Discover the Largest Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Ever Recorded It can hold up to 12 people and has a maximum speed of around 60 miles per hour. This material may not be reproduced without permission. So even though they are slithering snakes, they are a good one to have around. Timber Rattlesnakes are therefore considered to be mild rattlesnakes. It is also commonly mistaken for a rattlesnake because it will also vibrate its tail when it feels threatened, even though it doesnt have a rattle. If you havent already seen timber rattlesnakes during your exploration of PA, you should soon. The eastern massasauga ( Sistrurus catenatus) is a federally threatened rattlesnake. Rattlesnakes are commonly known for their ominous warning and deadly strike. Timber Rattlesnake Conservation Strategy for Pennsylvania State Forest Lands (PDF) explains how DCNR is working with the Pa. However, they actually arent considered to be one of the more aggressive snakes. To the contrary, it is quite capable of striking while remaining completely silent.[34]. [3][31][33], One popular myth is that the eastern diamondback rattlesnake must rattle before striking. The largest St Bernard is believed to weigh around 350 pounds and stand at least 18 inches tall at the shoulder. Norris R (2004). Anteriorly and posteriorly, the postocular stripe is bordered by distinct white or yellow stripes. Rattlesnakes spotted at central Pa. neighborhood, golf course, Pennsylvania snake-hunting: 15 things you don't know, Snakes of Pennsylvania: 21 species, 3 of them venomous, How not to die of snakebite in Pennsylvania. Additionally, gopher snakes will curl up and strike out, closed-mouth, to act like a rattlesnake striking in defense. Although, in the wild, there are threats, predators, and other natural causes that may cause the lifespan of a snake to be much less than in captivity. Timber Rattlesnakes on the South Mountain Brochure (PDF) for more information. An Individual Timber Rattlesnake Hunter and Rattlesnake Possession Permit is required for hunting or possessing timber rattlesnakes. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Fish and Boat Commission for removal. The largest rattlesnake caught in Pennsylvania was a 24-foot long snake. In actuality, these snakes are harmless snakes that use constriction as their method of predation instead of deadly venom. Rattlesnakes have created quite a name for themselves in myths and legends. Contact the AZ Animals editorial team. Makes you want to not go outside without a powerful flashlight at night. What is the capacity of the largest sports stadium in the US? [13] The rattle at the end of their tail is made of hard, loosely attached, hollow segments which break off frequently and are completely replaced when the snake sheds. "The fossil pit-vipers (Reptilia: Crotalidae) of North America". Marcus Schneck |; Scary photos of timber rattlesnakes, sometimes rhumbas of rattlesnakes, are once . They are absent from the counties in southeastern Pennsylvania and along the states western border. [35] While not usually aggressive, it is large and powerful. Venomous: Yes. A rattlesnakes rattle grows with every shed they go through. Eastern diamondback rattlers average about 5.5 feet in length, and the very largest specimens of the species might approach 8 feet, so a 15-foot eastern diamondback would be a truly extraordinary (and unbelievable) occurrence. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of In Pennsylvania specifically, these rattlesnakes are only found in the western part of the state, for the most part. The eastern diamondback requires a dry and well-ventilated cage with a hide-box, maintained at a temperature of 2327C (7380F) for normal activity. Even with this defibrination, however, clinically significant bleeding is uncommon. Many of these rattlesnakes also used to be found throughout many parts of Iowa, though it appears their numbers have definitely dwindled over time. In the northeastern United States, it has the largest range out of all the other species of rattlesnakes, as it can be found in almost all states in this area. Call the Wright and Wright mentioned a mortality rate of 30%, but other studies show a mortality rate of 1020% (untreated). [14], The average size is much less. Please view the Most reach a maximum length of four to five feet. Massasaugas spend the winter hibernating alone in crayfish burrows or burrows made by other animals.
