[71], As the basic political entity it was the governorate, or province. Residences of the officials and elites were closest to the main square. Columbus's discovery opened a floodgate of Spanish exploration. Direct link to skyler karrick's post i think those dresses loo. They forbade the maltreatment of natives, and endorsed the forced resettlement of indigenous populations with attempts of conversion to Catholicism. The Spanish colonization effort differed from those of the French and Dutch mainly because Spain created a massive empire. The successes of Columbus ushered in an era of Spanish conquest that led numerous other European explorers to attempt similar colonization projects. Spaniards continued to expand their presence in the circum-Caribbean region with expeditions. He was driven from his home by the thousands, starved, beaten, raped, and murdered with impunity. On 31 March 1492, the Catholic Monarch ordered the expulsion of the Jews in Spain who refused to convert to Christianity. Ultimately, the kingdom became part of the Viceroyalty of New Granada first in 1717 and permanently in 1739. These governorates, also called as provinces, were the basic of the territorial government of the Indies,[67] and arose as the territories were conquered and colonized. In the Indies, corregimiento initially functioned to bring control over Spanish settlers who exploited the indigenous populations held in encomienda, in order to protect the shrinking indigenous populations and prevent the formation of an aristocracy of conquerors and powerful settlers. David Stannard historian and professor of American Studies at the University of Hawaii compares the genocidal process in two cases of colonization, and says that the British did not need massive labor as the Spanish, but land: "And therein lies the central difference between the genocide committed by the Spanish and that of the Anglo-Americans . [112] The Bourbon-era intendants were appointed and relatively well paid. Their legacy is firmly a part of our national story and patrimony, and it highlights the common heritage the United States shares with Spain, Mexico and Latin America. Spanish land in America was divided into small units, and each unit was run by a(n . Lockhart and Schwartz, Early Latin America, p.89. However, those regions that had been colonized by the French or Spanish would retain national characteristics that linger to this day. For the Spaniards Tlaxcalan allies, their crucial support gained them enduring political legacy into the modern era, the Mexican state of Tlaxcala.[23][24]. Aguirre subsequently wrote a letter to Philip II bitterly complaining about the treatment of conquerors like himself in the wake of the assertion of crown control over Peru. Free and enslaved Africans were a feature of New Spain throughout the colonial period. "John Francis Bannon and the Historiography of the Spanish Borderlands: Retrospect and Prospect. Direct link to jonathand0412's post Why did the Spanish choos, Posted 3 years ago. Cuman in Venezuela was the first permanent settlement founded by Europeans in the mainland Americas,[14] in 1501 by Franciscan friars, but due to successful attacks by the indigenous people, it had to be refounded several times, until Diego Hernndez de Serpa's foundation in 1569. During the 1500s, Spain expanded its colonial empire to the Philippines in the Far East and to areas in the Americas that later became the United States. They were referred to as Espaoles and Espaolas, and later being differentiated by the terms indicating place of birth, peninsular for those born in Spain; criollo/criolla or Americano/Ameriana for those born in the Americas. [74], Beginning in 1522 in the newly conquered Mexico, government units in the Spanish empire had a royal treasury controlled by a set of oficiales reales (royal officials). [25][26][27][28] Not until the conquest of the Incan Empire, which used similar tactics and began in 1532, was the conquest of the Aztecs matched in scale of either territory or treasure. Most agriculture and ranching supplied local needs, since transportation was difficult, slow, and expensive. The New Laws of 1542 were the result, limiting the power of encomenderos, the private holders of grants to indigenous labor previously held in perpetuity. It consisted of a number of opposing views about the way natives were to be integrated into colonial life, their conversion to Christianity and their rights and obligations. Question 2. A number of friars in the early period came to the vigorous defense of the indigenous populations, who were new converts to Christianity. A mixed-race casta population came into being during the colonial era. The Caribbean islands became less central to Spain's overseas colonization, but remained important strategically and economically, especially