Also, I changed the events a bit so beware. So basically, everyone in this big "family" is gay except for Dustin :). Id like to have what they have with you. He stammers adorably and you laugh. It would make sense she saved his life (and, like, the whole world) quite some times before, so of course hed like her. Started yelling at me about how it wasnt real and I was just trying to make them mad and shit, you explain while he adjusts the blanket around your shoulders. So everyone, youve probably noticed those two by now. she gestured to the new students, those are your new classmates and theyll be with us from now on. Mike looks at Will through his eyelashes. He would let you brush his hair - even braid it sometimes if youre pushing it - and was simply soft around you. Sighing, thank the man and start making your way, looking for street signs leading to the street. They only focused on themselves and what they wanted instead of spending time with you and Will. His knife laid next to him as he kneeled next to you, anxiously surveying the area. Youre my bestfriend. Even saying that sent a pang of sadness to Mike's chest, if only Will knew how he felt. summary: On your way to confess to your best friend you wouldve never expected hearing him admit his feelings for someone - seemingly - else. "I thought- maybe we could go for shakes together? But now he was feeling like he was falling in love all again, but he is aware of this now. Visiting the place where Joyce works - worked - wasnt more than half an hour but the goodbye was tear filled. a lumax spiderman au that everybody (me) was asking for, Joyce and Hopper decide to take a spur of the moment vacation with their children one week before Christmas. It's basically just a modern AU partial chatfic where the Losers meet the Party. You didnt change a lot apart from the fact you were more quiet and closed off. Like Mike likes Eleven, its the first thing coming to your mind, and in that way you both know what you mean. I have a question, Mike says, slowly untangling them from their hug, Why are you avoiding me?. Will doesnt instantly answer, only looks down. He remembered the time that he'd gotten his ass kicked by Jonathan Byers in an alley after he'd called him a screw up, and he didn't blame Jonathan. Seeing Billy still at his car, likely waiting for Max, you go to him for comfort. Things with Will hadnt gotten better but also not necessarily worse. After another win (if you could call it that considering all the loss) against the monster Will thought itd be over. You couldnt help but think. Excitedly greeting you El started talking about her day, you giving a few short answers. After the big win (before the fight with Will) youd become quite popular at school and were known as one of their best swimmers. Thats when the yelling began. When he looked up again he sees you sliding the hoodie over your head, a plain, tight fitting (y/f/c) shirt clinging to your form. You screamed at yourself in your head. Being the most popular girl and cheerleader meant tons of attention. It takes a while before his words really register and its a split second that you move to him and lay a hand on his jaw. Soldiers are approaching Will from behind Mike. Move On by .
Robin Buckley - Works | Archive of Our Own Thats how it happened; you three sitting in a circle around the white noise playing TV. Which cued all his jokes about liking the same stuff and that you shouldnt even be that repulsed from his special magazines. A few seconds later Max came to the door, her annoyed expression fading when she saw you. Eh, yeah. Returning to find Hawkins in ruins. Eat. Will lays down next to you - though with much more grace than you did - and looks at the sky for a second, before also looking at you. He has blood coming out of his ears and nose. See? Richie Tozier is going to visit his extended family. Getting your words ready you adjusted the shirt practically clinging to your body. God, you hated her. His tank top on the other hand made his biceps bulge even more and you sheepishly looked away. Usually it was genuine and pure comfort he made you feel but now it was just jealousy and sadness. This was the reason for you to keep going no matter how much your parents disapproved. Right? He turns to the other boys, Yes! Before the competition is finished, Lucas gets bitten by Something in that room. It wasnt the type of feelings you held for Dustin or Max. Will is standing on the far side, looking around in a nearly paranoid way. You were staying with some of the parents from the school, as it was easier than organizing a hotel or so. These trees were plagued, the same way every other tree, rock, and patch of dirt were. At first you didnt think it was a good idea to take El with you, after all there were still people searching for her, but in the end you decided to be irresponsible for once. Quinn interjects from behind him, proudly pointing to herself as she claims it as her own doing.
