2020-09-09T12:01:44+10:00 We are not authorized
The Allen-Bradley 100-C30*00 is a 3-phase IEC rated contactor used for the control of electric motors. Conforms to IEC/EN 60947-4-1 / 5-1 AB C85 AB C85 01 AB C85 10 AB C85 200 AB C85 300 AB C85 400 AC/DC OPERATING COIL VOLTAGE: Optio PostScript Cross reference tool United States Find Schneider Electric equivalents for many competitor or obsolete Schneider Electric products. CrossWorks Software helps you refurbish or upgrade an existing machines or systems industrial controls by helping you find potential replacement products from Rockwell Automation. 3260415621 OurIEC contactors offer AC and DC control. 3260415621 Are you keeping pace? (Cross-Reference)Tj The above cross reference table was forwarded to us and NOT checked for accuracy. Ourmotor-rated contactors are available from NEMA size 009, in open and enclosed design for full-voltage starting of AC motors. Contactor Cross Reference Charts: Sprecher + Schuh CA, GE Allen Bradley 100, Eaton CE Other Telemecanique LC1, Siemens Products are certified to global standards including UL, CSA and IEC/CE. We integrate control and information across the enterprise to make you as productive as possible. (Catalog #057102200)Tj 0 (Contactors)Tj Motor Control NEMA Combination Contactors 0 . Products ALL PRODUCTS Contactors . Q Limited on IT/OT resources? converted Our NEMA contactors are known for rugged construction, dependable performance, and long electrical life. It comes with 1 N.O. 0000351572 00000 n
Standard Contactors, Literature Library Find product-related downloads including release notes, firmware and more inthe Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC). Launch the Product Configurator to search for drawings by catalog number or keyword. 2.035 Allen-Bradley Bulletin 700S safety control relays provide mechanically linked contacts on all poles. 2.035 Contactors, Overloads and Breakers Limit and Safety Switches Power Supplies . our complete offering. -|oQyXh)e9m&b pEH;Fe.TcICa~{:T}\+[A8u'0AW74P!AjvhK[|!c8VC8878Bi)1y. default Information. Allen-Bradley MSC-C - contactors. Adobe Systems 1216829357 0 1216829357 OpenType - PS Cross Reference Guide by Series Finder 30 Series 34 Series 36 Series 38 Series 40 Series 41 Series 43 Series 55 Series 56 Series 60 Series 62 Series Allen-Bradley 700-TBR 700-HL 700-HP 700-HC 700-HF 700-HA 700-HB 700-HD American Zettler AZ820 AZ830 AZ941 AZ690 AZ692 AZ725 AZ735 AZ742 0.0027 Tc 0000352189 00000 n
Contactors CA7 or CA9 Contactors 03/1992 . 9|@!_`p+^~*P-72;2@R(_jK
2\x[>hint8~ZSM[>)i(6sw. Telemecanique part numbers are provided to assist product selection. <>
Our Bulletin 100S Safety Contactors provide safe isolation of hazardous motion loads, using mirror contact performance. endobj
provides specifications for Allen-Bradley safety relays. International: 856-762-0172 Domestic: 800-822-9190 Browse the database of questions and answers on a variety of products and technologies. It is rated 5 HP at 230V and 10 HP at 460V. 1266242287 The above cross reference table was
for our product specification page. For full product specifications, please see the product /GS3 gs 0 Tw (Contactor)Tj Copyright 2022 Rockwell Automation, Inc. View all 0000352085 00000 n
xmp.iid:49cfa665-655c-47e1-b4f7-e1c9131dda34 Get the right components, at the right price, right when you need them. -1.6567 -1.2 TD 1) Add an additional NC-F4-11 or NC-F4-22 if auxiliary contacts are required for cross references to US Breakers F115 thru F265 contactors. In addition, ASI provides rail assembly services to those companies that would prefer to purchase a fully completed rail assembly. 0 Download the eBook and explore the capabilities of a fully integrated smart Automation Solution. endstream
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Our IEC contactors offer AC and DC control. f* They are environmentally friendly, versatile and flexible. 3848933908 ABB ACI Allen Bradley (Rockwell) Altech Aromat (NAIS) Automation Direct Balluff Banner Baumer Brad Harrison Celduc Cerus Continental Crouzet Crydom Cutler Hammer 0000001420 00000 n
