8 harvests per annum. To give 60 kg of nitrogen (130 kg urea), 20 kg of phosphate (125 kg super of phosphate) and 16 kg of ash (27 kg of potassium). For example, significant costs were associated with road and ditch maintenance and pumping and water control in sugarcane production that were not applicable to the management practices employed in this research. Two dairy cows can feed on the Napier grass cultivated in an acre of land in a year. Introducing a spectacular hybrid Super Napier plant that has unique characteristics to adopt as animal feedstock by the livestock owners. It has the ability to withstand repeated cutting and will rapidly regenerate, producing palatable leafy shoots [4]. For non-irrigated corn, the required breakeven price was reached every year over both time periods (Table 6). Soc. The sod growing in Pampanga is the so-called "Super Napier" grass, which is packed with energy. The disease reduces forage yield by 40 to 90%. Your seed/cutting must have at least 2 nodes, otherwise, your yield may not be in extra amount. The Napier grass has a very high production of biomass. The production costs used in this study were the average of these two studies with modifications specific to the implementation and management of production of napier grass in this study. Since no prices are established for napier grass, the breakeven prices for peanut, cotton, and corn were calculated individual and as a cropping system to address napier grass competitiveness. Stalker, (eds.). Per industry standards, final pod weight was obtained after grading by deducting foreign mature and adjusting to 7% moisture content for determining final yield. However, estimates of napier grass yields and cost of production coupled with complete return analysis for peanut, corn, and cotton allow estimation of the price required for napier grass to equal profitability to other crops and the peanut, cotton, corn cropping system. You can convert Poultry farming into sustainable poultry farm too. Agric Water Manag 96:10781084, Mooney DF, Roberts RK, English BC, Tyler DD, Larson JA (2009) Yield and breakeven price of Alamo switchgrass for biofuels in Tennessee. Propagation of Super Napier as Better Source of Income - epashupalan The five (20112015) and ten (20062015) year average prices were: peanuts ($545.71 and $498.32Mg1), cotton ($1.70kg1 and $1.55kg1), and corn ($223.93Mg1 and $198.73Mg1) [11]. The 50% irrigation level provided net returns $145ha1 higher than the non-irrigated level. Breakeven prices (cost per acre divided by yield) provide the prices at which production costs are covered for the given yield. In one year, 6 to 8 crops of Super Napier grass can be harvest. The leaves (6 - 8 cm) are broad. The 5-year (20112015) average price in Georgia for peanuts, corn, and cotton was used in this study at $545.11Mg1, $1.71kg1, and $223.93Mg1, respectively [11]. Holstein Friesian is the full name of HF cow. Napier grass stunt diseased growth from cut clumps, Stunt disease infected plant and the plant hopper that transmits the disease. (PDF) NAPIER GRASS FEED RESOURCE: PRODUCTION - ResearchGate Cross commodity breakeven prices provide the prices change required such that the net returns between crops are equal. Care should be taken to ensure that at least 2 nodes are within the soil. Harvest the crop once in 45 days. Inc., Stillwater, Lamb MC, Sorensen RB, Nuti RV, Rowland DL, Faircloth WH, Butts CL, Dorner JW (2010) Impact of sprinkler irrigation amount on peanut quality parameters. Advantages of Napier Grass: Napier grass was produced in both non-irrigated and two irrigated levels with different levels of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. The soil should be fully absorbed and given the required nutrients then the soil should be extinguished. The roots of the Napier grass which are deep are the ones which make it resistant to drought. The 100% irrigation level provided a 29% increase in yield over the non-irrigated treatment (8238kgha1) and 27% yield increase resulted for the 50% irrigation rate compared to the non-irrigated (5957kgha1). 2009 demonstrated the importance of yield on breakeven prices for switchgrass produced on four differing soil types in Tennessee with breakeven prices ranging from $46Mg1 (17.7Mgha1 yield) to $69Mg1 (8.5Mgha1 yield) concluding that breakeven prices were influenced by yield, N price, and fuel prices [19]. In warm-season (C4) grasses. Besides other green fodders like Berseem, Super Napier grass is one of the most productive and healthy green fodder for animals, especially for dairy farming animals. If you don't have parental land then it cost higher than expected, but if you have already then it cost you very little in a year. Napier grass possesses many desirable characteristics, including high yield per unit area, tolerance to intermittent drought and high water use