TAKE HEED people!! McWilliamspublishing.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. So what should my heart attitude be toward you, in the event that you refused to admit what you did and refused therefore, to apologise? Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. BreathThe first breath allowed fire to touch everything in me and be carried throughout my body. At the surgery there was a vascular heart surgeon, Dr. Raja. All this belongs to my people, the Lord said. Jesus says we should confront them and tell them what they did wrong to give them a chance to repent (to say Sorry.) Just my opinion though.. As in the days of Noah, so it will be at the end of time. 30:18 AMP). This is why they were thrown in the fires of Hell., Among all those people (in Hell), I heard someone saying, I ask for your forgiveness now Lord, because I have stolen from you, forgive me for stealing, I stole from you Lord and I do not want to do it again. I asked, Lord, who is he and why does he say he stole from You? My child I will show you who he is. We entered his cell and I saw a disfigured man. I determined later that forgiveness breaks devils hold on our lives. I came back to life. In 1992, Matthew Botsford got involved in a deadly accident that dramatically changed his life. The horribleness and pain in Hell accelerated and continued to get worse. Xlibris Publishing UK, an Author Solutions, LLC imprint, is a self-publishing services provider dedicated to serving authors throughout the United Kingdom. I knew that my spirit was being demanded to submit. Hence, there has been a lot of misconceptions about it too. But we reject His mercy when we defiantly harden our hearts (see Heb. A group of 7 Colombian students say the Lord came to them and took them to see both Heaven and Hell. I believe many NDEs are real but this one is very doubtful because of this statement, It is not just people getting saved, Alec adds. It is unlikely the earth would be overwhelmed with belief before the end. In Hell I already knew the complete truth from Gods perspective. That never happens in Hell. In an event that he relates to a vision, Bill Wiese, a devout Christian, describes his experience as . He describes his brief encounter with hell as more than physical darkness, there was something else there. Bee, Your thoughts about Trump mirror my own. Nineveh had national revival when it was at its most corrupt. She recalls finding herself standing, ashamed, in front of God. While in this foul prison-like cell, Bill realized two large creatures shared the cell with him. As dificult as forgiveness, making amends and reconciliation are I discovered that when you ask Holy Spirit to help, it really can go well. It won't be strange walking in Heaven being unforgiven by God. Bone marrowIn an instant my bones turned black. They had served God faithfully while on the Earth. Obey His word. I was keenly aware of everything about myself and my body. No shutting off, no taking a break, no passing out, and no quitting. They did not tithe properly (other sins were also named, see full testimony for details) .On their death beds, they thought they had done a good job so they did not repent of those things. I started running up and down the gold street and picking up gold dust and sprinkling it on my body. | Source: Write down everything I show you and tell you said the Lord. Although I knew, it was just easier to hold on to unforgiveness. For the day of the Lord is Redirecting to https://www.therichest.com/shocking/15-tales-of-hell-by-survivors-of-near-death-experiences/. It may take some wrestling in prayer, but dont rest till you know you have forgiven. When he became the Republican nominee, I was horrified. Great Christian Heaven And Hell Testimonies - Loretta Blasingame With Sid Roth; Heaven. I would say that being able to forgive is a good work. "The People I Saw In Hell" - CHRISTIAN TESTIMONIES During his brief time in hell, he says he experienced unbearable heat, agony-filled screaming, and unceasing torture. It can be quite fascinating to research this phenomenon. I have heard several places various spiritual people made statements long before Trumps running for President that God was going to use Donald Trump to bring America back to Him. I didnt think he could win the Presidency in a million years. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate before the FatherJesus Christ, the Righteous One. . That kiss is about love, affection, and obedience. This coma lasted 27 days. Be open for that occasion. He continued to serve God in his adult years, pastoring Rhema Bible Church and founding Kenneth Hagin Ministries. In Luke 17:3 we are told that if a brother (sister) trespass against us, we should rebuke him, and IF he repent you shall forgive him. Forgiveness without repentance is unbiblical. In a vision, Jesus took me to Hell. While there are many similarities throughout the stories of these ten individuals, there are also a great number of differences. As the darkness is about to close and seal his fate, he remembers God and calls out to him for help and he is given another chance to live. I was a Christian leader, for 20 years I had known Christ, but during the 20 years I said: all that money from my tithing and offerings were just to sustain the pastors, but now I regret it because I understand and I know that it wasnt for them, it was for the Lord, and that is why I say I have stolen from God. There is mercy when we mess up. Many people wonder if hell is hot or cold. During his time in hell, which lasted exactly 23 minutes, Bill Wiese experienced a great number of horrors including torture, intense darkness, a raging pit of fire, screaming, foul odors, and varying levels of torment. Yet you are robbing Me. My husband had died of leukemia shortly before this accident. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. But it is disobedience if a Christian sins against you and you do not do what Jesus said to. 18:21-35). And I continued to descend. How do you know you have forgiven? Stuff like my blood moving, my eyes seeing, and how all parts of my body work. What most people are ignoring..is that Jesus doesnt state that He is yet coming back..but that things will happen in the world that will change the conscience of people.It is more like a time of mercy..a time to repent..a chance for unbelievers and the lukewarm to recognize God and their relationship status with Him.Remember God is a loving forgiving God..a merciful God..before He returns He will show the world that has moved steadily away from Him that He does exist..it will be a time to repent and return..a period of peace and revival..there will still be those that reject Himagain..we do not know the hour and the day of His return as far as Judgment is considered..only the Father knows..but it seems that Jesus..being a merciful and loving God..is going to give this lost generation a chance to amend itself..as He did with Nineveh and so many other lost generations before a chastisement befalls.Rather than judge this mans experience and who or what makes a Christian..how about taking it to heart and live as God expects all Christians..with love, mercy, forgiveness, compassion..non-judgmental..pray for those who are lost, struggling or blind with hate indifference and ignorance. I was thrashing about, punching them. Yes and Amen, the Grace is only working in those who walks in perfect obedience to the Lord, seeking His righteousness 24/7 day in day out. Countless people have been to hell either through a dream, a vision, or a near-death-experience. Format: pdf Size : 165.08 KB. Fergis: Too many people say we should forgive another Christian carte blanc, with no repentance from the offender who is a Christian. XlibrisUK. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. I was left wondering about Gods actions, who He takes, why and when. Is there anyone who doubts that these days are the kingdom of death then take notice not only about the evil and killing but of those who who one moment expresses deep grief over these evil things and the next moment take great pleasure in horror movies and criminal novels. Wholly & Soley led by the Holy Spirit. Hope Stewart believes that this significant part of mankinds spiritual journey must not fade and that they should know the important aspects of Gods laws and plans. She hit the ground and saw me hit the vehicle. And I knew exactly how much I had disobeyed in comparison to my biblical understanding. . Jesus impressed on his heart: These people call themselves Christians but they couldnt forgive their brothers and sisters. There were doctors there with tears., While Alec is grateful to be alive, he is even more ecstatic about what God is doing. At this very moment there are many people on Earth that are robbing the Lord like I did. Is Weed Legal In Oklahoma? "Chief" Beck on Twitter: "I am traveling the country giving One is filled with power and many other wonderful things and the RCC is all about their dogma and liturgy. I would hate for people to experience this for real.. Sixth, their obedience in giving tithes to God. */. 10 People Who Have Been To Hell and Their Stories - Answers for Everyone There IS no purgatory Lawrence. When it came time to vote, I considered skipping the vote for President, because I just could not stomach him, and would never vote for Clinton. The two places, the meeting room and Hell were together. Pray for Lost Souls and one day they will rejoice with you in Heaven. He slumped forward on the steering wheel, traffic stopped around him, and a woman came rushing over to his car. I say I forgive and I pray for the person but I am still mad inside. he has only a short time and my burden was lifted from me in a moment. They may have debts that can only be paid by our prayers or their suffering. He shares that he experienced an intense heat that seemed too hot for life to even survive. I just keep praying. Jesus Showed Me the 5 Most Powerful Words in Heaven! For the sake of brevity, Ill cut it short. While there, Ian states he experienced visions of heaven and hell, and felt Jesus empowering him to live so he might tell his story to others. My child, these houses are ready, I prepared for all My children that believe and are obedient to Me. Then He showed me incomplete houses. Less than two weeks later, I would be the first to arrive on the scene of an accident. As we sang an evangelistic song, I felt the presence of holiness come into the room. Who is there to condemn us? There will not be anything like it, Jesus told him. Beyond anything any words could describe.. There is something in it which may help you brother. It was His kindness. He said to me, ' Joshua, come '. I agree with your feelings regarding Trump. I went to a place that I believe was hell. What Jesus Said About Heaven and Hell - Beliefnet The flames opened up and I could see that he was being tormented. You are cursed with curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you. The Lord told me that when His people withhold their tithes, it hinders the work of the Lord, and then the Gospel is not preached. Christian Theology On Heaven And Hell | Christian.net I am traveling the country giving testimony. It wasnt an orderly progression, but Ive tried to lay it out in an orderly fashion here. In one of the earliest recorded experiences of hell, Sister Faustina, a Polish nun shares similar sentiments to the other individuals we have discussed. 