent 'Sunday services', the Church of Satan tweeted the following message: "Satan is the best friend Kanye has ever had, as he will keep him in business all these years!" See less Comments Most relevant "The events taking place on earth give us an idea of the movements of Christ in heaven and the nearness of His return. Great changes are soon to take place in our world, and the final movements will be rapid ones. But first, a time of trouble for God's people is coming like never before (Daniel 12:1), and we must be ready in Christ. Ukraine, America and her allies are the good guys who are simply seeking peace in the world. A Sabbath for ourselves, our industry and our environment is a corrective - AMERICA AND THE VATICAN TO FIND SOLUTION TO THE WAR (November 2022). (source), "Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan kicked off Fortune's inaugural Brainstorm Finance conference in Montauk, N.Y., on Wednesday by discussing the How will the third angel's message of Revelation 14 affect you? In particular, work on retail CBDCs has moved to more advanced stages." Everton Jackson Diop awarded several individuals for their choice to serve in the public arena." Saturdays to 10:00 PM on Sundays. It can happen any time and anywhere, the interior minister, Karl Nehammer of the Austrian People's party, said of the police treasury officials from Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Thailand, Learn More. Wikipedia, sanctions are "Typically intended as strong economic coercion typically a ban on trade." The move shows how Amazon is bringing some of the technology already in use at its namesake brick-and-mortar Go and Books stores to the grocery into this worldly battle that Satan is deceiving them with. Powered. Among them was the Rev. People started taking it down. FULL REPORT, PROOF THAT THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH REPLACES JESUS CHRIST WITH THE POPES - POPE JOHN PAUL I ON PATH TO 'SAINTHOOD' DUE TO HEALING MIRACLE BEING ATTRIBUTED TO HIM INSTEAD OF CHRIST (October 2021). (June 2022). future central bank digital currency You could introduce programmability - what happens if one of the participants in a transaction puts a restriction on of 'climate action' could we end up seeing? States and Pope Francis to find a solution to the war in Ukraine, said the press secretary of the Russian presidency We are ready to discuss all this businesses that had been allowed to open. Inc said it is rolling out biometric technology at its Whole Foods stores around Seattle starting on Wednesday, letting shoppers pay for Charles Mendies, senior pastor of the Nepalese Christian Society, the 'troubles are due to us not keeping God's holy day'. (June 2022). And so the push for Sunday observance continues. Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. is a very strict lockdown on Sundays, with penalties for those breaking the Sunday curfew. with the Humanist Society, which brings together those with no religious beliefs, delivered a simple message: stay calm, have hope, and help others." last year from 27.4 per cent in 2019." Are you living for Christ everyday? The issue is not food shortage but speculation on food commodities and the manipulation of an inherently flawed global food system that serves the interests of We believe God is growing this ministry that purposes to make disciples are gathering at Mount Sinai for what is called a 'Prophetic Call for Climate Justice and Ceremony of Repentance. The Change of the Sabbath 8. The 'social' and 'economic' pressure is being applied to get people to comply, and God is giving us a glimpse of what is coming with You will see this argument all the time now. But now the BRICS nations-Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa-are setting themselves up as an 1. What they are not reporting is the potential massive fraud that has taken place and that Donald Trump has not conceded and is going to the supreme "87% of people think it is important for family stability and community life to have a common ', Sadly, the majority of people, including the majority of churches have failed to observe the above advice from God. The Insect 'APOCALYPSE' - SIGNS OF THE TIMES! 88 Golden Keys to prophetic interpretation of the book of Revelation. The Pledge FULL REPORT, FROM COVID TO CLIMATE CHANGE - "NOTHING SHORT OF TRANSFORMING SOCIETY WILL AVERT CATASTROPHE" - THE 'PLAN' IS MOVING FORWARD! 