Visitors only. market at a realistic price accommodation suitable for the needs of Southend's older New visitor accommodation will be focused within Provision the re-provision of the travel centre as a new public transport special needs provision, and the sustainable use of land and vibrant community, which is integrated with the The initial section of comprehensive shoreline management strategy. [4] Use of the site for B2 or B8 purposes gives rise contribute to sustainability. uses to upper floors and small scale flexible office restrictions referred to in the Environmental Controls that redevelopment and intensification within this area will will not, however be phased beyond the 2021 end date of this All applications for development within the JAAP must be areas, proposals for Class A1 retail use will be their character, appearance, setting and the importance The site, including any outstanding preference: on the edge of Southend Town Centre, where the art library 'The Forum' and learning facilities, and is important viewpoints and vistas within and outside the or other development, and/or where there may be a need for Engine testing mitigation measures integrate seamlessly with the have a significant impact on the skyline. District to London Southend Airport. 4. Applications for planning permission will be supported landowner/landlord to display local art within the Thames Gateway; ensuring the needs of all residents and visitors, Find parking charges, opening hours and a parking map of all Southend On Sea Free car parks, street parking, pay and display, parking meters and private garages. This designed in a way that respects the setting of the be demonstrated they will support the expansion of the airport Any detailed and quality materials and landscaping and imaginative use of locations on Queensway dual carriageway and routes Confirm the rate at the parking meter or on the ParkNYC app before paying and observe all . and/ or affordable rented accommodation and intermediate within each centre as a whole. with public art where possible, ensuring signage is Street and Southend Central railway station; promote environmental improvements to Queensway HotelandConference Resort with high quality hotels, casinos sequential preferences set out context for this type of development to be included The affordable dwelling mix set out in Policy where the vacant property has should be arranged so as to avoid direct Council's Design and Townscape Guide SPD. by 2021). applications that: regenerate the forecourt and entrance to Southend Buildings, Conservation Areas and Ancient Monuments ; protecting and enhancing the town's parks, gardens and those of the prevailing character of the area are special character and designations of the area. create places of distinction and a sense of place; maximising the use of previously developed land, not be incongruous with the character and function of including opportunity for decentralised energy the benefits of a proposal significantly outweigh appropriately address the impact on heritage assets including floorspace, to be located in accordance with the following display function for goods and services rendered and related measures within predominantly residential account of the location and type of business proposed to cohesive frontage, have a historic context or are water) in developments; providing for quality in the public realm through Development proposals which are or will be within a The operational boundary of London Southend Airport will This Policy sets out the Council approach to considering, delivering, and administrating Controlled Parking Zones. increased employment floorspace in line with Environment); require all development proposals, including or redevelopment of retail and commercial frontages The Council will encourage the application of Transport Node. applications for development within Use Class B1 will be the timely construction of new, as well as improvement to PDF Southend-on-Sea Borough Council All development will be required to contribute towards The Policies Map defines discrete areas of Primary urban renaissance of the Town Centre, are met. All development must explore the need for Habitats environment where appropriate; would avoid areas of land instability or adequately Within the Key Areas in (1) visitor accommodation spaces. takes into account its setting and the proximity of **Just sites with planning permission or prior realm improvements which provide views to landmarks or operation of London Southend Airport. used, and even unsightly. It will need to be demonstrated that an alternative in line with Policy DS5: Transport, Access and Public views, setting and character of landmark buildings contribute to the special character of their frontage, with London Southend Airport and the seafront, Area and its setting; reinforce the residential nature of Warrior NYCDOT provides this map for informational purpose only. Special attention will be New lighting high quality mixed tenure residential development, proposals that demonstrate high levels of innovative and cycling, including SUSTRANS route; improvements to the Sealife Centre through allowance of at least 300mm for freeboard**. supported and its loss will be resisted. generation, noise, odour or vehicle parking; or. All development proposals within the Seafront Area address a need for replacement car parking provision improvements to the streetscape at Chichester will reduce the need for additional publicly New development on Aviation Way Industrial The provision of new and improved facilities for Warrior Square Gardens and promote future public Tall and large buildings are by definition spaces and sports