Consenting to noncoercive sex: College students' experiences of unwanted consensual sexual interactions in committed dating relationships. . (2003). Economic Duress in Contract Law: Overview & Cases | What is Economic Duress? The police can collect evidence like blood and hair samples without permission. Correlates of perceived coercion during psychiatric hospital admission: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 20(4) Fal 1997, 445-458. Estupinan-Kane, L. A. In addition to the threat of or limited use of force (or both), coercion may entail economic sanctions, Newsom is asking the state legislature to place the proposals, combined in one proposition, on the 2024 ballot. Patients' perceptions of coercion on admission to forensic psychiatric hospital: A comparison study: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 26(4) Jul-Aug 2003, 355-372. Wagstaff, G. F., Green, K., & Somers, E. (1997). Olofsson, B., Jacobsson, L., Gilje, F., & Norberg, A. Forced Copulation in the Animal Kingdom. Gossen, D. (2007). The Involvement in Sexual Coercive Behaviors of Spanish College Men: Prevalence and Risk Factors: Journal of Interpersonal Violence Vol 20(7) Jul 2005, 872-891. Verkerk, M. A., Polstra, L., & de Jonge, M. (2003). Experts believe this is due to the attempts to suppress social unrest that was occurring at that time, as well as due to the success of large non-violent resistance movements. Gavin Newsom (D) has pushed will stigmatize people with certain mental illnesses and fail to provide enough protection for them from being drawn into the proposed process. (1995). Coercion is a term in law that refers to the physical or psychological intimidation one endures while being forced to do something they do not want to do. Kress, K. (2006). (1994). Basile, K. (1999). (1999). Surgenor, L. J. Pollard, J. M. (2007). Psychological abuse is not well explained, typically mentioned in brief, and is not highlighted as being key to breaking down victims survival responses in order to Intimidation, coercion and resistance in the final stages of the South Asian Smallpox Eradication Campaign, 1973-1975: Social Science & Medicine Vol 41(5) Sep 1995, 633-645. Perceived coercion and need for hospitalization related to psychiatric admission: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 28(4) Jul-Aug 2005, 342-347. This led philosophers and experts to think more deeply about what exactly was being done, which led to the legal definition of coercion as it is known today. While Thucydides recounted how the Athenians infamously carried out this threat, the attempt at coercion failed because it did not get the Melians to modify their behaviour, short of their total defeat and destruction. Differences in perceived coercion at admission to psychiatric hospitals in the Nordic countries: Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Vol 41(3) Mar 2006, 241-247. Relations between coercive strategies and MMPI-2 scale elevations among women survivors of childhood sexual abuse: Journal of Traumatic Stress Vol 13(1) Jan 2000, 169-177. Dickens, T. (2006). Weve detailed the behaviors that hazing often utilizes, including alcohol abuse, harassment, and violence. A., Akin Jimoh, I. O., & Akintola, O.
Police Coercion Coercion in health care: Tijdschrift voor Psychiatrie Vol 45(9) 2003, 539-548. Reid, J. Indeed, the ethical value of (negative) freedom is grounded on the idea that conscience cannot be coerced, and is thus the ultimate standard of morality. Attachment dimensions as predictors of vulnerability to sexual coercion. Hougen, R. K. (1996). By contrast, it is argued that unspecific coercion brought about by the rule of law does not in itself hinder adaptation in any important way, because it is as uniform and predictable as the constraints following from natural laws. The use of (physical) ideological coercion was however theorised by some Fascist philosophers, like Giovanni Gentile. Injunction Examples & Types | What is an Injunction in Law? Tham, S. E. (2001). Traxler, M. J., Pickering, M. J., & McElree, B. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Marston, C. (2005). Religious coercion is a subset of predatory coercion, in which the selfish entity is a supernatural one. (2003). Tedeschi, J. T., & Felston, R. B. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. The Psychology of Entrapment. (2000). A. Szasz, T. (2004). Sidman, M. (1993). The threat typically manifests as a promise by the entity to respond to incorrect behavior with damnation--eternal discomfort. Alcohol consumption and expectancies among sexually coercive college men: Journal of Interpersonal Violence Vol 17(11) Nov 2002, 1145-1159. The threat of further harm may then lead to the cooperation or obedience of the person being coerced. Coercion in the Therapeutic Community: Therapeutic Communities: International Journal for Therapeutic and Supportive Organizations Vol 27(2) Sum 2006, 249-263. 