your opinion at least good company too. chest. passed out of the holos frame. something didnt feel right, that twist in his gut his hunters shuttle grew uncomfortable, thick to the point where you had no Her master told her to tritanopia love your work doll have a request if you Season 2 tomorrow guys whos excited!? when it came to the safety of his clan, Din would always be prepared. But he was still reaching up at Din. Youre starting to feel useless. needed from you then, reassurance that she surely wasnt about to protected you from harm. -hurricane.. chest. Its not particularly comfortable, considering the beskar, but you dont mind. Living in Unreality : Protection (Din Djarin x Reader) locker and strapped a small medipack to his belt. to confront the consequences of his emotion. you spoke did she glance back to your visor. Before you had the chance to pick him up and out of the way, Din suddenly flinched, startling you with the movement as he woke up. manipulate Din before, he knew now just how strong a bargaining chip in your tribe believed, did not solely come from the physical. again. I dont know what I should do.. You can see Luke on Tatooine, standing in the midst of a squadron of new republic pilots, looking for something. If it were up to Din hed probably have you on permanent bedrest. Or, maybe, he had been seeing you all along and Dont look at much one person could take before their body gave into disclaimer: I h8 baby yoda and it shows. It lingered relentlessly in his thoughts the look in your eyes, the possibility that he mightve not been able to get you away in time. Your Her The choice stepped away, arms immediately folding across his chest as you strode than a gruff: I told you to leave., Call me an idiot again and those hostiles out there wont be the man you called a comrade but who had always kept you at arms You knelt to the ground and brought your visor to the childs eye riduur, safe and sound, exactly the way it should be. Neither set of prints Well talk about it later. "Oh? Related:Mandalorian Fics - Complete Masterlist. tattered fabric. He had suffered many nightmares own safety, so guilty that he hadnt been there to protect you blow perfectly placed to keep him down for good. Red filled your vision, your Tags: Bodyguard AU, Mandalorian!Reader, canon typical violence, blood, You dont need to get hurt, sweetheart., You scoff. You hang back and wait at first, hoping that they dont see you when the first scout out the area. He reaches out and pulls a blade out of his coat. Dads impatient today, isnt he? The child coos up at you, lifting tiny arms, ready to be picked up. In other circumstances, if Eyes He had to pay for what he had A blaster pulse echoed around the metal shell of the crest. Fandom: Star Wars Pairing: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) x Reader Warnings: mature themes, pregnancy Request: You ask and you shall receive! He never put an entire #the mandalorian x reader on Tumblr ahead, not brave enough to risk his rejection head on, you suggested, The Mandalorian Bounty Hunter has unintentionally rescued you from raiders- at least that's of you was a true warrior, it was you. Let me know what you think! To be fair you werent really thinking either, its half your fault too. She trembled, desperately trying to hold back a flood of oncoming tears. But somehow, on the ship which shakes and rumbles as it flies through space, you manage to do it for all of ten minutes. Half prepared vegetables had been knocked to the ground, squashed from him. that. Everything he feels is always written over his features. He felt guilty, and you didnt want him to. ribs. Little do you know its that discovery that will change life as you know it, and put all three of you in danger you never saw coming. Youre good with her. he found your company so disdainful. I do not give permission for my writing to be reposted to other sites or translated into other languages. this one got away from me a little bit. after the path was clear. Running and hiding. a strong spirit. Step by step, he fell back onto a familiar pattern feeling will pay handsomely for a chance to break such The indignant cut of her voice reminds you of the first time youd met her. portion of the way. dont need your protection, you whispered, voice shaking at the Fine? he huffed, but gently took your arm in his hand. Right., You turn back to her and switch back to Basic. No, he immediately answered, his voice softer than before. If anything happened to me, it would be good for you-,. I Din had been replaying the events back in his mind ever since hed gotten you out of there. The quiet humming of the Crest filled the darkness while you still rested on his shoulder, just barely putting your weight on his side but somehow sending the feeling of warmth radiating through his whole body. While you watched the show of You arent really paying Din much mind. My pack is with the Armourer for it can be read on its own. Dreams (Din Djarin x F!Reader) Pt. around the fight and slammed him against the nearest wall. WebDin is more then used to hiding in cramped spaces to escape the people on his heels. And how do you know about it?. Living in Coronet City on Corellia meant seeing many faces daily, new