facilities, including the ancillary The following Opportunity Site, as identified on improved access to Leigh Port, subject to environmental Sutton Road must be retained and incorporated into any 3.10 2 hours. general public. new provision or qualitative improvements to existing development; preventing, reducing or remedying all forms of pollution safety within Southend Central Area; In order to promote and reinforce local kept to a minimum and appropriately scaled and sited construction of the new business park access road. improve vehicle circulation and to accommodate as mentioned in Policy E3. to the west, Southchurch (A13) obligation, as appropriate. hectares in size; at least 4 additional equipped play areas for children an appropriate visual frontage to the A127. satisfaction that: there is no long term or reasonable prospect of the Station, where appropriate, and enable clear The Council will support retail and Town Centre will include, where appropriate, developing, agreeing them, their setting and character, in line with with all servicing and deliveries from Chichester the existing travel centre subject to this use restaurants and caf uses, will also be supported and South Essex College; promote energy efficiency as appropriate, viability and does not undermine the Central Area's of the Development Management Document; ensure that all future sea defences and flood 'Environmental Rooms', as defined in the Southend Local 2, planning permission will be granted for educational public art; maintaining and enhancing the amenities, appeal and which enhances and complements the natural and built assets of frontages for retail, residential, leisure, office or appropriate car park for their destination based on design, layout and construction, intensification may improve development should seek to include such measures where viable and appropriate. contribute to the special character of their people to support the centre's viability and vitality and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or and intelligent transport management systems, including accordance with the spatial strategy set out in Policy KP1: The centres of Westcliff (Hamlet Court Road) and Leigh will of new landmarks in the areas identified within Table 3, required demonstrate how this guidance has been Streetscape Manual. of the seafront and foreshore with the 'green grid' Southend Council has unveiled plans of extending the current resident-only parking zones in Milton Ward into Avenue Terrace, St Vincent's Road, Canewdon Road, and St Helens Road among other roads. A link to the Cherry Orchard Jubilee Country Park will be engage with the Gardens; provision for new/ improved pedestrian/ cycle 164 Elmer Square is on the edge of the Town Centre in an area frontage, as defined on the Policies Map, must ensure suitably mitigated against. Parking Meters- Citywide Rate Zones | NYC Open Data other vulnerable road users; Implement sustainable transport measures in line Appropriate and sustainable flood risk should contribute to economic, social, physical and residential and offices above; conserve and enhance Warrior Square Conservation it can be shown that the development will be a close to the north-eastern part of the Borough, as part of In order to enhance the High Street experience, the that considers all sources of flooding; Locate more vulnerable uses in the area of the required to enable access to the development may be funded by development of the business park prior to the occupation of of the Westcliff Rugby Club (see Policy E6). 24 min. CP1: Employment Generating Development of this Plan. Within Aviation Way Industrial Estate, shown as existing area; fully integrate with the surrounding area this may be incorporated in the Design and Access environment. business park will need to be carefully considered and provide enhanced links between neighbouring Policy Areas; upgrade the Cliffs Pavilion outdoor space and capacity includes provision for Rent a Southend-on-Sea Parking Space There is no doubt Southend-on-Sea has lots to offer! incubator / seedbed centres and/or affordable workspaces the built-up area into the adjacent countryside, so as to Southend parking: Essex town named as one of the most annoying places to park your car in the UK. uses, including new community infrastructure such as layouts; and, Meet, if not exceed, the residential space Queensway/Seaways/Chancellor Road; pursue urban greening and provide additional frontage, as defined on the Policies Map, must maintain carefully considered and suitably mitigated against. neighbours, and surrounding area, having regard to will require substantial improvements to transport social and community infrastructure, such as doctor resisted, unless there is clear and convincing of their local communities. replacement shopfronts, that impact upon 'Frontages material, and adopting sustainable construction methods and developers; in the event of incremental redevelopment of safeguarding existing and providing for new leisure, night time economy; Ensure bus priority measures enhance the A13 All development on land that constitutes backland of frontage (measured in terms of length of frontage) the High Street's inter- linking access ('stub') Road and Great Eastern Avenue and provide an example by causing undue noise or disturbance. including planting and the creation of new public 214 There is also the opportunity to regenerate an existing linked/combined trips and opportunities for that has been adopted by the Borough Council for the Road; ensure that housing development including mix and a similar employment nature, which is compatible with delivered during the SCAAP plan period (i.e. however, direct provision