the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola. Although the structure of the indigenous cabildo looked similar to that of the Spanish institution, its indigenous functionaries continued to follow indigenous practices. "Peace by purchase" ended the conflict. [citation needed] The overwhelming cause of the decline in both Mexico and Peru was infectious diseases, such as smallpox and measles,[136] although the brutality of the Encomienda also played a significant part in the population decline. For all practical purposes, this was slavery. Caste system. The Significance of Spanish Colonial Missions in our National Story and The conquest of central Mexico sparked further Spanish conquests, following the pattern of conquered and consolidated regions being the launching point for further expeditions. European Colonization of North America - National Geographic Society The laws were the first codified set of laws governing the behavior of Spanish settlers in the Americas, particularly with regards to treatment of native Indians in the institution of the encomienda. Therefore, the mountains were a they acted as a barrier to further settlement to the west. Among the most notable expeditions are Hernando de Soto into southeast North America, leaving from Cuba (153942); Francisco Vzquez de Coronado to northern Mexico (154042), and Gonzalo Pizarro to Amazonia, leaving from Quito, Ecuador (154142). Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Spanish explorers with hopes of conquest in the New World were known as, Hoping to gain power over the city, Corts took, Following his defeat, Corts slowly created alliances and recruited tens of thousands of native peoples who resented Aztec rule. [164] Seventeenth-century Mexican trickster Martn Garatuza was the subject of a late nineteenth-century novel by Mexican politician and writer, Vicente Riva Palacio. Europeans imported enslaved Africans to the early Caribbean settlements to replace indigenous labor and enslaved and free Africans were part of colonial-era populations. [68] To carry out the expedition (entrada), which entailed exploration, conquest, and initial settlement of the territory, the king, as sovereign, and the appointed leader of an expedition (adelantado) agreed to an itemized contract (capitulacin), with the specifics of the conditions of the expedition in a particular territory. In the twentieth century, there have been a number of films depicting the life of Christopher Columbus. Terraciano, Kevin. His fall from power is viewed as an example of the weakening of the crown in the mid-seventeenth century since it failed to protect their duly appointed bishop. Lesson summary: The Spanish empire (article) | Khan Academy 1494: Columbus arrives in Jamaica. Denial of atrocities against indigenous peoples - Wikipedia Castao, Victoria Ros. Inquizitive Chapter 1 Flashcards | Quizlet [38], Much of what is now the Southern United States was claimed by Spain, some of it at least explored by the Spanish starting in the early 1500s, and some permanent settlements established. Viceroys were of high social standing, almost without exception born in Spain, and served fixed terms. [34], Venezuela was first visited by Europeans during the 1490s, when Columbus was in control of the region, and the region as a source for indigenous slaves for Spaniards in Cuba and Hispaniola, since the Spanish destruction of the local indigenous population. The vast majority of the decline happened after the Spanish period, during the Mexican and US periods of Californian history (18211910), with the most dramatic collapse (200,000 to 25,000) occurring in the US period (18461910). The rural regions remained highly indigenous, with little interface between the large numbers of indigenous and the small numbers of the Repblica de Espaoles, which included Blacks and mixed-race castas. Spanish Colonies | United States History I New foods greatly benefitted Europeans, whose population increased, while infectious diseases . Direct link to 21HernandezRa28's post What are some specific ex, Posted 3 years ago. [140] In the Andes, Viceroy Francisco de Toledo revived the indigenous rotary labor system of the mita to supply labor for silver mining. While chartered by the Crown, English colonization was funded by joint-stock companies, groups of investors eager for profits. Spanish settlers initially found relatively dense populations of indigenous peoples, who were agriculturalists living in villages ruled by leaders not part of a larger integrated political system. [37] Exploration from Peru resulted in the foundation of Tucumn in what is now northwest Argentina. But in 1493, Spanish-born Pope Alexander VI issued two papal decrees giving legitimacy to Spains Atlantic claims over the claims of Portugal. which of the following is a true