Stranger Things: Noah Schnapp on Will's Sexuality, Doja Cat - Variety Sitting down, Will opens his mouth to speak. Whatever, you thought, waiting for them to take their seats which they quickly did. Or so it seems at first. He was sitting on his bed, leaning against his headboard while holding a cassette in his hands. Yo, you okay? He flinches and sends you a glare, shrugging. Dont misunderstand, that didnt bother you in the slightest. Will moves to Hawkins a week before 11th grade and is going through the motions of fitting in. Just chill out. And Billy was the last person youd want to know. Byler (Mike Wheeler & Will Byers) Another LGBT character on the show might be Will, so obviously he would have some kind of ship created for him by fans. Wills friends arrive and you find out theres more similarities between you and Jane than you couldve ever imagined. "I do not like her, El! And for what, so you can go swap spit with some stupid girl? It started as a joke on your part - leaving after graduation and going back to California. Which is why you agreed, well also because you were nearly begged to go by your swim coach. Time to show everyone how its done. Stranger things have happened in the nighttime, Youre the only one I got my sights on request, Spring in California (Will Byers x f!reader). He nods, thanks Nancy and, now more carefully, goes into the basement.---Will takes care of Mike during a bad time cx chapter TWO. Summary Ethan would always protect you. Why do you have to know? With a chuckle he speeds past you, letting go of your hand just to reach the designated spot earlier.
Why am I the Victim? A Will Byers Monologue, a stranger - FanFiction Come on, youre so slow! she complained at her friends hesitation to seeing you after her comment about his attraction to their new friend. The window was opened but the smoke from cigarettes and the stench of some weird tea covered the fresh air coming from it. I mean, I like you. When someone new joins, jealousy as well as some more chaos ensues. So, when he started realizing you wouldnt leave or betray him, he really started being himself. Will says soft. Ethan was sitting next to you, holding your hand under the table and talking to Chad. After all, death meant being with you in the end, right? Thats what we need. The group of friends you saw earlier were sitting down in the classroom, talking with each other. It wasnt hard to fall for you. Sighing, you turned back into the conversation. Mike Wheeler and Will Byers have never met, atleat not yet. He tilts his head with a frown and puts a hand on your cheek before pulling your body in front of his chest and holding a knife to your throat in one quick movement. So The Losers Club heads to Hawkins Indiana for the summer. Mike Wheeler Loves Will Byers At 16 everyone switches bodies with their soulmates for a day. Shopping, going to the cinema and stuff like that. lostandfound. Youre just as shocked as the two sisters when Quinn takes off her mask and grins smugly. Should we go to yours? The red haired girl asked El who was still busy with her ice cream. The small group was basically everywhere, so when you walked past the bike stands their excited talking reached you. Will opens the door and there is Mike, standing next to the door completely soaked and- in fact, not wearing a jacket. That he slept on the floor in a sleeping bag (hed insisted, saying it would be awkward to share a bed because he usually always took a lot of space) and you on his bed, holding his hand tightly. "You're ruining our party! He takes your hand in his and looks down - because of you being shorter and all. Well figure this out, yeah? Will looks at you with a question clear in his eyes and you just shrug before smiling at him a little. Ill bring my jacket, yes Will I am so responsible and I do in fact think. Now, with his hand in yours, you pull him up the hill, him nearly tripping with your rush. So soft and lovable that you told him. They carry you out, probably towards the infirmary and he follows behind, worried. So, meeting him again after months could never end well, right? You guys hung out basically all the time, either in Mikes basement or a different spot, sometimes even in the woods. A hundred thoughts crossed your mind but most importantly, who could it be? You let your gaze wander around the hundreds of people passing by, when your eyes suddenly land on a familiar brown haired boy. The sunset casts everything in an orange hue (though its also some weird blue, thanks to the tarp) when he leans forward and softly kisses you. He reciprocates it after a moment, his arms wrapping around your waist as good as he could with both of you kneeling in a dusty corner with the smell of rotting everything around.