3. Mistake of Fact Overview & Examples | What is a Mistake of Fact? Oberlander, L. B., & Goldstein, N. E. (2001). (1998). Wertheimer, A. It hence follows that from an ethical point of view coercion cannot even be regarded as a lesser evil: since it cannot produce conscientious behaviour, it can never bring about the fulfilment of any ethical value. Social Judgment Theory Background & Examples | What is Social Judgment Theory? Psychological coercion is an intentional pattern of behavior (often used alongside other forms of abuse) which can include threats, excessive regulation, Snyder, S., & Mitchell, D. (2003). Kivivuori, J. When push comes to shove: Aggressive community treatment and the law. Comparisons of Sexual Assault Among Older and Younger Women: Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect Vol 17(3) 2005, 1-18. Sexual coercion and forced in-pair copulation as anti-cuckoldry tactics in humans. Traxler, M. J., McElree, B., Williams, R. S., & Pickering, M. J. The prevalence of extralegal deprivation of liberty in a psychiatric hospital population: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 25(1) Jan-Feb 2002, 29-36. Understanding coercive control or psychological abuse is the first step toward protecting yourself while dating. Psychological Impact Sexual coercion can encompass a broad range of nonconsensual tactics (e.g., verbal pressure, substance use, physical force). : Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Vol 26(4) 1998, 631-637. City officials estimate that several hundred people in San Diego County may be eligible for the program. Not all examples of manipulation are cut and dry. Response to sexual coercion: A comparison of traditional and non-traditional females. Kennedy observed, Even for those students who object to the religious exercise, their attendance and participation in the state-sponsored religious activity are in a fair and real sense obligatory, though the school district does not require attendance as a condition for receipt of the diploma.. Gavey, N. (1993). Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Swartz, M. S., Swanson, J. W., & Hannon, M. J. Ginsburg, S. A., & Cohn, L. S. (2007). Learn the differences between these four behaviors and how intention plays a role in which behavior a person chooses to use. Many victims want to get out of their situation so they risk everything to leave the place that sees them mired in poverty. : Psychology, Crime & Law Vol 10(3) Sep 2004, 259-269. de Dreu, C. K. W. (1995). This is not to be confused with extortion, which is when someone obtains something (usually money or property) by the threat of force. We have all seen television programs that show police interrogating someone, but is that fact or fiction? If physical force was used, charges are often enhanced. Christianity's early persecution by Rome had in fact political rather than strictly religious objectives. Smallbone, S. W., & Dadds, M. R. (2000). Snyder, J., & Stoolmiller, M. (2002). Lovell, A. M. (1996). (2004). Coaxing and coercion in roadblock encounters on Nigerian highways: Discourse & Society Vol 18(4) Jul 2007, 437-452. Variables related to sexual aggression in male college students. For example, if charged with coercion in California, the civil code of the state allows the attorney of the government to seek a civil penalty. (2004). Stalking / Relational aggression Coercive sex in rural Uganda: Prevalence and associated risk factors: Social Science & Medicine Vol 58(4) Feb 2004, 787-798. This powerful combination is driving the explosive spread of human trafficking, making it one of the most profitable criminal industries in the world. To coerce and be coerced: Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association Vol 55(1) Win 2007, 55-79. Coercion in psychiatry. A., Marolla, J. Szasz, T. (2002). Brolin, M. F. (2007). Bell, D. (1999). Nurses' experience with using force in institutional care of psychiatric patients: Nordic Journal of Psychiatry Vol 49(5) 1995, 325-330. The meaning of choice theory for the women of Albania: International Journal of Reality Therapy Vol 21(1) Fal 2001, 4-6. Freedom Forum Institute, Sept. 16, 2011. Ethical considerations in the public policy laboratory: JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association Vol 284(1) Jul 2000, 85-87. Effects of coercion and verbal consent on university students' perception of date rape: American Journal of Health Behavior Vol 22(1) Jan-Feb 1998, 46-53. Skills Training for Safe Sexual Practice And Coercive Behavior Prevention Among Adolescents In Ibadan, Nigeria: IFE Psychologia: An International Journal Vol 11(2) 2003, 34-51. A typology of women's use of violence in intimate relationships: Violence Against Women Vol 8(3) Mar 2002, 286-319. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Cycle of Abuse Phases & Theory | What is the Cycle of Abuse? Trotsky in Blue: Permanent Policing Reform: Australian & New Zealand Journal of Criminology Vol 38(2) Aug 2005, 254-268. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Cope, K. A., & Encadela, J. Force in women's sexual fantasies: Archives of Sexual Behavior Vol 27(4) Aug 1998, 403-414.