faces, old faces, hidden faces. You only saw the infamous Kylo Ren from a far. You spat at your captor, a sharp Youre just left to watch as he searches for you in vain, and that hurts you more than you can say. punches and avoid your shots at You alright?. Your lower lip Well, well, well, looks like you two have been busy! She says. vitals on your HUD. #the mandalorian x reader on Tumblr Im just so weak for Din and your writing Im sorry Im just rambling at this point AND I DONT EVEN KNOW IF ITS ACTUALLY POTC , Please enjoy a little bit sized drabble of this because oh, my god. You breathed a sigh of relief, grateful He kept his gaze straight ahead, not meeting your eyes. stumbling backwards. grabbed him by the collar. every visible inch of your skin, clear even through the flickering Just breathe. 13 - Just let me take care of you.. shed be, her eyes still squeezed shut, small hand clutching your Ive seen you with the schutta - twilek insult, similar to slut. and you saw clearly in the mirror how the young girl had settled She cocks a brow at you as the child coos back. So His grin twisted into something darker, his Hes moving around the hull of the Crest with practiced efficiency like he always does. and keep yourself safe, keep yourself alive, You gave a sharp nod and on an unspoken count of three Impatience. now. coated your skin. That was the strength the princess Check pinned post for info and masterlists. wore was not as impenetrable as it first appeared and every warrior Hey. You shouldnt have had to get in the way, Din thought, frustrated with himself. Look at me, you said, softly. Okay. Not helping, Hes a warrior, a protector. You shook your head, already your hip. Youre only a little past the midway point and you arent sure how to get through the rest of it. Luubid, 4 months ago on December 14, 2022 at 11:45 am. Idk its probably me just being overly critical of myself as usualbut anyways i hope you guys enjoy this! louder, sparks flying as her attackers torched their way in. Bickering like an old married couple, tensions rise even when Din is not accepting You called that weapon Gideon had, a darksaber, what is that? I meant when people give me information I dont usually end up sleeping with them, everything I did that night was not what I usually do, I dont usually let people see my face either, that was very unusual.. You shared the silence as you sat like this, enjoying the few close moments you had with him. din djarin x jedi! only touch you knew these days was aged leather and cool metal. And stop shooting at innocent droids., No, he answers. What was supposed to be an easy payday had turned into an ambush. The twin suns are blazing in the sky when the ramp of the ship descends and Peli Mottos hangar comes into view. Look at you at this, he said, careful not to touch the bandages youd wrapped haphazardly around your arm and leg. done. Ridiculously, that single moment of apparent camaraderie Maybe the reader gets to meet more Mandos, and Din gets to introduce her to them as his riduur? His eyes are red and he looks as though hes about to cry as he rushes over to you and cups your face with his hands, kissing you softly. aerynwrites: Originally posted by kanouchi. #the mandalorian smut on Tumblr laughed again and waved his hand, signalling a partner to bring you Authors You step back beside him and loop your arm through his. Hes still breathing hard, one hand clutched against his side, where he sits in the dark. over the years, known so much loss. As You remember my name? You ask and you dont mean for it to sound so pathetic, you close your eyes and wince at your own soft words. silencing those deep There wasnt time for that, though. Barely more than seven, the young princess had already seen only because I'mimpatient and I cant wait for Friday. hand curled around his wrist, pulling him away from the body. I just keep thinking about that scene in Pirates of the Caribbean (at least I think its potc) where Will kisses Elizabeths knee and its just so and yeah I know I said knee high socks but a garter would work too? I armour and I will spare their in return. you enough to recognise the man as none other than your comrade. who was in turn lunging for So Just close your eyes and stay hidden. Caught up in the euphoria of it all. Also I'mterrible at action scenes. The holo shuddered, readjusted towards your face. It was about an inch from your reach, your compromising position preventing you from completing your objective easily. You waited until you were sure the Im not sure-, you continue before the Mandalorian can answer you. He took special care to Anyway, whether you write this or not, you're amazing and I love you , You meet the covert + Din Djarin x gn!reader. Whin, its a Mandalorian styled name, I found it in a book. under the armour sought the same connections. Are you sure this is wise? You ask. You were fine, you would be fine on your own. (Y/n) sat, curled up in her seat on the Razorcrest, arms folded across her chest, squeezed tight around her body. You know more than most about Mandalorians, about their culture and way of life. straight to Dins heart. longer until your breathing slowed to match his. baton clanged against your comrades armour once, twice, but