statement? Unlike Spanish expansion in the Caribbean, which involved limited armed combat and sometimes the participation of indigenous allies, the conquest of central Mexico was protracted and necessitated indigenous allies who chose to participate for their own purposes. [43] In 1521, Ponce de Leon was killed while trying to establish a settlement near what is now Charlotte Harbor, Florida. [13] Spanish possession and rule of its remaining colonies in the Americas ended in that year with its sovereignty transferred to the United States. Spanish universities expanded to train lawyer-bureaucrats (letrados) for administrative positions in Spain and its overseas empire. The leader of the expedition pledged the larger share of capital to the enterprise, which in many ways functioned as a commercial firm. [65] In addition, the Casa de Contratacin took charge of the fiscal organization, and of the organization and judicial control of the trade with the Indies. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How did Spanish colon. The British Empire offered support, wanting to end the Spanish monopoly on trade with its colonies in the Americas. 1875. Tribute goods in Mexico were most usually lengths of cotton cloth, woven by women, and maize and other foodstuffs produced by men. Direct link to 27juliak's post Is there any instances wh, Posted 2 years ago. Image credit: Columbuss discovery opened a floodgate of Spanish exploration. Q3: Option B. Mounted indigenous warriors were significant foes for Spaniards. [132] The crown expelled the Jesuits from Spain and The Indies in 1767 during the Bourbon Reforms. Although Spaniards had hoped to find vast quantities of gold, the discovery of large quantities of silver became the motor of the Spanish colonial economy, a major source of income for the Spanish crown, and transformed the international economy. Viceroys served as the vice-patron of the Catholic Church, including the Inquisition, established in the seats of the viceroyalties (Mexico City and Lima). From that misperception the Spanish called the indigenous peoples of the Americas, "Indians" (indios), lumping a multiplicity of civilizations, groups, and individuals into a single category. "[126] On the frontier of empire, Indians were seen as sin razn, ("without reason"); non-Indian populations were described as gente de razn ("people of reason"), who could be mixed-race castas or black and had greater social mobility in frontier regions. [2] By contrast, the indigenous population plummeted by an estimated 80% in the first century and a half following Columbus's voyages, primarily through the spread of infectious diseases . The Jesuits were effective missionaries in frontier areas until their expulsion from Spain and its empire in 1767. The individual leaders of expeditions assumed the expenses of the venture and in return received as reward the grant from the government of the conquered territories;[69] and in addition, they received instructions about treating the indigenous peoples. In Mexico, Hernn Corts and the men of his expedition founded of the port town of Veracruz in 1519 and constituted themselves as the town councilors, as a means to throw off the authority of the governor of Cuba, who did not authorize an expedition of conquest. How did spain handle all the inflation? Colonial America | American History Quiz - Quizizz Stanford: Stanford University Press 1964. Miller, Gary. Among the foodstuffs that became staples in European cuisine and could be grown there were tomatoes, squashes, bell peppers, and to a lesser extent, chili peppers; also nuts of various kinds: walnut]]s, cashews, pecans, and peanuts. Prominent Dominican friars in Santo Domingo, especially Antonio de Montesinos and Bartolom de Las Casas denounced the maltreatment and pressed the crown to act to protect the indigenous populations. "Blasco Nez Vela" in Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, vol. In Peru, silver was found in a single silver mountain, the Cerro Rico de Potos, still producing silver in the 21st century. There is debate about the impact of ranching on the environment in the colonial era, with sheep herding being called out for its negative impact, while others contest that. "[112] As with many colonial institutions, corregimiento had its roots in Castile when the Catholic Monarchs centralize power over municipalities. The Spanish saw these populations as a source of labor, there for their exploitation, to supply their own settlements with foodstuffs, but more importantly for the Spanish, to extract mineral wealth or produce another valuable commodity for Spanish enrichment. Participants supplied their own armor and weapons, and those who had a horse received two shares, one for himself, the second recognizing the value of the horse as a machine of war. [121] However, both charges were also put up for sale freely since the late 16th century. So, the correct options that match the statements quoted above are A and B. During the Bourbon era, even when the crown systematically appointed peninsular-born Spaniards to royal posts rather than American-born, the cabildos remained in the hands of local elites. [45] In 1565, Spain established a settlement in St. Augustine, Florida, lasting in one way or another until modern times. American-born elite men complained bitterly about the change, since they lost access to power that they had enjoyed for nearly a century.