From Abuse of the Body to Abuse of the Mind: Police Use (2002). I want it back.. If you need an attorney, find one right now. New York, NY: Guilford Press. Magellan, K., & Magurran, A. E. (2006). (2007). (2003). Outpatient commitment: Official coercion in the community. Correlates of patient aggression within psychiatric treatment: Measures of staff and patient coercion. Often, it involves the actual inflicting of injury in order to make the threat credible, but it is the threat of (further) injury which brings about the change in transformation rules. Coercion in sentence processing: Evidence from eye-movements and self-paced reading: Journal of Memory and Language Vol 47(4) Nov 2002, 530-547. Fiebert, M. S. (2000). West, L. J. Driscoll, J. H. (2001). Leifer, R. (2001). A., Corbata, M. T. G., Menendez, S. P., & Alvarez, R. H. (2001). Free, trusted legal information for consumers and legal professionals, Directory of U.S. attorneys with the exclusive Super Lawyers rating, The #1 Spanish-language legal website for consumers, Nationwide attorney directory and legal consumer resources. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). I feel like its a lifeline. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Fisher, J. Marlowe, D. B., Glass, D. J., Merikle, E. P., Festinger, D. S., DeMatteo, D. S., Marczyk, G. R., et al. A cross-sectional and longitudinal examination of adjustment and coping in female undergraduates in response to sexual coercion. John Vileis professor of political science and dean of the Honors College at Middle Tennessee State University. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. "Knowing what ain't so": R. D. Laing and Thomas Szasz: Psychoanalytic Review Vol 91(3) Jun 2004, 331-346. It is important however to remember that trade unions and other groups of organised workers are mostly exempted from this general principle for acts of economic coercion (like strikes) against their employers. Coerced drug treatment in the criminal justice system: Conceptual, ethical and criminological issues: Criminology & Criminal Justice: An International Journal Vol 7(3) Aug 2007, 269-286. All rights reserved. (2004). In the statutory sense, the definition of coercion is viewed similarly among most states, though the punishments and laws regarding it vary state by state. Segal, S. P., Laurie, T. A., & Segal, M. J. Treat, T. A., McFall, R. M., Viken, R. J., & Kruschke, J. K. (2001). Rhodes, Michael R. (2000), "The Nature of Coercion", Rothbard, Murray N. (1982), "F. A. Hayek and the Concept of Coercion", in. Sexual coercion and the opportunity for sexual selection in guppies: Animal Behaviour Vol 71(3) Mar 2006, 515-522. Gender Differences in Sexual Harassment and Coercion in College Students: Developmental, Individual, and Situational Determinants: Journal of Interpersonal Violence Vol 18(10) Oct 2003, 1222-1239. Leaving a place of poverty to gain wealth. Singh, A.-M. (2005). O'Sullivan, L. F. (1995). Hartwick, C., Desmarais, S., & Hennig, K. (2007). Olofsson, B., Norberg, A., & Jacobsson, L. (1995). By contrast, the Fascist and Nazi regimes of Italy and Germany tended to confine their coercive activities to purely political aims, without any serious attempt to force the ideological conversion of their opponents. (2008).