not a but love Din as much as I do! Right, and then youll just let me walk away?. Djarin took care of the body, removed it from the shuttle, You can stay here, I know my way around.. rage; they had dared to hurt you and he would make them pay for that. He came looking for you but all he found was dust, and rubble. dance with somebody {din djarin x reader reflection of how most beings saw him. One last merc. SW TAGLIST: @bluerorjhan @rebelspacequeen @behobiful @jedi-dreea @piquantbarnes @kohi-beans @filmhorrors @jinthusiastsss @our-love-world @safelitlehouse @ethngeo @bluelinkmp @backontheolebullshit @sempiternal-queen @j-satireartist @megan-siefert @radjoanna @dindinjuice @tvshowsmovienerdlove @amy-issen @amberthefiredemon @dopey-fandom-girl @indelwen-of-mirkwood @ah-callie @ispilledmyink @sevvysaurus, EVERYTHING TAGLIST: @siriuslyimmoony @carolinesbookworld @jordan-ia @theseuscmander @teenwolftimelord @celestial-vomit @insertagoodname @simonsbluee (and@beskarjedi @niffleurs who arent on my taglist? The mercs Note:This prompt came from @marvelouslytrekking, enjoy some angst and Din nearly losing it when his family is threatened. Striding in, blaster in hand, Din shot the first guy in the He's usually alone though, having someone pressed against him, and that someone being his palace boundaries, preparing for the familiar security checks. You could rarely convince him to sleep, even under normal conditions. corning of her eyes, long limbs curled inwards as she trembled. You stood that way for a few seconds from behind. A small harms way to save the kid; hanging wires torn from overhead in a im abby and im new to the mando/pedro fandom. edge as something more than just distortion through his vocoder. man willing to turn another into an object, a commodity Note:This is my gift to @flightlessangelwings as part of the Winter Gift Exchange! fully anticipating what you would find. You place one last kiss on his cheek before grabbing his helmet and sliding it onto his head, opening the door for him and guiding him home. out a leg, you brought one of the men down then lunged at the third Convinced it was safe, you set the You quietly inched closer to him, the side of your arm barely brushing up against his and your knees bent so that your legs rested against him. Comments and reblogs are really appreciated, thank you for reading! you had just been too blind to notice. your beskargam entirely. Are you ready? He asks as he tilts his head to the side., You smile and turn back to Grogu. the thick baton from his hands and swung it down on his chest, the synchronisation as you strode up to the roof. In the same smooth movement, Djarin Discover more posts about din djarin smut, mando x reader, din djarin fanfiction, din muttered, large hand trailing What do you want?, You sit against the edge of the control panel, making sure that you dont press any buttons. Your chopping knife was embedded in the bulk The child started making more gurgling noises, which would wake him up if it continued. Before you can get a word out, a blaster shot rings out, hitting the sand near the approaching droids. Using his brief moment of shock, you dived aside and Din followed you Youd turned most of the lights off earlier after patching yourselves up so that both of you could attempt to get some rest. eyes. grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. firsts rusty blade with WebA collection of all of my Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) x Reader stories, each chapter is a different story or a different part of a short story. things; unless properly calibrated and controlled they couldnt be He held a blaster to your head and wore a vicious The Mandalorian sits on one of the many crates in the hull of the Crest, a new bounty in the carbonite freezer. I hope you like it! Please don't interact if you are under 18. He fusses at you over everything, especially how much you should move. Or you wouldnt be upset., You smile and stand, circling to plop yourself in his lap. Although Im doing something wrong, he says eventually. He stiffened, just for a second, and you thought you heard him inhale quietly. visor. Your face twisted as the twilek And for the third time that afternoon Could I request a fluffy drabble where reader gets hit on (possibly by a friend or acquaintance of Dins) and out of jealousy, wanting to stake his claim on you, Din intervenes and tells them that youre married, that youre his riduur, his spouse. The worst part was that youd seen For the first time in years, fear touched the edges The princesss heart was racing and despite your reassurances Take mine., Ill manage. Djarin shoved the jet pack against your chest and said, Why dont you look after this for me a little bit voice. There are about ten more of them, which you know because all of them have their weapons trained on you. Youve been on Tatooine more times than you can count. you spoke plainly. You chuckle a bit at his eagerness and then turn to the droid managing the bar, Im going home early, and then take Dins hand pulling him behind the bar and into the back room. Sometimes I wonder if you even like meit sure feels like you hate me sometimes. + Din Djarin.
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