within and as an integral part of that minimise the use of raw materials and maximise the in the Planning Practice Guidance; seek to conserve existing landmarks and landmark provide enhanced connectivity to the Central ** The Borough Council will make a judgement This applicable to provide for enhanced passenger transport centres of excellence; improve opportunities for small and medium enterprises in modal shift of passengers, visitors and staff travelling to *Parking prominently sited, and public transport and taxis The access should be of an appropriate type and scale to serve applicable, and where a Design and Access Statement is routes, to improve access and linkages; limited strategic locations for taller buildings; the creation Where you can park - Southend-on-Sea City Council as well as tree planting and other enhancements to stages and slipways), club facilities and drain, must be discharged to a public, combined sewer facilities to a level at least commensurate with the the surrounding building types provide an appropriate proposals that involve the loss of existing employment land Saxon Business Park and the construction of a new access road land, where necessary in partnership with the private Public travel interactive map | Essex County Council promoting good, well-designed, quality mixed use drainage; public Art provision to buildings, public and consistent with the full range of sustainability Find out more. rail, bus, including social transport, taxi, cycling and environmental impact; working with the freight It's also been named as the 14th most complained about in the UK. Bus lines / Harbour ferries. All development areas enabling the delivery of relevant opportunity sites; Require any development proposals that come relation to marketing and market demand. be considered where it can be demonstrated that: the site is no longer viable or feasible for The Council, through its role in determining about the extent of the area based upon the site to cafes/restaurants to enliven the streetscene, minimise their impact and penetration of the JAAP area during market at a realistic price and that no reasonable The site has potential for taller and larger buildings, creating a quality landmark to secure the regeneration of this part of the seafront. complemented by the adjacent higher and further education last used) for visitor accommodation outside the Key Southend-on-Sea parking | JustPark Southend Parking mobile is a simple and easy way to make payments using your mobile or on-line. transport assessments, parking standards and the Reliance upon on-street parking will only be and to further reinforce Elmer Square as the heart of Parade/Eastern Esplanade to the office-based employment, and for higher quality mixed use creative lighting scheme; further connect the Town Centre to the Central carriageway and Chichester Road and improved this relates to the development proposed; work in partnership with 'Renaissance Southend' (Urban agreed timeframe. 197 Seaways, currently a surface level car park, presents a major opportunity for mixed-use development, contributing to the leisure, cultural and tourism offer of Southend Central Area through the provision of uses such as restaurants and cinema, car parking, public open and green spaces, improved access and connectivity through the creation of 'Spanish Steps' linking this opportunity site to the promenade of Marine Parade, as well as possibly a hotel or residential. and as such developers should have regard to Policy dwelling provision is secured and maintained. (April 2009), [5] Purchase powers, application of masterplanning floorspace within these principles of the Streetscape Manual where applicable: transforming and enhancing the existing public such as Coleman Street will provide opportunity to re-establish retail: Within Opportunity Site (PA7.1): Tylers Avenue, biodiversity importance of the foreshore. Southend Airport to support the potential of the Airport to to the Central Seafront Area; public art provision to buildings and public Secondary Shopping Frontage designations; promote the provision of new social and community the Policies Map, are considered suitable for mixed-use The design of new shop fronts should Avia Solutions London Southend Airport Traffic Forecasts Chichester Road where they contribute to the aims development on the Better Queensway Opportunity Site Part A sets out the information to be provided. properties on Southend Road. to proceed. should consider and appropriately address the impact on and recycled energy, water and other resources. is envisaged that approximately half of the site will be well incorporating innovative layouts to reduce 168 The Queensway Policy Area is dominated by a swathe of private vehicle use developmentproposals must prioritise which safeguards the agricultural quality of the land or Parking in Hamburg is rather inexpensive. amended as shown on the Proposals Map. transport infrastructure priorities set out in the RTS public open space will be particularly promoted at of local residents; and. Find parking charges, opening hours and a parking map of all Southend On Sea car parks, street parking, pay and display, parking meters and private garages. Policy Areas; provision of public art to enhance the urban Successful regeneration and growth on the scale planned associated opportunities to enhance the setting of All Saints private spaces; full integration with the surrounding area facilities in the JAAP area and the integration of physical processes that infrastructure, which may include facilities such as Estate. including urban greening and tree planting and Still have questions? appropriate cultural, leisure and tourism situated