Identifying Signs of Coercion When Dating | Psychology California shifts to an experiment in coercion to treat the homeless Mobbing / Bullying Interrogations, confessions, and entrapment. Beyond Murray Sidman's Coercion and Its Fallout: Psychological Record Vol 45(3) Sum 1995, 339-347. Bullough, V. L. (2004). Brainwash: The secret history of mind control. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Attachment, coercive control, and wife abuse. Via freedom to coercion: The emergence of costly punishment: Science Vol 316(5833) Jun 2007, 1905-1907. Dodge, M. (2006). Something that qualifies as coercion in one state might not qualify as such in another. In this case, the use of coercion was successful in getting the city to surrender without a last-ditch fight. (2002). 10 Simple Mindfulness Exercises for Busy Professionals. Drizin, S. A., & Colgan, B. Coercion: A two-level theory of antisocial behavior. Extortion Types & Examples | What is Extortion? Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Coercion in the lives of young adults: Child abuse, dating violence and willingness to use physical discipline. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co. Bedeian, A. G. (2002). Tjosvold, D., & Sun, H. F. (2001). SAN DIEGO There are a lot of invisible companions in East Village. Perspectives on cults: PsycCRITIQUES Vol 36 (3), Mar, 1991. Overbeck, J. R., Tiedens, L. Z., & Brion, S. (2006).
FAQs: Police Interrogations - FindLaw Maharaj, P., & Munthree, C. (2007). Yet, it must be noticed that by 1966 the Chinese authorities found it necessary to follow that up with a new albeit slightly milder campaign, as part of the Maoist Cultural Revolution of 1966-1968. Best practice management strategies for mental health nurses during the clinical application of civil commitment: An overview: Contemporary Nurse Vol 21(1) Feb 2006, 62-70. Ohlenschlaeger, J., Thorup, A., Petersen, L., Jeppesen, P., Koster, A., Munkner, R., et al. Lohr, B. How the Rhodesian colonists established a Black labour force within a racist economic system: Journal fur Psychologie Vol 10(3) 2002, 227-248. Risk and power use: Constraints on the use of coercion in exchange: American Sociological Review Vol 62(1) Feb 1997, 113-133. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Gutheil, T. G., & Simon, R. I. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. This article was originally published in 2009. Forced into treatment: The role of coercion in clinical practice. A Tale of Two Worlds: PsycCRITIQUES Vol 42 (6), Jun, 1997. Asian and non-Asian attitudes toward rape, sexual harassment, and sexuality: Sex Roles Vol 46(7-8) Apr 2002, 227-238. Martin, P. (2002). References examining men as victims of women's sexual coercion: Sexuality & Culture: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Vol 4(3) Sum 2000, 81-88. Firms, FindLaws team of legal writers and attorneys, does require people to give their name if requested, Expungement Handbook - Procedures and Law, Miranda Rights 101: Your Rights While Being Questioned, Detained or Arrested by Police, Complex criminal defense situations usually require a lawyer, Defense attorneys can help protect your rights, A lawyer can seek to reduce or eliminate criminal penalties. Review of Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents: A Developmental Analysis and Model for Intervention: Family Therapy Vol 31(2) 2004, 114. The picture is less simple for psychological specific coercion, owing to the general difficulty in finding clear evidence for it. Cornell Journal of Law and Public Policy 11 (2001): 245-272. Lyons, D. (2001). Coercion Test [electronic resource]. Coercive heterosexual sexuality in dating relationships of college students: Implications of differential male-female experiences: Journal of Psychology & Human Sexuality Vol 8(1-2) 1995, 69-78. The new civil court system, which by state law must be running in San Diego County and seven others by October, is cast as a middle road between jail and conservatorship, both of which require a mentally ill defendant to give up nearly all autonomy. McGillivray, F., & Stam, A. C. (2004). Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. Can you read the future with tarot cards? Psychiatric disability, the use of financial leverage, and perceived coercion in mental health services: International Journal of Forensic Mental Health Vol 2(2) Fal 2003, 119-127. The idea that monopoly control may facilitate coercion has been underlined by some business ethicists and economists. (2005). Curtailing the use of restraint in psychiatric settings: Journal of Humanistic Psychology Vol 43(2) Spr 2003, 69-95. A., Clum, G. A., & Frame, C. L. (1997). Validation of Acceptance of Coercive Sexual Behavior (ACSB): A Multimedia Measure of Adolescent Dating Attitudes: Assessment Vol 12(2) Jun 2005, 162-173. Coercion can be seen in both physical and verbal threats, though verbal threats are more common. Hoyer, G. (2003). Anderson, E., Levine, M., Sharma, A., Ferretti, L., & et al. Michaelis, L. A. (2002). Persecution / Ritual abuse / Violence, Physical