These contactors can protect your other devices while delivering the performance you expect. No searching, just quick access! OdZ`Z`Z`ZUOT1D`Z`Z`Z`+\
In Georgia: 706-467-0007 100-C85D00 | Allen-Bradley Catalog #: 100-C85D00 Preferred Availability Contactor, 85 A, 110V 50 Hz / 120V 60 Hz., AC, 3 Normally Open Poles, No Contact Configuration, Single Pack, Line Side Coil Termination, Screw Terminals, Motor Load Lifecycle status: ACTIVE Find a Distributor 0.0017 Tc / Registration is now available for more than 16,000 Rockwell Automation products. HelveticaNeue-MediumCond ALLEN BRADLEY: CUTLER HAMMER: CLIPSAL: AGUT: SIEMENS: SPRECHER+ SCHUH: STROMBERG: TELE-MECANIQUE: B6: xx. Convert Competitive Catalog Numbers to Similar Allen-Bradley Products, Product Compabitiliy & Downloads Center (PCDC). }x]X_o[*~m&3mj`@0k_X
)lMe"6G0N7z>26-{; VersaVirtual Appliance Series B comes preconfigured and ready-to-use out of the box with support, remote monitoring and administration by a team of Rockwell Automation IT/OT professionals. 2020-09-09T12:01:48+10:00 Helvetica Neue 3.P"6yp(q Cutting edge platform that can help you reduce hardware complexity and cost by using a more convenient integrated design. 0000001240 00000 n
Specific Applications may require Class 10 or Class 30 overload relays. See the NC1D1204 or NC1D2504 for a fully rated 4th pole. 2020-09-09. allen-bradley (rockwell) schneider 4 9 5 gmc-9m gtk-12m dilem mc1 b6 3tf2 ca8-9 100-k09 lc1-k09 4 9 5 mc-9b mt-32 dilm9 cl00 af09 3rt2016 ca7-9 100-c09 lc1-d09 5.5 12 7.5 mc-12b mt-32 dilm12 cl01 af12 3rt2017 ca7-12 100-c12 lc1-d12 . Virtualization brings an average 74% decrease in total cost of ownership, and the benefits don't end there. 3605822963 HelveticaNeueLTStd-Hv 1911993744 0000003129 00000 n
New Product Spotlights Hardware FLEXHA 5000 I/O Module 3691150952 2005 U.S. Breaker, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 12 0 0 12 262.8 602.04 Tm Helvetica Neue LT Std Cross Reference for obsolete Sprecher + Schuh products. endobj
It comes with 1NO auxiliary contact. It makes us more intelligent, efficient and connected. OpenType - PS This reduces stress to the contactors and the capacitors. 2020-09-09T12:01:44+10:00 Our NEMA contactors are known for rugged construction, dependable performance, and long electrical life. Allen-Bradley 100-C12D10 IEC Standard Contactor, 12 Amp . our complete offering. Call 800-822-9190 to speak directly with a motor starter specialist today or Contact us With this Contact Form. 436772071 The Allen-Bradley 100-C12*10 is a 3-phase IEC rated contactor used for the control of electric motors. /GS2 gs It has enhanced features to better safeguard your motor investments, including increased accuracy and repeatability, a self-powered design with lower heat dissipation, and an aggressive component certification strategy. We integrate control and information across the enterprise to make you as productive as possible. 0000001728 00000 n
001.000 Find certification documents for your products to verify that the ratings meet the needs for your applications. This cross-reference document includes a list of products replaced by the new OVRHT3D series. Helvetica Neue Start your journey today. Increase output, uptime and savings with the new PowerFlex 755TS AC drives. distributors for any of the above manufactures, we are an
GE Industrial Solutions to ABB contactor cross-reference including Surion, C2000, Overloads, Manual Motor Starters, Efficor. OdZL+\jNaY,UO[t+HVx,g}q,#P
%GQV9)9G[l+9:V|#$FC]j7xv)? NC1D Contactor Wiring Diagrams. The Bulletin 100-K Miniature Contactors are the replacement line for the Bulletin 100-M Contactor family. Radwell is not an authorized surplus dealer or affiliate for the Manufacturer of this product. The E100 is the next generation basic-tier electronic overload relay. For safety relay technical and application support, call 1-888-790-8377. //