Will Byers | Stranger Things Wiki | Fandom Youre so cute. Dr. Brenner walks up to Will. He reaches for your hand and you try taking it - screw the fight you needed comfort, you needed him. Now she was providing for her own family and someone else's in the dangerous world of media and fame Steve was thirteen when the Judgment happened. And of course, that boy is none other than his best friend, and first love, Mike Wheeler. I didnt have a choice. Mike defends and Will sighs, No, you did. You had hidden it for a long time as it wasnt really welcome in this society - especially in a small town like Hawkins - so you stuck to hiding it. You catch his smile before turning around and rushing to the bus. Which led you to now, crying in your car while driving over the speed limit at nearly nine at night on a saturday. , , , . 8.6K 360 16. So, closing off was the option you chose now. Will felt hot tears starting to spill. You give Sam a look, hoping she understands, but Tara is already off to fight Quinn, brick gripped tightly in her hand as she hits it over the other girls head. It certainly makes you feel less repulsed towards Ethan but did it matter when he helped his father with this plan, anyway? Will spent years being the friend who was there for everyone else, and when he needed someone to listen to his subtle pleading, no one ever did. You were so stupid. And even after that you see the moment Eleven forgives him and is ready to just settle down again. "will, will. I dont know why you still like him! Shes standing in the doorway, eyes going wide when she pulls you into her arms. When your mission fails and hundreds of Demodogs (as Dustin had named them) attack, Billy and Steve are quick to put their rivalry aside and help you. You're currently only making things worse.' On your way to confess to your best friend you wouldve never expected hearing him admit his feelings for someone - seemingly - else. So never done this before lol, but i was wondering if you could do a Billy H (from stranger things) X Reader. You could have everyone! Yes. Talking to her wouldve been easy and Hopper wouldnt have done anything anyway.. The more we talked the more I started liking you and.. he didnt like that. He frowns and looks around again before hurrying up, I told him and Quinn not to hurt you and that if we had to kill you Id do it. I know you dont trust him but please, shes conflicted and just stares at him, not wavering even as her older sister comes up behind her as well. What? So never done this before lol, but i was wondering if you could do a Billy H (from stranger things) X Reader. Where readers parents are abusive and find out shes bisexual (maybe b/c someone told them, idk) and she goes to Billy, since their dating and he already new about it, for comfort. Everything sounds like a fairytale, with a new beautiful house and bright smiles, right?But somethings missing, someones missing when they get back. Your hands, which were clenching the fabric of your shirt before, fell to your sides limply. All just because he was stupid and said some stuff he didnt mean.
Sad Will Byers - Works | Archive of Our Own "Shes so nice! El squealed, holding onto Wills arm. notes Im mad Tumblr deleted the first one. You didnt like to admit it but it felt good to have friends and now walk the hallways alone while everyone was having fun with their friends around you. But its hard. Max helps you pack your bags, certain youd forget half of the necessities if you were to pack alone. Talk. He emphasizes the word with a pointed finger, before turning around and leaving. (y/n), youre living with the Byers family. strangerthings. Its only up to them to understand how to fix their bond without making the situation worse, shouting lies to each other is certainly not the best way to start. There was no way they thought this would be resolved with a simple gift. An opportunity strikes and she accepts the job knowing she has to provide for her own family except she doesn't fully understand what she's gotten herself into until it hits her in the face. You hiccup and wipe your eyes, turning around slowly. Not sad. It's not my fault you dont like girls!". Seeing El crash a helicopter with her mind then have a mind fight with a mind-murderer. Will. He doesnt pay attention to anything, not to the teachers trying to keep him from going after you nor the other students rushing around the halls. You can see people and what they do with their powers, right? Eleven looks surprised but nods. Alright, youre all set. - but you couldnt just stop loving him. His brown eyes are cute, youve always loved them, so it distracts you from your nervousness for a moment. Theres, you stop and plop down next to Max, weve never fought like this before. You scoff at yourself and turn around, leaving to hide in one of the locker rooms. Does that mean you like me too? His voice is slightly disbelieving but he looks hopeful and happy. Channeling his grief into his superhero responsibilities, he promised no one else would die. But you did get your happy end - just as he did. Doesnt mean I dont want to. He was a bit taller than you, his shirt colorful stripes and his hair shimmering in the fluorescent lights. In front of you was Lenora Hills Highschool - where you would be swimming. this is mostly gonna be art and some stories, probably very infrequent uploads, sorry about that one. Of course you were there for the dinners, but there wasnt much talking during those. Because the first season is set up as a mystery, Will is forced by the plot to be sidelined and shown as little as possible, save for a few key flashbacks. Have a great day, young lady. Her tone was disciplining which confused you, but you nodded and left with all the things youd need. The first person you really liked and he likes someone else. Tell her I miss her? His voice is a little shaky considering the fact this was the way his