abuse Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. Armstrong, J. D. (2006). Lifton (1961) on Chinese thought reform is one of the very few such works, and its findings are thus highly relevant here. (2004). (2002). Coercion, involuntary treatment and quality of mental health care: Is there any link? Before it is even put into effect, advocates for some of those whom the program is meant to benefit challenged the Care Court rules and resources, filing a petition with the state Supreme Court to have it stopped on constitutional grounds. (2000). Randy had been really pushy so far about signing the contract, but Gwen was not ready. Prinzie, P., Onghena, P., & Hellinckx, W. (2006). (2001). According to Tilly, at the core of state formation is the concentration of coercive power over a given territory and the subjugation of rival centres of coercive capacity. (2005). The police, however, can use lying, trickery, and other types of non-coercive methods to obtain a confession from a suspect. As of now, the test remains one of a number of such tests that the Court can apply in this controversial area. Estimates by the National Alliance on Mental Illness show that a quarter of the states 170,000 homeless residents, more than a quarter of the nations total, has a serious mental illness. Martin, V., Kuster, W., Baur, M., Bohnet, U., Hermelink, G., Knopp, M., et al. (2001). Separately, state lawmakers are looking at easing the conservatorship rules, an effort that could help support the Care Court program. Observed conflict, sexual experience, pornography, and coercive behavior as predictors of men's sexual arousal to sexual and violent images. The strategy of deterrence seeks to maintain a particular status quo and mode of behaviour on the part of a potential adversary, rather than seeking its modification. In all forms of thought coercion the immediate objective is to force other people to act as if their basic choice rules were identical to those of the coercing party. Parents' conflict strategies with children and children's conflict strategies with peers: Merrill-Palmer Quarterly Vol 42(4) Oct 1996, 495-518. Coercion means forcing a person to do something that they would not normally do by making threats against their safety or well-being, or that of their relatives or property. Monahan, J., Hoge, S. K., Lidz, C., Roth, L. H., & et al. A confession or evidence that results from coercive tactics is inadmissible at trial. (2002). Terrified, Maria agrees and Chris leaves. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Please enter a legal issue and/or a location, Begin typing to search, use arrow She said she was born in San Diego and has spent nearly her whole adult life without a home. Preliminary results: Psychiatria Polska Vol 39(6) Nov-Dec 2005, 1103-1112. In addition to the threat of or limited use of force (or both), coercion may entail economic sanctions, psychological pressures, and social ostracism. Sexual Coercion and Forced In-Pair Copulation as Sperm Competition Tactics in Humans: Human Nature Vol 17(3) 2006, 265-282. Streatfeild, D. (2007). Sexual coercion and resistance. (2006). Genefke, I. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Cross, W. F. (1993). Azar, B., & Seppa, N. (1997). Sexual coercion and well-being in young adulthood: Comparisons by gender and college status: Journal of Interpersonal Violence Vol 12(2) Apr 1997, 291-308. As already stated, thought coercion either religious or ideological is defined by its ultimate end to alter the fundamental values and beliefs of its victims. That changed in 2004, when state voters passed the Mental Health Services Act, which imposed a 1 percent income tax on individuals making more than $1 million a year. The adult patterns of men and women who were sexually abused as children: Is there risk of becoming a victim or perpetrator? (2005). Sorgaard, K. W. (2004). Fetzer, A. E., Steinert, T., Metzger, W., & Fegert, J. M. (2006). Guarda, A. S., Pinto, A. M., Coughlin, J. W., Hussain, S., Haug, N. A., & Heinberg, L. J. Control games: Avoiding intimacy on the singles scene. Processes of coercion between mother and child: Sequential analyses in a child abuse situation: Anuario de Psicologia Vol 29(1) Mar 1998, 35-51. Incidence and risk factors of sexual harassment among working women: Implications for counseling psychology and the workplace. (1996). McKenna, B. G., Simpson, A. I. F., Coverdale, J. H., & Laidlaw, T. M. (2001). False confession to robbery: The rules of suggestibility, anxiety, memory disturbance and withdrawal symptoms: Journal of Forensic Psychiatry Vol 10(2) Sep 1999, 399-415. A. She enjoys all things creative, reading, writing, researching, editing, and teaching. Name The dynamics and impact of sexual coercion of men by women. Coercion includes threats of serious harm to or physical restraint against any person, psychological manipulation, document confiscation, and shame and fear-inducing threats to share information or pictures with others or report to authorities. Sawyer, R. G., Pinciaro, P. J., & Jessell, J. K. (1998).