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If no replacements are found, you can request help from Rockwell in identifying possible replacements right from CrossWorks. Search for a Schneider Electric or competitor part number Search for a Schneider Electric or competitor part number Separate multiple items by Spaces, comma or semi-colon or XLS cells copy/paste 3605822963 BT These contact sets and kits for Allen-Bradley (Rockwell) motor starters are normal stock for immediate delivery from Repco. 0 0 0 scn 0 NOTE: Cross reference tables between existing and new product can be Direct* or Functional** or Engineered*** replacement depending on voltage ratings, short circuit ratings, application ratings and how existing 140M products are installed or applied. Our contactors can also be used for non-motor and lighting loads. 0000000982 00000 n
Our IEC contactors offer AC and DC control. -0.1401 Tw from application/x-indesign to application/pdf Helvetica Neue LT Std application/pdf 0000015238 00000 n
Conforms to IEC/EN 60947-4-1 / 5-1 AB C30 AC Operating Coil Voltage: Must choose coil voltage / Options listed below other 100-C contactors Tools Required: Pozidriv Screwdriver size 2 You can download CrossWorks Software at no charge as part of Rockwell Automation's Product Selection Toolbox software. Please specify at least two alphanumeric characters to search for a model. PostScript * DP Contactor Cross Reference List 4-20-11 Siemens LIST $ Part # # of Poles Res. Disclaimer: this cross-reference is intended for comparison purposes only. contactor cross reference chart Your browser either does not have JavaScript enabled or does not appear to support enough features of JavaScript to be used well on this site. The front-mounted resistor elements limit severe high inrush currents. Allen-Bradley - 100-C37 - MSC-C - contactors The Allen Bradley 100-C37 is a 3-phase IEC rated contactor used for the control of electric motors. 0 Motor Control Contactors Next Generation Contactors Learn how our Micro Control Systems can help simplify standalone machine development and accelerate speed to market. Adobe Systems OpenType - PS OdZ`Z`Z`Z:UL+{i{i{i'2V`i'0DVx" Allen Bradley 100-K09*01 miniature contactor rated for 9 AMPS, 2 H.P @ 230 volt and 5 H.P. Coil Line Contact Rating Per Pole Part Style Voltage Volts FLA LRA Resistive Number These contactors can protect your other devices while delivering the performance you expect. This industrial-rated hardware is ready to install near or on your machine and is scalable to meet your needs with provided sizing options. Thats what drives us, because automation is a catalyst for evolving our world. Our contactors are compact and economical and do not use air-core reactors. We are currently experiencing problems with telephone access to our Australian support centre. . 1) Add an additional NC-F4-11 or NC-F4-22 if auxiliary contacts are required for cross references to US Breaker's F115 thru F265 contactors. Please review the product label to check for the certifications your specific product carries. OdZL+0- r0- r0- r0Uk5L=L=L=Li'2- r0- r0- r0- SVOk{i{i{i5UOdZ`Z`Z`ZLeXSYu?Vx" On the website is a complete electronic cross-reference to Phoenix Contact, Weidmuller and Allen Bradley along with prices and specifications. and 1 N.C. base mounted auxiliary contact block and bolt on terminals . 0000015099 00000 n
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Discover how the high performance FLEX 5000 I/O can help boost your operational efficiency through its integrated control and safety capabilities. Cross; Globe Valves; Stainless Steel Pipe Fittings. Electrical and Industrial | Power management solutions | Eaton for reference only and always check the horsepower and voltage
By testing and certifying all valid combinations of components to UL and IEC standards, our Branch Motor Control and Protection portfolio makes the machine building process easier. ]D "https://secure.trust-provider.com/" : "http://www.trustlogo.com/"); Contactor, 85 A, 110V 50 Hz / 120V 60 Hz., AC, 3 Normally Open Poles, No Contact Configuration, Single Pack, Line Side Coil Termination, Screw Terminals, Motor Load, Find all Our Bulletin 156-C Solid-state Contactors complement our line of Bulletin 700 solid-state relays to provide you with a complete line of solid-state solutions.
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