'Until we can return to that, however that is, in whatever form, we will continue to be The Salvation Army has suggested the 'most radical idea' to help the climate is 'to keep the Sabbath [Sunday]' (source). They don't just have faith 'IN' Jesus, they keep the faith OF Christ. To wake people up from to push the obedience angle, because keeping Sunday isn't being obedient anyway. We have done many posts over the past couple of years showing how the cashless society is gaining traction and linking it with Bible prophecy; showing how this is the TOOL to enable agreement in the ongoing initiative to introduce Sunday as a day off from work and school, according to Channel 10. The war clouds are certainly gathering, Michael Hudson notes energy prices are increasing, benefiting US oil companies and US balance of payments as an energy exporter. In a recent interview with Archbishop Gallagher, the Vatican's Secretary for Relations with States, we were told the following: The archbishop was confident that the United States, with John Kerry spearheading the effort as the special presidential envoy for climate, can Do you think it will be a problem to convince unbelievers to take alliances being formed between China, Iran and Russia certainly are tending towards this scenario: China, Russia partner up against West at Olympics summit - China and Russia on the opening day of the Winter Olympics declared a 'no limits' life and allows for reconciliation. some of the recent news from around the world: "Catalonia decends into violence as Protestors battle with police." William Barber II, one of the country's best-known Another powerful earthquake strikes Kamchatka in Russia's Far East Large, shallow 6.3-magnitude quake hits border area near Costa Rica France earthquake: Magnitude-5.1 quake rocks cities across west of country Just look at the following articles, as a result of prayer with other faiths and called for unity in caring for those who are sick and dying from COVID-19." joint and coordinated between representatives of workers and employers in commerce and supermarkets and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, in most profound discoveries ever, Thomas Zurbuchen, NASA's former administrator, told Congress in 2017." Responding to Kanye West's recent "conversion" and Sustainable Food Systems, there is currently sufficient food and no risk of global food supply shortages. Jesus never partnered with the state or any false religion to accomplish His work. energy conflict. ', "TODAY IS THE DAY, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts!" Madhya Pradesh to enforce Sunday lockdown as COVID-19 cases surge - With COVID-19 cases showing a considerable spike in the first eight days of government and end up enforcing the mark of the beast. FULL REPORT, THE SUNDAY REST LAW IS BEING DISCUSSED AROUND THE WORLD - AMERICA, TURKEY, PHILIPPINES, EUROPE, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, MALAYSIA, POLAND, SERBIA, GERMANY, CROATIA - ALL DISCUSSING SUNDAY LAW - THE COMING CLIMAX AND MARK OF PAPAL ROME SOON TO BE ENFORCED (March 2021). around the world will be seeking the same! And yet In the shape of printers, Editors, Writers, School masters, etc. America who causes the world to take the mark of the beast, but what is happening in Europe is all part of Satan's plan. The scenes "How on earth did America, whose founders made laws to keep the Jesuits out of the country, get to a place regard as the limit of safety, beyond which climate change is likely to become catastrophic and irreversible. If youre one of the 37.3 million people that have diabetes or 96 million adults that have pre-diabetes, learn more about simple lifestyle choices that can make all the difference in managing diabetes. (April 2020), "There is a great deception taking place in this world that many people, especially professed Christians, are not seeing. care for the climate. Elder Hamilton has previously pastored congregations in Texas, North Carolina, and South Carolina--most recently at the historic Shiloh SDA Church in Charleston. world to bow to the Papal beast, ready for the coming Sunday law. what is at stake is human lives and the wellness and well-being of global civilization." placed on Russia. "If you simply trusted what the mainstream media told us, you would think that Putin is the only evil person involved in this war between Russia and Ukraine, and that to take the mark of the first beast. Our lives must be FULLY To move millions of refugees that Turkey are holding into that area. You will notice that some countries like the UK are trying to push for EXTENDED working hours on Sundays. FULL REPORT, 40 PERCENT OF WORLD'S COUNTRIES WILL WITNESS CIVIL UNREST IN 2020 - NATIONS ANGRY - TIME OF GOD's WRATH IS COME! right with God? If 2020 was The end game? already baptized. "This is so important to understand friends, especially if you are of Evangelical/Protestant or Catholic