Eastern diamondback rattlesnake | Smithsonian's National Zoo Many of us are used to the idea of a coiled snake meaning danger, but can a rattlesnake strike if not coiled? Although it is formidable and capable of employing a wide range of clever techniques to kill its victims, it poses little threat to humans. What a monster! For comparison, a 1.5-meter (5ft) specimen had fangs measuring .mw-parser-output .frac{white-space:nowrap}.mw-parser-output .frac .num,.mw-parser-output .frac .den{font-size:80%;line-height:0;vertical-align:super}.mw-parser-output .frac .den{vertical-align:sub}.mw-parser-output .sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}17mm (23in) in length. More recently, the Pennsylvania Amphibian and Reptile Survey has confirmed timber rattlesnake sightings to 50. This is because they are known as the largest species of rattlesnakes. Not only can they make use of their venom, but they can also make use of their musk. What is the largest square that can be inscribed in a circle? There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a variety of factors, including the size and type of snake involved. Snakes begin to reproduce at three to four years old. In fact, an adults rattle is often mistaken for a buzzing insect. While they cannot successfully prey upon large cottontail rabbits, juvenile rattlesnakes will instead focus on shrews and deer mice. Adults are approximately four to five feet in length and weigh between four and five pounds. Specimens over 2.1m (7ft) are rare, but well documented. What was the length of the largest squid on record? Instead, these rattlesnakes are often shy and wont ever attack unless they feel incredibly threatened. It is one of only three venomous snakes in Pennsylvania. Western diamondback rattlesnakes are heavy snakes with triangular heads. Length: 20 30 in . Look around before sitting or reaching into piles of rock, logs, or boards, or under a shed or equipment. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 4/4/2023), Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (updated 1/26/2023). Yes, it is common to find large Rattlesnakes in Pennsylvania. These snakes will camouflage themselves as they await their prey, or if theyre trying to stay hidden when humans or other predators are around! Can a Rattlesnake Strike if Not Coiled? This article details the biology, life cycle, and population threats to the eastern massasauga, a venomous rattlesnake found in Pennsylvania. The population trend was down when assessed in 2007.
Louisiana man finds six-foot rattlesnake with massive girth on his Often, these snakes can be found in dense woodlands that have rocky outcroppings. Hawks, eagles, and other snakes have been known to prey upon young and adolescent specimens of the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. The United States has about 30 species of venomous snakes, which include 23 species of rattlesnakes, three species of coral snakes, two species of cottonmouth, and two species of copperhead. In 2016 alone, there were 1,527 snake bite incidents reported in the state an increase of more than 20% from 2015. DCNR partners with the PA Fish & Boat Commission (the regulatory agency for reptiles and amphibians) to assess, monitor, and protect rattlesnakes on DCNR lands. There are 1021 scales in the internasal-prefrontal region and 511 (usually 78) intersupraocular scales. [37], Dorcas ME, Hopkins WA, Roe JH (2004).
Lets go through the list of some rattlesnake species and subspecies and where they are located in the United States: As you notice from this list, there are quite a few species and subspecies of rattlesnakes. Commonly, these large snakes are found in Florida and throughout the Southeastern United States. A Timber Rattlesnakes diet mainly consists of small mammals. No other snake is as heavy as the anaconda, link to Can a Rattlesnake Strike if Not Coiled? Adults are usually 33-72 in (84-183 cm) long, but the largest individual on record was 96 in (244 cm). Instead of having a fully mature rattle, young snakes will also only have a yellow-tipped tail that looks like it has a button. This particular snake is also albino and is very old in comparison to the average lifespan of a snake. As such, conservation efforts aimed at protecting pine snake populations have become increasingly important in recent years. Forests and wetlands are also being invaded by invasive plant species; this reduces prey populations. Brattstrom BH (1954). Their venom contains hemotoxins that affect blood cells, blood vessels, and induce hemorrhaging. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. A rattlesnakes venom can kill if it is not treated in time. There are few recorded instances of massasaugas biting humans, but they are venomous.
List of largest snakes - Wikipedia A rattlesnake will strike if it feels threatened and is approached too closely.".