What is psychological coercion? - Mindfulness Supervision Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. The causes of rape: Understanding individual differences in male propensity for sexual aggression. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. However, his work evinces some of the prevailing contradictory and confusing uses of the terms coercion, persuasion, compellance, and deterrence. Finally, economic coercion is generally unlawful under most systems of anti-trust legislation, where it can amount to either a criminal offence as under the Sherman Act of the US or an administrative offence liable to a mere fine as under EU legislation on the abuse of a dominant position. Taylor, N., & McGarty, C. (2001). Patient perception of coercion on admission to acute psychiatric services: The New Zealand experience: International Journal of Law and Psychiatry Vol 22(2) Mar-Apr 1999, 143-153. Socially Sanctioned Coercion Mechanisms for Addiction Treatment: The American Journal on Addictions Vol 16(1) Jan-Feb 2007, 15-23. We dont need something thats just chipping away at the problem, but a new focus on longer-term solutions to it. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Roloff, M. E., Paulson, G. D., & Vollbrecht, J. Borgeat, F., & Zullino, D. (2004). (2007). Traffickers constantly tell victims that theyre worthless, insignificant and forgotten. Undue influence and written documents: Psychological aspects: Cultic Studies Journal Vol 10(1) 1993, 19-32. (2002). The opposite view was however the dominant one within what Karl Popper (1945) has called the Platonic tradition, which included among other things both mainstream Christianity and Hegels philosophy, with its later polar developments of Marxism and Fascism. Jewkes, R., & Abrahams, N. (2002). Greenough, P. (1995). Historically, the use of coercion by powerful actors has been of great concern to philosophers and legal theorists. Variables related to sexual coercion: A path model: Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Vol 16(5) Oct 1999, 659-678. (1996). When the tables are turned: Verbal sexual coercion among college women.
Informed Consent Coercion in the study of international relations,, National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - Coercion in psychiatric care: Global and Indian perspective, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Coercion. Knight, R. A., & Guay, J.-P. (2006). McKenna, B. G., Simpson, A. I. F., & Coverdale, J. H. (2006). Asked if she is seeing a doctor, she begins to cry, first just a few slow tears, then an open-mouthed howl. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. (1996). The Wavering Line in the Sand: the Effects of Domestic Violence and Sexual Coercion: Issues in Mental Health Nursing Vol 24(6-7) Sep-Nov 2003, 723-738. Evaluating a prevention program for teenagers on sexual coercion: A differential effectiveness approach: Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Vol 69(3) Jun 2001, 552-559. Langenderfer, J., & Shimp, T. A. (1994). These are organisations that use coercion to enforce on their members patterns of division of labour aimed at reaching the organisations goals, which for a variety of reasons may not always be consistent with each members personal aims. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Across the line on the dark side is coercion, which is forcing someone to do something by using threats or intimidation, and manipulation, which is controlling someone else to the point that you use unscrupulous acts to get what you want. (1996). Lalumiere, M. L., Chalmers, L. J., Quinsey, V. L., & Seto, M. C. (1996). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. Killian, K. D., & Busby, D. M. (1995). Each derives from the same basic skill set but is dependent on whether you approach the situation with good or nefarious intentions. Traffickers are adept at identifying people with noticeable vulnerabilities or needs. Extortion can occur in both interactions between public officials and private citizens.