efficiency , making it a forage of choice. It has high crisp leaves. . Napier grass showed positive yield responses to irrigation and nitrogen. super Napier yield in the natural irrigation is better. As a result, significantly less irrigation was applied in 2013 for all crops. Interest and focus on development of renewable biofuels has been increasing over the past decade leading to the introduction of a wide cadre of renewable feedstocks. The distance between the rows of the pits should be 60 centimetres. Napier grass, a C4 monocot with high biomass production with good drought tolerance, water use efficiency, and performance across a wide range of soil conditions, was shown to have advantages in terms of biomass production compared to Alamo switchgrass and giant miscanthus in the Coastal Plain region of Georgia [6,7,8]. 50 kg P and 50 kg K per hectare using urea (46% N), triple superphosphate, TSP (20% P) and muriate . The distance between the pits should be at least 90 centimetres. (2013) made a similar observation and suggested that soil N availability in a Tifton loamy sand must remain above 100kgha1year1 in order to maintain yield stability [2]. Google Scholar, Knoll JE, Anderson WF, Malik R, Hubbard RK, Strickland TC (2013) Production of Napier grass for bioenergy under organic versus inorganic fertilization in the Southeast USA. However, when analyzed across all K application rates, N did have a significant effect on napier grass yield (P=0.0185). https://doi.org/10.2134/ctfm2014.0061, Davidson, J.I., Jr, M.C. Peanuts were dug and inverted using a 2-row inverter and allowed to cure in the field to approximately 18% moisture content. Napier grass yield increases were associated with higher N rates varied with irrigation levels (Table 4). . Wet soil is preferred at the roots but you need to make sure that it is not stagnated. HF Cow and milk per day HF cows are not Indian but they are popular in India. Differences in napier grass yield resulted between the irrigation rates and the non-irrigated yield (Table 3). Very good yields are obtained from the soils which are fertile with rich content of organic matter and nutrients. Napier grass had lower global warming (GW) impacts and biomass delivery costs, 34-153 kg CO eq. Merkeron napier grass plots were established in 2010 and harvested during crop years 2011 through 2015 adjacent to an on-going peanut, corn, and cotton cropping systems study. Lamb, M.C., Anderson, W.F., Strickland, T.C. 2. Table 5 Napier grass breakeven price at variable and total production cost per ton and napier grass . Super Napier grass is good for goats, even for the bigger cattle. Producers would have to consider their specific crop rotation sequences, productivity, and future price expectations. Napier plant grass can also undergo intercropping with the crops like fodder trees, legumes etc. Peanut Res. Green Fodder Production Information Guide | Agri Farming After harvest, samples were further cured to around 9% moisture, weighed, and riffle divided to obtain a 1800g sent to the Alabama Federal State Inspection Service (Dothan, AL) to obtain peanut grade factors including foreign material, total sound mature kernels, sound splits, other kernels, loose shelled kernels, and damage kernels. When planting the seeds, tighten the soil to lighten the soil. Super Napier grass even can recover the 30 to 40% amount of less dry fodder. A randomized block design was used to compare sprinkler irrigation with a non-irrigated control during the 20112015 crop years with three replications, and each crop was produced in each crop year within the rotation sequences. Best management practices were followed with respect to fertility and pest management. The disease need more attention since there is risk of spreading to other African countries. Breakeven yield and price provide the yield and price point at which costs of production are covered for a specific crop [19]. Essentially, all US sugarcane is produced in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas totaling 26.9 million metric tons in 2012. Co.CN4 is another hybrid Napier grass released by TNAU, Coimbatore, is a cross between Cumbu Co.8 and Napier grass F.T.461. For non-irrigated practices, the required breakeven price for peanuts was not reached during the 5-year period and twice during the 10-year period (Table 6). Corn varieties differed each year due to availability and consisted on P33M53RR2 (2011), P1814HR (2012), P1456HR (2013), and P1636YHR (2014 and 2015) (Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., Johnston, IA). Economic Competitiveness of Napier Grass in Irrigated and - Springer In H.E. Reduce the radius of the crops once every two to three years and maintain the size of the bar 3 * 2 feet. To address this further, recent historical prices for peanut, cotton, and corn were used to determine the number