There is an increased chance of confusion in relations with siblings and neighbors. Neptune in the 3rd house will allow you to widen your perceptions be flexible. If you get too carried away or lost in the dream world, you can expect to be hauled back by some very personal inner confrontations. guard against getting too obsessed with new ideas, study them in slow and steady ways to avoid mental or emotional breakdowns, do all you can to be present as your thinking can drift to past mistakes, heartbreaks etc., and this can cause conflict in your current relationships. Dont forget to check out the house that Jupiter is in and the house that it rules (the one with Sagittarius on the cusp). The other is to let yourself be compassionate without becoming a sucker. If you have been betrayed, know they are people that wont betray you out there. September 2022 Can steal from you or act deceptively during this transit, or you can be the one who steals from others, which causes relationship breakdowns. Neptune Square Mars For most people, Neptune making any contact with the Mid-Heaven will activate the imagination. Youre more imaginative, idealistic, and charming. But relationships shouldnt take away your self-esteem, nor should you depend entirely on someone. Childrens creative achievement can bring joy at this time; alternatively, children may experience emotional or psychological difficulties during this transit that affect your day to day life. Neptune Transits in Aspect to Natal Uranus:Nobody born before 1992 will experience the conjunction, unless they live to be over 100. That weird diet where you just eat Yak excrement for a week may start sounding good to you. Neptune Transits Through Your Eighth House:Watch out for confusion in the areas of credit and partnership resources. Your living situation or a younger person may challenge your dreaminess. Also, if you use drugs, psychedelics or alcohol to reach a higher consciousness. If youre not where you want to be in life, this may cause feelings of depression. - Goal Setting, Diet Guide, Manifesting Love, The Great Work: Obtaining Inner Power and Virtue by Clayten TylorDiscover the happiness and delight of doing good by willing good.- Spiritual development, self improvement. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. The mind always wants to know, so if you find yourself thinking you know something for sure, know you typically only know one side. Then go to one yourself. August 2015 But you also are connected to the whole of humanity through the collective consciousness. November 2019 You may decide to change your career into a Neptune career such as charity worker, spiritual leader, mediation teacher, astrology, prison worker, psychologist or any other related profession. If you have been hiding your addictive behaviour from yourself. June 2015 This wont be pleasant, and all fun and games, you can go to some dark places, but the end results of your self-healing will be a more balanced mind. A Neptune transit increases their power. Still, in the worst-case scenario, any truth growth can be stunted due to you joining misleading groups or forming friendships based on false impressions. var d=new Date();var n=d.toLocaleDateString();var t=d.toLocaleTimeString();document.write(n + "
" + t); .path{fill:none;stroke:#333;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:1.5px;}. Some confusing elements may enter your life in terms of your children. See if you can do something to give that career a little more pizzazz or do some volunteer charity work on the side. Again its not about attributing fault. You might find yourself losing your resolve or determination to take care of business and get things accomplished. You can literally think you communicate words you have not, arguing with others that they not listening, but its because you are prone to having excessive conversations in your head, Take time out to meditate, enjoy nature, self-care, relax, try not to over-research, Fact check everything, especially all legally binding documents or anything else that will affect your life trajectory, Having to look after your family or friends emotional, physical or psychological needs can make you feel stressed and straine, You can experience intense higher consciousness and intellectual thoughts that widen your perception, Some of you may literally contact the ethereal realm, starting or deepening your connection to those in the spirit realm, Childhood, past life memories, family heritages such as religious, social status come under the spotlight, You may prefer to spend more time alone at home, Seeking traditional or alternative therapy to deal with negative thought and behaviour patterns once and for all, Holding occult /healing/psychic/ astrology or other meetings at home, helping others from your home, taking in animals etc, Redecorating your home, so it looks like, well, a hippy commune, nothing wrong with that, you may burn incense, buy crystals and other decorations associated with spiritual or psychic life goals, Some of you may spend more time away from home due to looking after a sick parent, a personal illness, Be careful when buying possessions related to the home or new property. Usually, this will do nothing more than cause an increase in daydreams (Im a surfing instructor on a tropical island, yeah). Neptune transiting this house can make you confused about your career, home life, sense of authority and your general public reputation. The lower astral realms are notorious for giving people misleading information. May 2017 What Is Resistance In The Spiritual Path? Your own inner psychology and vulnerabilities are open to you now, almost as if in a waking dream. January 2013 The problems and responsibilities of life may be seen in a new light, as part of a larger drama you are living (almost like a dream). Transit and Natal, How does the waning crescent affect us? It takes less alcohol to get drunk under these aspects, and reactions to drugs and medication are more likely when Neptune hits. Well, who doesnt daydream about a better job? And what would any of us be without a dream? All rights reserved. But without the ideals of Neptune, what would there be to strive for? Because Neptune can make us think in illusionary ways and distort your perceptions. Even if you have worked with them in the past, their actions could still be deceptive at this time. Neptune Transits Through Your Sixth House:The areas affected here are work (your day-to-day work, not your career), co-workers, the service you provide to others, and the services they provide to you. If you are a fiction writer, especially ascreenwriter, this transit can be a good thing. Diseases that come from the subconscious can arise and manifest themselves physically, helping you now to be more compassionate with people in need or who have psychological problems. so you can keep track of the transit planets like Neptune every month! Even here though, you may be able to come up with answers without knowing how you got them. Keep an open mind if you are single with all new connections; observe behaviours as words are easy to fake. Under the influence of Neptune, we tend to see what we want to see instead of what is really there. A time of inspiration and creativity, especially if you like to write or speak -- communication of all kinds. Take that course in literature or painting. When transit Neptune is in your 1st house, youre more sensitive to your surroundings, emotionally, spiritually, intuitively, and physically. Not to limit your pain, as thats real, but you can overcome it if you take small steps, day to day, to slowly stop your compulsions. On the other hand, if Neptune forms difficult aspects, it could provoke a very unrealistic attitude toward your profession and what it takes to succeed. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. When Neptune leaves here, it goes into your first house and you will get a whole new bunch of illusions. Whatever it takes, this transit wants you to find a way to gain inner peace and an overall feeling of emotional and psychological stability. l, UFO invasions etc. February 2022 As you both get deeper into your addiction, you may become unable to take care of day to day matters like turning up to work or paying bills. Neptune transiting your6th Housecan also make you interested in strange, unproved healing methods. Awareness can be a valuable tool; our mistakes and dark nights of the soul, our low points, depression, and anxieties can teach us a lot about ourselves. Moon Transiting Libra: How does Moon in Libra affect me? Send them to another professional. You could also search for deeper meanings in life and become more empathetic towards yourself and others. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. In general, take care not to get obsessed (Pluto) with your dreams and fantasies (Neptune). You can have issues with anyone who has authority over you in your life, or others may question your control over them. Neptune Opposite Neptune December 2013 The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. It is possible that find yourself in a position of servitude. It is easy for you to find the proper motivation to fulfill your ideals or make your dreams into reality. Intuitive insights can help you with career problems at this time, You may have to pay for past or current deception during this transit, This can cause humiliation and loss of career in the worse case, Avoid using underhand tactics to get ahead, Old enemies can resurface, and new ones can be created, wishing to stunt your progress; this can be people, addictions or any other habit that restricts your highest potential, If you have positive aspects to transit Neptune or Neptune in your natal chart, you could make good investments right now. An out of body or some other experience may change this view, and it can be frightening at first. September 2012 Your email address will not be published. Could also be a time when you are a fuzzy thinker about practical decisions. March 2012 Astrology Symbols, Elements, Modalities, & House Types. Of course, they are other truths like a leopard may never change its spots, but thats a lie; its just hard for it to do so- meaning people cannot change. There is an inclination to evade responsibilities at work. You may seek higher meanings in life or some kind of psychological relief. It could lead you astray and confuse your perspective of the world. You tend to be less practical than you are idealistic, dreamy, and sensitive. When Neptune transits your fourth house, there is an intense stimulation of subconscious memories, caused by an enormous emotional sensitivity and even melancholy. You can get into the wrong crowd who take or sell drugs sex, important for parents to watch out for warning signs during this transit. February 2023 Neptune transits your natal Venus | Neptune transits your 7th house ruler When Neptune aspects your natal Venus or the ruler of the 7th house, your sensitivity and compassion towards others increases. Some confusion on the job may be part of the picture, or your job may steer towards compassionate service, charity, or other helping professions. August 2020 See-through your ego and know it is not the real you; use it instead to protect yourself from harm and encourage others to express themselves authentically. Negatively you can be too in tune with other peoples problems, causing psychosomatic other hard-to-diagnose illnesses. Neptune Square: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Midheaven, Ascendant. Keep the posts forevs . Yet the bad feelings they cause often get bigger and bigger until they consume us. Only bet what you can afford to lose, and dont forget to have fun while doing it. I know we all want to love our kids and give them the best but letting them think they are right when they are wrong creates the monster we often complain about in adulthood. Neptune transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. This was one of the transits hitting me when I became a full time astrologer. Negatively, other people can project their own image of who they think you are onto you, and you may try to live up to their expectations. : In Astrology, Mercury Transits through the houses astrology meaning, Jupiter Transits the Houses : What Happens Full guide, Saturn Transiting the Houses Transit Saturn In astrology, Uranus Transits in Astrology : Uranus transits through the houses, Neptune Transits : Through the Houses in Astrology, Pluto Transits Through the Houses In Astrology, natal sun in sagittarius through the houses, Planets Retrograde in the Signs and Houses, Natal Venus Retrograde through the houses : Moving forward, Natal Venus in Retrograde : in depth explanation all signs, Click here to read more about transiting Neptune here, More about transiting Neptune in the 1st house, More about transiting Neptune in the 2nd house, More about