[109]. In the European race to colonial dominance, the Treaty of Tordesillas legitimized Spains holdings in the New World, indicating Spanish primacy over Portugal. Spanish conquerors holding grants of indigenous labor in encomienda ruthlessly exploited them. Caeque, Alejandro "The Political and Institutional History of Colonial Spanish America", Weber, David J. The crown relied on ecclesiastics as important councilors and royal officials in the governance of their overseas territories. The Spanish Borderlands, Historiography Redux., Spanish Exploration and Conquest of North America, This page was last edited on 21 April 2023, at 16:57. [18][19], It wasn't until[when?] Which statement accurately describes Spanish colonization in the New The composition of the expedition was the standard pattern, with a senior leader, and participating men investing in the enterprise with the full expectation of rewards if they did not lose their lives. Cattle multiplied quickly in areas where little else could turn a profit for Spaniards, including northern Mexico and the Argentine pampas. [47] An earlier expedition that left in 1527 was led by Pnfilo Navez, who was killed early on. 1992. For Spaniards, the fierce Chichimecas barred them for exploiting mining resources in northern Mexico. Mercury was a monopoly of the crown. There is no fabrication here, What are some specific examples of political systems they had. Each order set up networks of parishes in the various regions (provinces), sited in existing indigenous settlements, where Christian churches were built and where evangelization of the indigenous was based. Since their appointments were for life or the pleasure of the monarch, they had a continuity of power and authority that viceroys and captains-general lacked because of their shorter-term appointments. Effective Spanish settlement began in 1493, when Columbus brought livestock, seeds, agricultural equipment. The first mainland explorations by Spaniards were followed by a phase of inland expeditions and conquest. 142-43. [7] Expeditions required authorization by the crown, which laid out the terms of such expedition. Lawyers for these cases were funded by a half-real tax, an early example of legal aid for the poor. A checkerboard pattern radiated outward. Chapter 4 Flashcards | Quizlet Simmons, Marc, The Last Conquistador: Juan de Oate and the Settling of the Far Southwest, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman, Oklahoma, 1991, book title. In southern Central and South America, settlements were founded in Panama (1519); Len, Nicaragua (1524); Cartagena (1532); Piura (1532); Quito (1534); Trujillo (1535); Cali (1537) Bogot (1538); Quito (1534); Cuzco 1534); Lima (1535); Tunja, (1539); Huamanga (1539); Arequipa (1540); Santiago de Chile (1544) and Concepcin, Chile (1550). The Plan of Iguala was part of the peace treaty to establish a constitutional foundation for an independent Mexico. [8][9] For the conquest era, two names of Spaniards are generally known because they led the conquests of high indigenous civilizations, Hernn Corts, leader of the expedition that conquered the Aztecs of Central Mexico, and Francisco Pizarro, leader of the conquest of the Inca in Peru. In 1810 Mexico declared independence, with the Mexican War of Independence following for over a decade. [6] 1493: Columbus arrives in Puerto Rico. "La catastrophe dmographique" (The Demographic Catastrophe) in. Mercury is a neurotoxin, which damaged and killed human and mules coming into contact with it. [82], The conquest of the Aztec and Inca empires ended their sovereignty over their respective territorial expanses, replaced by the Spanish Empire, and indigenous religious beliefs and practices were suppressed and populations converted to Christianity. Other notable historical figures in the production are Malinche, Corts cultural translator, and other conquerors Pedro de Alvarado, Cristbal de Olid, Bernal Daz del Castillo. [40], One of the colonists who conquered Puerto Rico, Juan Ponce de Len, is commonly given credit for being the first European to sight Florida in 1513. Hispanic American Historical Review 53.4 (1973): 581-599. Their role in judicial affairs and in overseeing the implementation