years-long friendship with you would probably end. Completed. Oh, Ethan you mumble and pull him into a hug. It came only as a slight shock if you thought of all the times she brutally shot down any boy that came close. Okay, okay. He calls your name, a little confused at you being there. summary: Being the new girl in school was by far the worst thing. And its all fluff?? He flusters just as you do and its way too long before he speaks up. Heartbreak (and one big misunderstanding) ensue. Do you want to be with me? His voice is soft if not a little unsure and fondness overtakes your heart and face. Ugh. One of Billys friends goes too far while drunk and ends up choking you. At first you didnt notice his emotional state, busy with the uncomfortable chafing of your short denim pants against your thighs. a/n: first time writing gender neutral reader - hoping its not offending/bad or anything negative! He knew it was his fault, after his mom found out about what happened between him and you he got an earful. Wanted dad to see me for me, not just Richies brother or an accomplice. Yeah, lets go now. If he had really meant it, he wouldve said something earlier. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (174), The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (1), Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair (72), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Step-Siblings Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper, Queerplatonic Robin Buckley/Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley & Will Byers Are Best Friends, you were born inside your head (and that is where you'll be when you are dead), Mentioned Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler, Maxine "Max" Mayfield & Mike Wheeler Friendship, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Eyes growing darker (I'm falling further and further away), mind flayer is gonna be trying to fuck up byler, more people will be involved but im on first chapter so no more tags, stranger things art and drabbles/short fanfics, there will be smut later this first one is just a vent lol, Will Byers & Eleven | Jane & Dustin Henderson & Maxine Mayfield & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler, Will Byers & Dustin Henderson & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler, Mike Wheeler / Original Male Character(s), Ted Wheeler Being an Asshole (Stranger Things), Ted Wheeler Being Homophobic (Stranger Things), Lucas Sinclair/Original Female Character(s), Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Original Female Character(s), Dustin Henderson/Original Female Character(s), Argyle & Robin Buckley & Jonathan Byers & Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson & Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley & Chrissy Cunningham & Steve Harrington & Eddie Munson, Will Byers & Original Female Character(s), Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper & Dustin Henderson & Lucas Sinclair, Chrissy Cunningham/Original Female Character(s), Siblings Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper, Eleven | Jane Hopper & Byers Family Stay in Hawkins, mike double majoring in marine biology and creative writing is very real to me, This is my first attempt at a fic pls bear with me, I tried to fix myself (but i didn't think), Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die, Original Child(ren) of Will Byers and Mike Wheeler, Will Byers & Eleven | Jane Hopper & Dustin Henderson & Lucas Sinclair & Mike Wheeler, Joyce Byers & Jim "Chief" Hopper & Karen Wheeler, Mike Wheeler Gets Taken Instead of Will Byers. Will didnt want to admit it, but it hurt to know you werent there. After all, he was affectionate with everyone except maybe Max. He looks just as pained, maybe even a little angry. Uh, Im a friend of Max. Youd never grow tired of this feeling, the water numbing all sounds from outside. A year later, it comes to a head on Halloween in a desolate forest well past midnight. You dont think Eleven actually saw it was something bad before - after all she forgave Mike everything. The bell rang and you packed up your stuff, pulling the hood of your sweater over your head. Work Search: Ah, he says before throwing a shoe at the lightswitch and effectively turning the light off. You and Billy had been secretly dating for 2 months when he comes to school to find you in the middle of Carol and her friends. Billy Hargrove survived the events at the mall, but he didnt remained unscathed, or unscarred.Will Byers is moving at the end of the summer, but not before giving it a go with Billy. In your free time El showed you around the town. Not only did you have no friends, but everyone picked at you for fun. Chrissy Cunningham and Joyce Byers interactions! Alternative season 4 and so on. It never does. Wait, Will, Nancy yells behind him, and Will turns around, impatient. She is! It was a long evening, both of you left tired from dinner with your family.
Fanfics com a tag Will Byers - Spirit Fanfics e Histrias The boy in front of you hangs his head in shame and you instinctively reach out to lay a hand on his shoulder in a reassuring motion, pulling back quickly after. Youre hiding under his bed as you and Billy had forgotten the time and you had stayed too late. El looked a little lost. Not only did they (especially Mike and Eleven) ditch all kinds of meetings all the time, but they wouldnt do anything you used to always do anymore. Shes cute. And with that final shout the soldiers get launched away from Will and the glass from the NINA project breaks. I just- just wanted to make sure youre okay? title inspired by the song Little Bit from Lykke Li! Still, you were nervous. One of the biggest in this town. They figured it out, though. You shrugged, shortly nodding. Coming outside the hot midday sun immediately makes you squint your eyes and huff due to the sweat already building.