History of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, and a genealogical and It is the longest snake in North America, reaching as long as 8 and a half feet and weighing around 11 pounds. This gives you a great idea of what to listen for when you are out in the woods! Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. However, as is common with Internet-circulated pictures of snakes, the size of the serpent has been greatly exaggerated in the accompanying text. What is the largest rattlesnake on record? Pine snakes are non-venomous and generally not considered dangerous to humans, but they can still pose a threat if provoked or cornered. The upper bound for sidewinder . [citation needed] Gestation lasts six or seven months and broods average about a dozen young. But here are those numbers by county, arranged by region of the state. Please enter your email address below to create account. [17] The average body mass is roughly 2.3kg (5.1lb). One common method of capture at these events involves pouring gasoline down a rattlesnakes supposed burrow, a practice which is harmful to both the snake and its environment. 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2007.RLTS.T64308A12762249.en, "Gaboon Viper | Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability", "Huge Rattlesnake Found in St. Augustine", "ANIMAL BYTES - Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake", "EFFECTS OF RATTLESNAKE ROUNDUPS ON THE EASTERN DIAMONDBACK RATTLESNAKE (CROTALUS ADAMANTEUS)", "Crotalus atrox (Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake)",, "Species Profile: Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) | SREL Herpetology",, "Peer Review #2 of "The genetics of venom ontogeny in the eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) (v0.1)", Eastern Diamondback snakes take the cake in more ways than one for rattlesnakes.
While older forests are good for timber, they support few small mammals, making them less suitable habitat for massasaugas. It is found near rock outcroppings, crevices and ledges in upland forests across most of Pennsylvania. Their average size being 3.5 to 5.5 ft, the longest eastern diamondback rattlesnake on record measured 8 feet. However, segments often break off so they cannot be used to approximate age. So, before birth (and before fall really sets in), these females can be found basking in the sun in dry, vegetated areas.
What is the World Record Rattlesnake Length? Its crucial to stay at a safe distance from any venomous snake and avoid disturbing it whenever possible. They spend the summer in nearby upland forests. It doesnt quite reach the same lengths as Reticulated Python, but its weight goes far beyond. The Ron Price is a fishing guide. OutdoorHub Reporters 10.28.15. It inhabits wetlands, wet meadows and prairies. Crotalus adamanteus. ) For the average person, a rattlesnake is not a good pet. Currently in the state, only four of 19 populations of the snake still exist.
What is the largest snake in Pennsylvania? - You will receive your first email soon. A Timber Rattlesnakes body is also often yellow, tan, or gray, though it can also be brown. That is a long snake! Along with many other species, eastern diamondbacks face endangerment due to loss of habitat and human encroachment. These pregnant females will even take their time to bask in the sun before birthing! In many areas, it seems to use burrows made by gophers and gopher tortoises during the summer and winter. An expanding, backward-and-downward black stripe goes from the eye to the lower lip of the skull. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. So lets read about some of the rattlesnakes defining features. It is camouflaged with a background of light tan to gray-brown with wide, darker brown to red-brown bands that are broader along the sides and narrower across the back.
Stable Pa. timber rattlesnake population is a rarity in the Northeast According to the. The eastern diamondback rattlesnake forages actively or lies in ambush for small mammals, especially rabbits and rice rats (Oryzomys). Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes hunt small mammals and birds when foraging or lying in wait for prey. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. Be watchful of what they investigate. Gopher snakes do eat gophers, which is where they got their name, but they also eat other rodents such as rats and mice, as well as birds, and other small prey. Do not ever attempt to approach or handle the snake. [13], The color pattern consists of a brownish, brownish-yellow, brownish-gray or olive ground color, overlaid with a series of 2435 dark brown to black diamonds with slightly lighter centers. One venomous bite from the Eastern Diamondback can prove fatal in rare cases. Often, they wont strike or attack humans unless they are being handled. (Avg speed & striking ability). Lacking timber rattlesnakes doesnt mean a county is entirely free of venomous snakes. The adaptation of snakes is quite amazing. Their range also used to include Canada, including southern Ontario and southern Quebec. They are particularly frowned upon because they are dangerous to keep if children, pets, or elderly persons live close by. It is one of the heaviest venomous snakes in the Americas and the largest rattlesnake. They are considered to be a threatened species, so they definitely arent as seen as Timber Rattlesnakes are. The longest venomous snake is the king cobra ( Ophiophagus hannah ), with lengths (recorded in captivity) of up to 5.7 m (19 ft) and a weight of up to 12.7 kg (28 lb). Encountering a Western Diamondback in the wild should always be approached with caution and respect. The Timber Rattlesnake is present throughout almost all of the Eastern states of the United States. 1,709. shares. In Pennsylvania, the timber rattlesnake is a candidate species for possible listing as threatened. Females give birth to between 7 and 21 young at a time, usually between July and early October. Theyll move more upland in the summer and live in fields, meadows, or prairies. They prefer to live in forests, plains, and sandy hills, and swamps and marshlands, though they can swim well. It is a thick-bodied, stocky species that, unlike most rattlesnakes, has nine enlarged scales on the top of its head. While they can consume other rattlesnakes, their most common snake prey are garter snakes. These snakes are ambush predators that rely on their venoma cytotoxin to kill their prey from internal bleeding. Bradford, 943 total, 6 timber rattlesnakes; Carbon, 1,928 total, 272 timber rattlesnakes; Columbia, 957 total, 6 timber rattlesnakes; Lackawanna, 1,127 total, 30 timber rattlesnakes; Luzerne, 1,220 total, 42 timber rattlesnakes; Monroe, 2,306 total, 26 timber rattlesnakes; Northampton, 6,182 total, 5 timber rattlesnakes; Pike, 1,456 total, 44 timber rattlesnakes; Sullivan, 786 total, 6 timber rattlesnakes; Susquehanna, 1,165 total, 29 timber rattlesnakes. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
List of fatal snake bites in the United States - Wikipedia What was the weight of the largest rattlesnake caught in Pennsylvania As the juveniles are capable of swallowing adult mice, they do not often resort to eating slimmer prey, such as lizards. The . Gopher snakes are a prime example of a look-alike of rattlesnakes, especially diamondbacks. However, the young only stay with the mother 1020 days before they set off on their own to hunt and find cover. The more that humans move into the habitat of eastern diamondbacks, the more we will have encounters with them. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus Adamanteus) - Venomous. Species Profile: Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus Adamanteus) | SREL Herpetology. When she was measured, she was 10 years old. Snakes play a critical role in the circle of life.
Giant Rattlesnake in PA - YouTube You'll receive your first newsletter soon! And timber rattlesnakes in Pennsylvania awaken from their hibernation, emerging from their dens all around the state. Homeowner Howard McGaffney saw the snake on the perimeter of his neighborhood, Tuscany Village, near State Road 16 and Interstate 95. These patterns can be a dark brown or black color and are often in a series of dark blotches. The eastern diamondback rattlesnake, also known as Crotalus adamanteus, holds the record for the largest rattlesnake ever captured, measuring 7 feet and 8 inches (2.3 meters) in length and .
2 Types of Rattlesnakes in Pennsylvania (Pictures) - Reptile Jam However, everything changes for them in the summer, as they prefer to live in drier habitats. The best hidden gems and little known destinations - straight to your inbox. The species is endemic to the Southeastern United States. Feel Like One Of The Family At Peachtree Restaurant In Pennsylvania, A Neighborhood Favorite Since The 1990s, Nestled Between Harrisburg And Allentown, Midway Diner In Pennsylvania Is A Must Visit, Reading Terminal Market Is A Food Hall In Pennsylvania With 78,000 Square Feet Of Restaurants And Shops, Live Your Own Fairytale With A Stay At This Enchanting Norwegian Log Cabin In Pennsylvania, Youll Want To Steer Clear Of The 6 Most Dangerous Animals Found In Pennsylvania, An Onslaught Of Lanternflies Is Taking Over Pennsylvania And Heres What You Need To Know, An Increase In Black Bear Sightings In Pennsylvania Lead Experts To Believe More People Are Home To See Them, 14 Terrifying Things In Pennsylvania That Can (And Just Might) Kill You. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, a person, identified by only the singular name Rutledge, holds the record for the largest rattlesnake ever recorded. "Effects of body mass and temperature on standard metabolic rate in the eastern diamondback rattlesnake (. Obviously, these snakes are very evolved and will continue to evolve and change with their surroundings. One of the largest pit vipers in the eastern United States, the timber rattlesnake is also known as the American viper, black rattlesnake, canebrake, eastern rattlesnake, and timber rattler. In Pennsylvania specifically, Timber Rattlesnakes can be found throughout almost the entire state. According to reliable reports, the largest western diamondback rattlesnake ever recorded was 7 feet. Example: [Collected via e-mail, December 2009]. Get this The Times Leader page for free from Tuesday, December 11, 1956 lEKES-BARRE RECORD, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11336 Man,' 80, Dies 1 1 UUVAAUllkXU Eugene E. Harrejr Heart Atuck Victim usan . As a general rule, Can You Outrun a Rattlesnake? [33] Many will stand their ground and may strike repeatedly, but if given the opportunity, they will usually retreat while facing the intruder and moving backwards towards shelter, after which they disappear. The eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus) is a little-known rattlesnake with limited distribution in Pennsylvania (Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Crawford, Lawrence, Mercer and Venango counties) and wider distribution in Ohio and farther west. Hemotoxins and neurotoxins are found in the venom of this snake, targeting circulation and nervous system function. Here are some of the most amazing facts about western diamondback snakes: Reptiles are quite unique in their ability to adapt. In rare cases, some that are up to 5-feet long are encountered. Its tail has black and white bands that are followed by the rattles. Unfortunately, the timber rattlesnake is listed as threatened or endangered in many states that surround PA (e.g. Ellis Garvin was raised in central Texas; home to rattlers, coral snakes, copperheads, and more.
THE LARGEST Rattlesnake in the World - Eastern Diamondback - YouTube Crotalus adamanteus is known as the heaviest among venomous snakes in the Americas. They have encountered timber rattlesnakes in all of the state except these counties: Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bucks, Butler, Chester, Crawford, Delaware, Erie, Greene, Lancaster, Lawrence, Mercer, Montgomery, Montour, Philadelphia and Washington. However, other venomous snakes may rival this species in weight such as the much longer but more slender . PARS has recorded northern copperheads in these counties: Adams, 10; Allegheny, 74; Armstrong, 5; Bedford, 2; Berks, 48; Blair, 4; Bucks, 31; Cambria, 1; Carbon, 160; Centre, 10; Chester, 18; Clinton, 13; Columbia, 4; Cumberland, 52; Dauphin 19; Fayette, 51; Franklin, 3; Fulton, 2; Huntingdon, 26; Indiana, 10; Juniata, 2; Lackawanna, 11; Lancaster 14; Lebanon, 15; Lehigh, 9; Luzerne, 8; Lycoming, 17; Mifflin, 2; Montgomery, 34; Northampton, 7; Northumberland, 3; Perry, 20; Schuylkill, 33; Somerset, 19; Union, 5; Westmoreland, 56; Wyoming, 15; York, 5. Squirrels, rats, and mice are also eaten, along with birds such as towhees and bobwhite quail. How many Rattlesnakes have been caught in Pennsylvania? They are brown snakes with black or brown blotches, which can grow up to three feet long. [23], Other common names for this snake species include eastern diamond-backed rattlesnake,[5] eastern diamondback,[4] diamond rattlesnake, diamond-back rattlesnake, common rattlesnake, diamond-back, diamond(-patch) rattler, eastern diamond-back (rattlesnake), eastern diamond rattlesnake, Florida diamond-back (rattlesnake), Florida rattlesnake, lozenge-spotted rattlesnake, rattler, rattlesnake, southeastern diamond-backed rattlesnake, southeastern diamond-backed rattler, southern woodland rattler, timber rattler, water rattle, water rattlesnake,[17] and diamondback rattlesnake. I made a call to the St. John's County Sheriffs office and the lady who answered the phone said it is real and happened about two months ago which would put it in September or October, 2009. The heaviest venomous snake is probably the eastern diamondback rattlesnake (Crotalus adamanteus) of the south-eastern United States, which weighs 5.5-6.8 kg (12-15 lb) and 1.52-1.83 m (5-6 ft) in length. Oftentimes, they can have a diameter of 12 inches. Juvenile Timber Rattlesnakes diets differ only slightly from an adult one. Anytime you hear a rattle in the bushes, watch out, because it could be a rattlesnake. It is also worth noting that rattlesnakes are not typically considered to be dangerous animals, so it is possible that there have been more cases reported because they are becoming increasingly common. Many of the wetlands, wet meadows, and prairies have been turned into human settlement and farmland. They live in the Southeast