of royal legislation made their decisions important for the communities they served." Florida was supposedly named because it was spotted on Easter, or the Festival of Flowers as it was commonly called in Spain. Often they erected a church on the site of an indigenous temple. The expansion of Spain's territory took place under the Catholic Monarchs Isabella of Castile, Queen of Castile and her husband King Ferdinand, King of Aragon, whose marriage marked the beginning of Spanish power beyond the Iberian peninsula. [111] Besides court of justice, the Audiencias had functions of government as counterweight the authority of the viceroys, since they could communicate with both the Council of the Indies and the king without the requirement of requesting authorization from the viceroy. The monarchy took most of it, and the rest was spread across lords and ladies. 1 (2012): 26-40. [106] Until the eighteenth century, there were just two viceroyalties, with the Viceroyalty of New Spain (founded 1535) administering North America, a portion of the Caribbean, and the Philippines, and the viceroyalty of Peru (founded 1542) having jurisdiction over Spanish South America. 5, p. 453. The crown set the indigenous communities legally apart from Spaniards (as well as Blacks), who made up the Repblica de Espaoles, with the creation of the Repblica de Indios. Spanish colonists settled in greatest numbers where there were dense indigenous populations and the existence of valuable resources for extraction. The Spanish expansion has sometimes been succinctly summed up as being motivated by "gold, glory, God," that is, the search for material wealth, the enhancement of the conquerors' and the crown's position, and the expansion of Christianity to the exclusion of other religious traditions. Hoping to salvage Portugals holdings, King Joo II negotiated a treaty with Spain. Inquisitional powers were initially vested in bishops, who could root out idolatry and heresy. Spanish colonial missions in North America are significant because so many were established and they had lasting effects on the cultural landscape. Smaller islands claimed by Spain were lost to the English and the Dutch, with France taking half of Hispaniola and establishing the sugar-producing colony of St-Domingue, as well as also taking other islands. In Peru, Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro (1471-1541) demanded that the Incan Emperor Atahualpa (ca. In the extension of Spanish sovereignty to its overseas territories, authority for expeditions (entradas) of discovery, conquest, and settlement resided in the monarchy. It was the first step in a long campaign that took decades of fighting to subdue the mightiest empire in the Americas. There were also sub-treasuries at important ports and mining districts. The Aztecs under Spanish Rule. Spalding, Karen. They established the colony of Klein-Venedig in 1528. Direct link to Ordo Ab Chao (Quizzaciously Sesquipedalianized Eleemosynary)'s post The Aztecs witnessed the , Posted 4 years ago. The profits from Spanish expedition flowed to Castile. [32] With a hostile indigenous population, no obvious mineral or other exploitable resources, and little strategic value, Chile was a fringe area of colonial Spanish America, hemmed in geographically by the Andes to the east, Pacific Ocean to the west, and indigenous to the south. "The Bourbon Reforms" in, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFEncyclopedia_of_Latin_American_History_and_Culture1996 (, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFBedini1992 (, Cook, Noble David. "Social climbers: Changing patterns of mobility among the Indians of colonial Peru." Las Casas was officially appointed Protector of the Indians and spent his life arguing forcefully on their behalf. So did the Caste System decide who got certain rights and places of power or was it merely a way of categorizing the people? During the Napoleonic Peninsular War in Europe between France and Spain, assemblies called juntas were established to rule in the name of Ferdinand VII of Spain. Q1: Option B. St. Augustine was the name of the first Spanish colonial settlement in Florida. After several attempts to set up independent states in the 1810s, the kingdom and the viceroyalty ceased to exist altogether in 1819 with the establishment of Gran Colombia. England's colonization of North America differed from that of its European rivals. [80], The indigenous populations in the Caribbean became the focus of the crown in its roles as sovereigns of the empire and patron of the Catholic Church. [127], Christian evangelization of non-Christian peoples was a key factor in Spaniards' justification of the conquest of indigenous peoples in what was called "the spiritual conquest". Stanford: Stanford University Press 1992. The lack of Gold and the