transiting Neptune in the 3rd house, More about transiting Neptune in the 4th house, More about transiting Neptune in the 5th house, More about transiting Neptune in the 6th house, More about transiting Neptune in the 7th house, More about transiting Neptune in the 8th house, More about transiting Neptune in the 9th house, More about transiting Neptune in the 10th house, More about transiting Neptune in the 11th house, More about transiting Neptune in the 12th house, Neptune transits tend to bring subtle changes unless they happening or aspecting planets in the 1. You have to try to communicate very clearly. Which we have built up over our souls lifetimes. Neptune transiting the 2nd house is a time where you should focus on releasing the beliefs your parents, friends and society programmed you with and taking time to question what it is you really value. What Is A Waxing Crescent Moon? Be careful, also, when starting things. France. As the transit progresses, and certainly by the time it is over, we should have a more refined understanding in the affected areas of our lives. Don Quixote must have had several of these when he went mad. The best use of this transit can be working with others or giving something back to your local community. You may neglect yourself or care less about how you look, have poor hygiene, which can upset your family, friends and co-workers, On the plus side, you can use your gut feelings- intuition, creativity to solve any obstacles that happen during this time, especially career ones, You may receive praise or a promotion at work due to your ingenious-alternative ideas to solve workplace issues, At worst, your intoxicating substances abuse, daydreaming, confused and impractical thinking can affect your productivity at work, that at worse can lead to you losing your job, If you are going through emotional problems, get help, there is a tendency you could turn to drugs or alcohol to soothe your anxieties and ease your depression. When Neptune transits your Venus, your love life is affected. Its also essential you resist overindulging in fatty foods, alcohol and drugs at this time as these can cause health problems during or after this transit. This could also mean that one of your parents may have difficulties that affect your well-being or sense of security. Be extra careful in any and all business dealings now. Transiting Neptune through Fourth House. Take great care not to let this one run away with you. There is a fakeness, changing your behaviours and thoughts to get what you want, vibe about this transit. Leading you to be involved in weird relationships that you would have avoided if you were thinking straight. A dream world where ideals are real and reality is as we always dreamed it would be. You may also have to take care of someone close to you who is sick, probably someone you live with. Neptune Conjunct Uranus Neptune Conjunct Sun During this cycle, you learn to rely on your intuition. but it doesnt give you the ability to do the job. Even if you feel an enormous void within yourself and feel pessimistic about life and your place in it. So is your artistic sense. Neptune tends to cause confusion wherever it goes. Moon Transit Taurus : Transiting Moon in Taurus, Moon Transit Gemini : Transiting Moon in Gemini, Moon Transit Cancer : Transiting Cancer Moon. Neptune Square Mercury It may be difficult to concentrate on your duties during this time of psychological sensitivity. Also, your creative imagination will be strongly stimulated, especially in relation to work, with art, music, entertainment, photography, psychology, spiritual healing, hospitals, institutions, etc. It is not so good for when your driving, operating machinery etc.. Do not gamble more than you can afford, especially in stock market investments. Neptune Trine Saturn Neptune Conjunct Jupiter Strange religious cults may seem more attractive to you now. They could be childcare issues due to unexpected illness or behaviour concerns with any children you take care of or who lives youre involved in at this time. Sure, some are true, but most are elaborated. Your overall perspective on life is expanding, and you are more willing to embrace unusual, mystical, or spiritual philosophies. February 2020 - Start your own Skin-Care Business. You may be unrealistic, taken with dreams, psychic matters, and the like. The workings of a transit of Neptune are more subtle, however it triggers a similar desire to be freer from the daily grind in order to pursue other interests and activities. Or if you already have music, images paintings, written work or anything else artistic, that you have not yet shared with the world, now is the time to do so. August 2018 An urge may exist to be more devoted to high ideals and to making your dreams real. July 2015 So yes, make changes to bring more income into your life and increase your material security. A transit of Neptune through H7 creates a tendency for a person to lose himself in a commitment to another. It can also work the other way around, in which you become the savior. It is not a time when you are at your most practical; you lose yourself in home and family. April 2019 Ambiguities surrounding close partnerships are felt during this cycle. Its vital if children are misbehaving, you tell them so and punish them reasonably. Lending others money may be a lesson in frustration now. You may start an introspection practice, start depth- Jungian therapy or some other occult or psychological therapy or practice. Watch out. Ten affections of love as One." Of course, you may have to sew name tags to all your clothing to remind yourself who you are. No, its not that bad. It is common for Neptune's influence to be a confusing one in the first portion of the transit. this is a time to perfect your craft without being a perfectionist about it, the paradoxes of life, hey. You are able to handle difficulties more easily, seeing them as part of a larger story. Neptune clouding your vision of where it is you are headed in life can cause some inner restlessness and confusion. When transit Neptune is in your 7th house, you can struggle with your committed relationships and partners. What happens in the last quarter moon transit? It is very important to stay alert and with a very clear mind because there may be losses caused by speculation and gambling. 3. The process may be long, and how this transit works out for you.
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