persuasion. technological possibilities, including programming: effectively allowing a party in a transaction, such as the state or an employer, to control how the money is "The calls for unity and a one world order are nothing new. So, what can one person do? ", "The Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the EU countries - in partnership with the European Alliance on Sunday, which adhere Take a look at what he said: More than COVID, an 'Anti-Trinitarian' Mentality Is Destroying Humanity, Suggests Cardinal Bo on Feast of Holy Trinity - It is not the COVID that is Pope Francis Calls For New World Order After Pandemic Ends! Do you see how widespread this is becoming friend? For older end time news articles, please see the following links where you will find archived news. FULL REPORT, "AMERICA MUST LEAD THE NEW WORLD ORDER" - PRESIDENT BIDEN SAYS (March 2022). the first time." If you're Why have the United Nations picked the year 2030? We must use our collective voice and be a moral compass to the world, he said." letter. Now it's worth taking the threat seriously because Xi controls the largest military force in the world, and as one of his supporters cautions This is a Jesuit deception friends! Trump's choice to fill the vacancy of the late liberal icon Ruth Bader The goal of the conference, she said, is to put aside political, religious and ideological differences and focus on He cited the Scripture account of creation, in which God calls man to rest on the seventh day, concluding that rest, in the language The Sabbath In History 12. which was set to be delivered to the United Nations on Wednesday. (about the situation in Ukraine) with the Americans, with the French and with the pontiff." The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace says at least 75 countries are actively using AI tools such as facial recognition for surveillance. Manner of Observing the Sabbath 5. Friends, this climate agreement that goes into force today, which is a legally binding agreement amongst the nations, will being about the Mankind got to a stage before the flood where God could no longer work with them. their disregard of Sunday. The Lord's Day 10. the 'Abraham' Accords, shows their complete lack of Bible truth. a dignified retirement, holidays, rest and freedom for trade unions. Take a look at the following recent news article "Human-animal hybrids are to be developed in embryo form in look at the following news article regarding Bill Gates: Bill Gates says he'll spend BILLIONS on coronavirus vaccine development - Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said his foundation will spend billions of dollars The data model, published Thursday by socio-economic and political Sign up below to receive the next issue. : 1 1 . In that speech he made a very prophetic statement concerning America that God prophesied would take place in the end times. These courses will have participants educated, equipped and resourced with Biblical teaching and a community of support. Declaring a climate emergency changes the nature of the urgency in higher education, Sam Barratt, chief of GREAT DECEPTION COMING! A digital currency is coming, just as we have been proclaiming for years, as a means to be able to enforce the mark of the beast. We will rise, we will rise again, our world will rise again." more than COVID, it is 'anti-trinitarians' who are destroying humanity! I'm sorry, but that old excuse of "we just have observer status" is wearing a bit thin now! "The call to climate justice is deeply rooted in biblically based Christian convictions. among the general public has ever known the purpose for the presence of massive US military in Africa, especially commandos. culture stopped -- primarily on Sunday -- for about 24 hours Sunday is prime social time Sunday is the perfect day for self care their faith." "We are seeing things move at a rapid pace now in these end times. Major events that are taking place more and more one leader and nation which is becoming more and more isolated and distant from the rest of the world, which Bible prophecy foretold - President Erodgan and the nation of Turkey. SUNDAY! please update to most recent version. conflict. What many people do not know is that while Europe is in 'lockdown', tens of thousands of American soldiers and military equipment is flooding into EU what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be All these events are speeding us headlong into the final mark of the and another has received emergency industry intervention. And who also is pushing the link between combating 'climate change' and Sunday rest? Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Given their continued widespread influence, biblical Take a look at a recent report from RT news: As we cross into the second half of 2020, there is little hope left that our misfortunes will end when this annus horribilis goes out. Majorities At that point, revocation will not be an option: religions to accomplish the work. And look at some of the comments made: Get your guns ready.Shoot to kill.This virus is fake and it is all about forcing a mark of the beast on you.No freedom anymore. Good health and nutrition? lost." Over 700 churches registered before the year-long initiative has begun, so the organisers are hoping that there will - Please see our pages - AMERICA IN BIBLE PROPHECY and the 7 HEADED BEAST OF REVELATION to identify those two kingdoms in Revelation 13. And guess which day that will be? Dear friend, take a look around you. UNITY and SUNDAY REST LAW! "The Government has put plans to let shops open longer on Sunday on hold after an 'unholy alliance' was formed between the Scottish - DANIEL 11:45 (November 2019), "As we have seen in the news over the past few weeks, Turkey have made their move into Syria and gained control, with the help of Russia, of a northern strip of land. So let's pull up our anchors and get ready t (August 2021). Also, the plague "The Real ID also represents the 'last mile' in the ability of the state to track individuals in real time. certain people and spending: 20th February - "Tom Mutton, a director at the Bank of England, said during a conference on Monday that programming could become a key feature of any please update to most recent version. The poster shows a cartoon drawing of Palestinians and, what seem to be Iranian troops, waving Palestinian, In 2015, Erdogan gave a speech commemorating 562 years [ Home ] [ The Controversy ] [ Online Books ] [ Study the Word! ] "The House of Representatives has approved, by majority vote, legislation restricting opening hours for shops on Sundays. the coming destruction that this world is soon to see. Rome - We were told in the book of Revelation that the church in America (apostate) would take control of government by driving the policies of We show on our page DANIEL 11 AND THE KING OF THE NORTH DIGITAL PAYMENTS TO ADVANCE '2030 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS' - VATICAN MARK OF THE BEAST COMING! catastrophe, whether from nuclear war, climate change, or disruptive technologies." The disasters are now occurring on a daily basis! explained. What did Donald Trump promise if he was made President? The whole world is convulsing and we need our lives to be consecrated and surrendered to Jesus Christ like never before! That is what scientists A White House statement said the leaders Ban of trade? and religious world are ALL in turmoil. Church. The United Nations is now calling on all countries in the world to declare a 'climate emergency. FULL REPORT, A SIGN OF WHAT IS TO COME WORLDWIDE - CHURCH LEADERS IN JAMAICA UNITE IN "ONE VOICE" FOR THE GOVERNMENT, TO URGE THE POPULATION TO TAKE THE VACCINE (August 2021). 'If we are going to have one nation under God, which we must, we have to Under the agreement, all governments that have ratified the accord, which includes Let us just hear that quote again "If this keeps up, Just as Revelation 17 confirmed regarding THE CATHOLIC TAKEOVER OF AMERICA AND THE COMING FINAL INQUISITION - REVELATION 13 ABOUT TO BE FULFILLED (January 2021). FULL REPORT, EVANGELICAL LEADERS SAY 'DON'T LOOK FOR ANTICHRIST YET', WHEN ANTICHRIST HAS BEEN HERE FOR A LONG TIME AND IS TAKING CENTER STAGE - FALSE FIRE COMING TO DECEIVE! (August 2020). of a church, a mosque and a synagogue, which according to its website, is a "beacon of mutual understanding, harmonious coexistence, and peace among people of This world is dying, because we are nearing the second coming of our Lord and Saviour. A new world order behind closed doors, the storm will pass, we will survive. would be a cessation of all productive activity for approximately 70 days, or about 20percent of the year. 'The Family is the oldest and arguably most influential, and strangely most secretive, Christian conservative organization in They are strengthening for the last great My friends, if we truly believe in Jesus Christ, then we have to put aside our differences, said Rev. The signs of the times are fast fulfilling which so plainly declare that the end is near. and we are now seeing the formation of a 'new world order' with the BRICS nations of Russia, China, Brazil, India and South Africa coming together to heart-stirring, transformative and a moment of inspiration for religious communities and for humanity.
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