9 TESTIMONIES on TITHING from HEAVEN & HELL visions For the sake of explanation, I knew three things firstI was in Hell, eternally, for unforgiveness. It wasnt even nearly as horrible and unfathomable as I had imagined. She opened the door and tried to get me out but I was in a seatbelt, Alec recalls. militarily, economically & also thru militant Heaven is bright and glorious; hell is dark and calamitous, which causes people to avoid preaching about it in churches. all! Testimonies of Heaven and Hell - Near Death Experiences The scene was just incredible, beyond anyones natural imagination! I Was in Heaven; My testimony (Joshua Munguti) - Christian Truth Center It takes the grace of God to remain a Christian. The idea of hell has been widely portrayed as much as heaven. AMEN! Impossible things are happening. He made a shocking recovery and went on to become a minister in the United Church of Christ. People in this place suffered a thousand times worse than others, because they knew the Word of the Lord and disobeyed. But after much prayer and thought, I went into the voting booth and held my nose, so to speak, and voted for him. But that is not true. 4 People Who Have Been To Heaven And Their Stories - Answers for Everyone An account of her Second Visit To Hell. moment that God is real-atheists and You are reading that text wrong. On a November morning in 1998, Bill Wiese, Author of 23 Minutes In Hell had an experience that would forever alter the course of his life. In his book titled I Believe in Visions, Reverend Hagin shares his experience with hell. The children saw angels, demons, heaven, hell, even when they were ignorant of the spiritual truths being revealed to them . The fire was so real it was like a million jumbo jets crashed into one place. 5 Aug 2015 Angelica Zambrano's 3rd Testimony of Heaven and Hell Angelica Zambrano's 3rd Testimony of Heaven and Hell. 1. What You Need to Know. 528 likes. Since this occurred, I am especially cautious in not allowing offense to take hold in my spirit again. It wont be strange walking in Heaven being unforgiven by God. Hell is where those who refuse God will find themselves. I asked Lord, why these houses are not yet completed? The Lord Jesus said My child, these houses belong to My children that are not generous giving tithe and offerings. If the Biblical way were carried out, thered be less division in the church. They put a stent in there.. Great Christian Heaven And Hell Testimonies - Loretta Blasingame With Sid Roth; Heaven. Jesus watched the Romans tossing dice for his garments and a few other unbelievers gathered at the foot of His Cross and said, Father forgive them for they do not know what they do. My duaghter totaled my suburban, it rolled three times. In front of me was like a veil, the gates of Hell, Alec recounts. I will use you to save others but you will die and go to hell. and now must pay their debt through suffering. I now know that, you are the Only Saviour of the world; the only One that can forgive my sins. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Mark Ellis is the founder of God Reports, a website devoted to promoting Christian missions by sharing stories and testimonies from missionaries and mission organizations. Heaven And Hell - Tracts. Everyone was in the same position, whilst there were weeping and wailing. Muslim Sees Jesus In His Dream | Jahir Israels Testimony, Proving there is a rapture of the church before tribulation Susan Davis. I thought Trump a buffoon, but even though I am a registered Democrat, I couldnt stomach Hilary, she is really demonic! At the young age of 15, Tamara Laroux attempted to take her own life. Im seeing revival in my own life. They were joined together in chains.. Only Jesus could because He owns Hell. Amen to that JohnGod bless you for those inspiring words. This one is like none I have ever had relayed to me. Laura Wanma - Testimony of Heaven and Hell. (Nehemiahs time). because of this enlightenment but then Christians, if you think Grace alone will save you, youre brainwashed by a false western theology. She survived her attempted suicide in what the doctors could only describe as a miracle and has spent the remainder of her life teaching people about the reality of hell. We have all heard of stories of people who have experienced heaven and lived to tell the tale. Then Lord impressed on his heart, I will do what I want to bring your healing. It is a very important topic that everyone should take seriously. 13 People Who Temporarily Died Explain What Heaven is Like - Ranker A wonderful and timely testimony timely for our times! It is the bride being made perfect, without spot or blemish. It does nothing to promote spiritual growth for a Christian to be allowed to hurt and trouble people in the church and nothing said or done about it. When he talks about the car accident and about the stent placement, I am a bit puzzled, medically this account doesnt quite add up. Whats the worse that could happen? Even though I wished it were not so, I knew that it was. By Benjamin Lahood . Wholly & Soley led by Jesus Christ. My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you will not sin. He proceeded to read the entire Bible in the 6 weeks following this experience. Christians, if you think Grace alone will save you, youre brainwashed by a false western theology. I was literally experiencing inside my body the truth I had read in the Bible. Trump, Clinton, Obama, Putin, they are all the same monster. The Bible says Hell is getting bigger to hold all the people who are coming (see Isa. 1. This interpretation and reconciliation of these Scriptures/teachings of Christ are confirmed by Matthew 5:23-24, in which Christ instructs us not to make offerings to the Lord God if we know that a fellow believer has a legitimate issue with us: we must seek to be reconciled with our fellow believer (brother) before we make our offerings (monetary, thanksgivings, praises, worship, and so forth) to Him. I should know.Im an EMT. She acquaints these to visions rather than near-death-encounters. Evangelists are willing to expose their hearts to let Gods truth and urgency shape us. In Hell, I knew and understood the Bible perfectly. There would be less gossip and trouble in churches if Jesus way of handling things was done. People go to Hell because they refuse to be in a relationship with God. Lived in Hell. Those who admit no guilt cant accept forgiveness. You are giving them a chance to get right with God! She acquaints these to visions rather than near-death-encounters.
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heaven and hell testimonies 2023