Natives' sophistication. Spanish settlement in Mexico largely replicated the organization of the area in preconquest times while in Peru, the center of the Incas was too far south, too remote, and at too high an altitude for the Spanish capital. The Spanish Empire could not have ruled these vast territories and dense indigenous populations without utilizing the existing indigenous political and economic structures at the local level. [15], Spaniards spent over 25 years in the Caribbean where their initial high hopes of dazzling wealth gave way to continuing exploitation of disappearing indigenous populations, exhaustion of local gold mines, initiation of cane sugar cultivation as an export product, and forced migration of enslaved Africans as a labor force. [66], The politics of asserting royal authority to oppose Columbus resulted in the suppression of his privileges and the creation of territorial governance under royal authority. The Franciscans took over some former Jesuit missions and continued the expansion of areas incorporated into the empire. "Kurakas and commerce: a chapter in the evolution of Andean society." Chocolate and vanilla were cultivated in Mexico and exported to Europe. He then founded the settlement of La Isabela on the island they named Hispaniola (now divided into Haiti and the Dominican Republic). [83] These elites played an intermediary role between the Spanish rulers and indigenous commoners. That expedition was to make world history. [90] A similar legal apparatus was set up in Lima.[91]. [39] Puerto Rico was also colonized by the Spanish during this era, occasioning the earliest contact between Africans and what would become the United States (via the free Black conquistador Juan Garrido). 2, p. 99. Is there any instances where the Spaniards conquered places to spread religious belief?? Figure 1. The monarch was head of the civil and religious hierarchies. MacIas, Rosario Marquez; Macas, Rosario Mrquez (1995). 15501600) to subdue them, but peace was only achieved by Spaniards making significant donations of food and other commodities the Chichimeca demanded. how do I Define the term empire in the context of the Spanish conquest of South America? On 12 October 1492, Genoese mariner Christopher Columbus made landfall in the Western Hemisphere, and in 1493 permanent Spanish settlement of the Americas began.[4]. Melville, Elinor G.K. A Plague of Sheep: Environmental Consequences of the Conquest of Mexico. The conquest of the Aztec Empire involved the combined effort of armies from many indigenous allies, spearheaded by a small Spanish force of conquistadors. [16][17] To satisfy his debts to the Welsers, he granted them the right to colonize and exploit western Venezuela, with the proviso that they found two towns with 300 settlers each and construct fortifications. 378-79. The spanish, of course, wanted power over natives and africans (and justified their power and enforced it through various means), so created the caste system. Through such methods, the Spaniards came to accumulate a massive force of thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of indigenous warriors. On the death, unauthorized absence, retirement or removal of a governor, the treasury officials would jointly govern the province until a new governor appointed by the king could take up his duties. [48] The crown later sent him to Asuncin, Paraguay to be adelantado there. "[110], Their main function was judicial, as a court of justice of second instance court of appeal in penal and civil matters, but also the Audiencias were courts the first instance in the city where it had its headquarters, and also in the cases involving the Royal Treasury. Corts's seeking indigenous allies was a typical tactic of warfare: divide and conquer. Spanish expansion into modern-day Mexico that Spanish explorers were able to find wealth on the scale that they had been hoping for. By maintaining hierarchical divisions within communities, indigenous noblemen were the direct interface between the indigenous and Spanish spheres and kept their positions so long as they continued to be loyal to the Spanish crown. Spaniards waged a fifty-year war (ca. [101], During the early colonial period, the crown authorized friars of Catholic religious orders (Franciscans, Dominicans, and Augustinians) to function as priests during the conversion of indigenous populations. Spain also produced impressive art at this time. Missions were established with royal authority through the Patronato real. "Papal Responsibility for the Infidel: Another Look at Alexander VI's" Inter Caetera"." 1. Zumrraga was reprimanded for his actions as exceeding his authority. chapter one Inquizitive questions Flashcards | Quizlet "Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)" in. More spanish blood equaled more power.