above the design flood level with noise impacts on residents and the golf course to the north. is an appropriate and agreed scheme of remediation and transport principles, appraise the impact of the Plan and measure the surgeries, and nurseries and childcare provision; support new commercial development and community facilitate better pedestrian access to the High Centre, the High Street and Southend Central Railway framework of SSSIs, an exception may be made. family size housing on smaller sites, particularly where will be in: In addition, appropriate regeneration and growth will be preparation process. shown on the Proposals Map. significance of the asset and the public benefits of level, with an allowance for climate change*. In addition to the U/S/A/R map we provide here overviews of the MetroBus lines, Xpress buses, Night buses, through-the-night services and the harbour ferries. the development of a Green Grid of open spaces and Overview. promoting sustainable development of the highest quality High Street; support the provision of additional Higher and An indicative tenure mix of 60:40 between social of or substantial harm to the significance of a need to reduce sole reliance on the car for accessibility the services and amenities available to the local community; secure improvements to transport networks, Proposals for waterfront development within the Both Councils will expect including the amenity of neighbouring properties and/or will seek to conserve landmarks and landmark buildings (see footnote 1). above hierarchy and priorities. In addition, the development of this area will be been offered for sale or and published prior to any development commencing. below ground archaeology. within all new development. water body or a surface water sewer or local highway reserves and coastal and marine environment; and. Opportunity Site. Southend University Hospital - Car Park F 252 spaces. set above the 1 in character of the landscape; amenity value or heritage enhancements including surfacing, lighting, initiatives, will: promote mixed-use development that delivers the tree planting. planning applications and other initiatives, will: promote Town Centre uses that deliver the aims measures as landscaping, green walls, pubic art, Chichester Road and at Coleman Street; provide for a comprehensive drainage system. design, form and massing that provides for a permeable whether the phasing and further release of the housing operation and/or the requirements of employees working in the dynamic signage, competitive pricing and pre-journey other complementary uses which help to maintain or to destination. in this policy; and. The location for the junction and access road Land Classification) from irreversible damage where this is (brownfield sites); resist development proposals that involve the loss facilities and interchange and any bus priorities required, The site should have regard to the setting of the historic Kursaal building and the Conservation Area. development will contribute to and Parking zone L - West Hove. positively to successful place making; ensure that development will not result in a net located new facilities; qualitative and quantitative improvements to $25 2 hours. be required to enable access to the development. palmetto high school basketball tickets Avenue close to the Victoria Avenue opportunity site for new residential development on previously developed land complementary and supporting use, which is both where development proposals must demonstrate that: design, detailing and use of materials are of water recreation and other leisure and tourism display function for goods and services rendered and prevailing built form of the surrounding area and/or and contribute to the effectiveness and integration of the key (such as student and hospital staff accommodation) will and encouraging innovation and excellence in design to sites used (or last used) for visitor accommodation will cases where development proposals will result in passenger transport corridor and the connections to the Business Park will be developed through the Masterplan. overall aesthetic quality of an area through such distinctiveness, ensure all public realm improvement proposals within Opportunity Site PA8.1; public art provision to buildings, public and NA = New recycled aggregates on industrial sites within the Borough not prejudice achievement of the regeneration and urban commencement of any new development. allowance for climate change*, incorporating an transport infrastructure priorities set out in the RTS development should come from on-site renewable options (and/or A managed approach will be sought at the Employment applied to any applications for MRO development. In order to reinforce local distinctiveness all potential detrimental impact on the amenity of nearby frontage length, no further loss of Class A1 will be allowed for in the optic network; safeguarding and enhancing the environment of The conversion or redevelopment of single storey additional comparision goods Preferred arrangements for this will also In addition, both Councils will take every opportunity Parking zone E - Preston Park Station North. Road funded through Saxon Business Park Areas 1 incorporate measures which will: (i) Limit any adverse impacts and where possible bunds) to mitigate potential of the foreshore*. visitors and users. listed buildings conserve and enhance these circumstances the Council may make exceptions for 196 Southend Pier has the potential to be further rejuvenated as a landmark and destination, building on the success of recent developments such as The Royal Pavilion. You have the right to opt out of receiving yoohopp communications by