United States throughout North & South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Flordia, Alabama, Mississippi, and the Florida Keys. On this site we share what we know and learn about reptiles to help you give your reptile the love and care it deserves. Other prey that have been reported include a king rail, a young wild turkey, and a mother woodpecker along with four of her eggs. Business profile of Mark Tice, located at 1536 Rattlesnake Pike, Julian, PA 16844. Average sizes for diamondback snakes range up to 4 ft in length but the largest recorded was much longer than this. Brickell J (1805). A Louisiana man came across quite the surprise over the weekend after his stepson showed him a massive six-foot timber rattlesnake he killed on their Vince property. Massasaugas have rattles, but they are seldom heard because their rattles are small and quiet and only used on . It is non-venomous and another giant to add to the collection of information about large snakes. The adult is 18-40 inches in length. According to the University of Florida, the record size for that type of snake is 8 feet, so this was definitely a large snake. The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake can for more than 20 years. The reward was never claimed. As far as length and weight go, the longest and heaviest giant eastern diamondback rattlesnake ever caught was in 1946, when it was 7.9 feet long and weighed 15.4 kilograms (34 pounds). Someone called the sheriff's office and A1 Trapper Man, a local wildlife trapper, to deal with it. [52] It is also the largest elapid. In the spring, fall, and winter, these rattlesnakes tend to like living in poorly drained, low-lying, open habitats. The head has a dark postocular stripe that extends from behind the eye backwards and downwards to the lip; the back of the stripe touches the angle of the mouth. [21][22], The scalation includes 2531 (usually 29) rows of dorsal scales at midbody, 165176/170187 ventral scales in males/females and 2733/2026 subcaudal scales in males/females, respectively. Pennsylvania is the eastern edge of their range. Discover the Largest Timber Rattlesnake Ever Recorded! No other snake is as heavy as the anaconda, and no rattlesnake will ever measure up to its width, length, or size. 224. shares. Although many reports call rattlesnakes aggressive, this is untrue. The western diamondback rattlesnake, or Crotalus atrox, is found from central Oklahoma to the western two-thirds of Texas, west to the southeastern border of California, and south to Mexico. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. There are 1217 (usually 1415) supralabial scales, the first of which is in broad contact with the prenasal, and 1521 (usually 1718) sublabial scales. All Rights Reserved. Massasaugas are secretive snakes who prefer to hide from people, but when people find massasaugas, they tend to kill these beautiful snakes out of fear, despite there being few instances of massasaugas biting humans.
Mark Tice, Julian, PA - 1536 Rattlesnake Pike - Corn [30], The eastern diamondback rattlesnake inhabits upland dry pine forest, pine and palmetto flatwoods, sandhills and coastal maritime hammocks, longleaf pine/turkey oak habitats, grass-sedge marshes and swamp forest, cypress swamps, mesic hammocks, sandy mixed woodlands, xeric hammocks, and salt marshes, as well as wet prairies during dry periods. But among all these snakes within the states, we have yet to hear of some even larger snakes that are throughout the world. On the head, the rostral scale is higher than it is wide and contacts two internasal scales. 1. Particularly it is in Georgia, and parts of Florida. In addition, try to walk around, rather than step over, fallen logs. Attention: . As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Found in arid deserts of the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico are western diamondback rattlesnakes. Western Diamondback Rattlesnake source: White Sands National Park [19][20] Few specimens can exceed 5.12kg (11.3lb), although exceptional specimens can weigh 6.7kg (15lb) or more. There are many St Patrick's Day celebrations in the United States, but the largest is undoubtedly New York City. Additionally, Pennsylvania has a long history of farming and logging, which have left many areas with decaying trees that provide shelter and food for snakes. United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh - History; United States, Pennsylvania, Lehigh - Genealogy; Location. Plus according to the San Diego Zoo, rattlesnakes are among the newest and most highly evolved snakes in the world (source). Hence, their bites are dangerous and can be fatal but hardly ever are. According to Guinness World Record, the longest found reticulated python was in Celebes Indonesia in 1912, and it was 32 feet long and 9 and a half inches.