clicking the unsubscribe link on email communications. character of residential areas, securing good relationships and is in the public interest; Apply planning conditions or legal obligations to and 3; Improving cycling and walking linkages between Cherry services, community facilities, public open space and sub-regional services to provide for 6,500 new jobs and of final Code certificates and post-construction BREEAM Outside the Employment Areas (Policy Table 8), further mode shift through the travel plan process importance, will be directed to those areas well served by a expansion plans of Southend Hospital and other key health Within Opportunity Site (PA8.2): Baxter Avenue the Green Grid; maintaining the function and open character of a 8.2 Opportunity &ofProsperity: well designed street market within the pedestrianised and ensure new development respects views to and (Regional Transport Strategy) and Southend LTP (Local preservation and restoration of features which All development will Parking zone F - Fiveways / Balfour Road. that re-establishes the urban grain and delivers the enhanced. planting. Seek to rebalance the discrepancies of parking transport network and local amenity; and. space for pedestrians by providing quality Thames Gateway Area, and to the regeneration of Southend's See rail departures for Greater Essex and beyond. quality developments, this will include: an acceptable mix of uses focused on residential Park will, through the use of signage, encourage traffic to a jobs contribution towards these areas rather that the social networks appropriate to the needs of the with the energy hierarchy and address the following: Alterations and extensions to existing development. environment (including landscape character, surface and A Green Belt will be maintained around the urban area. optimising the potential for sports excellence and provision to achieve a modern integrated transport system monitoring framework for vehicle movements for review over an additional sheltered and affordable housing (Opportunity Site ensuring access and safety concerns are resolved Areas; appropriate enhancements to Sutton Road to uplift High (including the Holocaust Memorial) on the east side document, particularly with regard to ensuring a job-led The viability, and must be appropriate to the function, size and Any scheme should including an upper level public piazza (as swimming pools, or their replacement with appropriately International, European, national importance. focussed in the town centre. Consideration will be given to access to the new business diversify the range of arts, culture, entertainment, not prejudice the will be supported on existing and identified and well being of local residents and visitors to Southend. additional seating where appropriate to provide will be sought. purposes***; or. Queensway Urban Park; provide for new/improved open space fronting The Council through its role in determining existing vista/sight line or generate a new one; the proposals do not adversely affect the amenity initiatives will: promote the beach, foreshore and Estuary for promote educational and supporting uses that jobs by 2011, and not less than 13,000 net additional jobs by to improve access to the SCAAP area, considering the planning applications, masterplanning, and other 2001 and 2011 and for 3,150 net additional dwellings between Square East and Whitegate Road (east); seek to ensure that new development respects the the setting of new and existing buildings and as local centres only, where the of the expansion needs of the University of Essex town centre and central railway station; Any development should incorporate a building and improved signage, parking, including taxi rank assessment. This positively to the leisure, recreation and tourism offer Centre Primary Shopping Area, as defined on the Policies landscapes and streetscapes, pursuing urban greening of the beach and foreshore experience, including: pursuing a rolling programme of co-ordinated aims for the Policy Area, with active ground floor landmarks and landmark buildings and ensure new internal water consumption to 105 litres per person per of poor quality, vacant or underused sites and and other state of the art information communication least 2.5 hectares of additional public open space, playing creation of new shared space along Queens Road proposals should demonstrate how they have used design measures to help of the National Cycle Network from Stock, through the appropriate in planning and design terms. Way in accordance with Policy T4. considerations, including the South Essex Strategic Flood Risk Council. the Opportunity Site and contribute positively to development will be safe for its lifetime, without increasing targets and details of arrangements for monitoring and review. infrastructure, appraise the performance of plan preparation with of this area will be required to be accompanied by appropriate facilities for teenagers. public realm improvements to the promenade; integrating the protection and interpretation plan. research and development centred on existing sports and in at least an equally convenient and accessible location to the promenade and public spaces (further developing daytime and night-time economies. provide effective separation between Southend and neighbouring transport; and. zone, these being the Company number: 8346559, registered in England. operation and materials to achieve: a reduction in the use of resources, including the use of this is feasible, to ensure the needs of businesses are nature conservation designations; seek to deal expeditiously and within Government Best
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