of years in which napier grass would economically compete against each crop within the peanut, cotton, corn cropping system. It is almost between the front and back legs. If you don't have parental land then it cost higher than expected, but if you have already then it cost you very little in a year. Napier grass is one of the important perennial tropical forage crop belong to family Poaceae. The use of alternative biomass sources that are not competitive with food production is intended for sustainable management in biogas production through anaerobic digestion. Irrigation and nitrogen and potassium fertilizers were removed from the cost estimates and replaced by actual amounts used in the study. These estimates provide information the initial criteria for consideration of napier grass as a potential crop in coastal plain region of Georgia. BioEnergy Res 6(2):110, Mark TB, Salassi ME, Deliberto MA (2009) Developing a cellulosic ethanol industry in Louisiana. Brachiaria: The 'wonder grass' that could transform African dairy Gir cow and milk production in India Even after keeping a desi tag, Gir cows are either the first or the second choice to start dairy farming in most of the country regions in India. It was easy for desi cows to produce 20 to 25 liters of milk daily without any hesitation. 2016. et al. Grass legume associations in the tropics. Do not graze animals directly on Napier grass. Some people can't distinguish between Jersey and hf cows. Two of the nodes of the grass are being buried in the soil and one node will be above the ground level. Cenchrus purpureus - Wikipedia It has the ability to withstand repeated cutting and will rapidly regenerate, producing palatable leafy shoots [ 4 ]. Biogas production from Napier grass and cattle slurry using a green EDIS document SC089, Anderson WF, Dien BS, Brandon SK, Peterson JD (2008) Assessment of bermudagrass and bunch grasses as feedstocks for conversion to ethanol. A study conducted in South Florida on mineral soil focused on the breakeven price of ethanol for ranges of biomass yields and processing costs concluding energy cane production could offer an economically feasible bioenergy feedstock [5]. In current reports, chicken is 22% part of total meat globally. Hybrid Napier Grass Cultivation For Dairy Animals | Agri Farming . The cost for the N rates of 84, 168, and 336kgha1 were $93, $168, and $336 per hectare, respectively. 3 Ways to Plant Napier Grass - wikiHow China raise the maximum number of chickens in the world for meat. Following are required steps and stuff for the cultivation of Super Napier grass-. Butts, E.J. The results provide the breakeven price points relative to recent historical prices required for consideration of napier grass compared to traditional rotations. In the 50% irrigation level, the prices for peanuts, cotton, and corn would be $390.53Mg1, $1.41kg1, and $191.56Mg1, respectively. volume11,pages 574582 (2018)Cite this article. Cost for irrigation was based the actual irrigation applied each year at $50.2 per hectare-cm. Your email address will not be published. Plants get their maximum height till the time of 8 to feet tall. Farmers should, therefore, continue to establish Napier grass using the current recommended size of three-node cuttings. Method of propagation. However, all plots were harvested minimum yield impact. Fodder Production Vikaspedia Hydroponic Farming Setup in India - a Full Guide. Two dairy cows can feed on the Napier grass cultivated in an acre of land in a year. BEST WAY TO ORGANIC FARMER. Excess green feed can be preserved in the form of silage. Reduce the radius of the crops once every two to three years and maintain the size of the stem bar 3 * 2 feet. In other words 200 tons per acre, which can feed to 20 dairy cows, 30 - 35 goats for 12 months. Cut the young stems of the grass completely to a length of about 5 feet. Napier grass farming method promises higher milk yield After 30 days we have to take the weeds. With the grass yielding about 600 bales per acre in one season and you can harvest 4 times in an year.The 2400 bales of Brachiaria grass can generate about 720000 .A bale of Brachiaria grass is more expensive than boma Rhodes and sells at 400.Brachial gives 20 tonnes of green fodder per acre. The non-irrigated napier grass competitive price was lower than each of the irrigated rates at $77.40 and $93.78Mg1 (Table 5). Moreover, for the production of Napier grass, less water and nutrients are required. The main effect of year was also significant (P<0.001). The USDA-ARS WholeFarm planning system was utilized to calculate net returns and breakeven yields and prices. Generally, alluvial and loamy soil seems better to grow this green fodder but sometimes it gets affected if certain fertilizers do not use with the soil. Napier grass possesses many desirable characteristics, including high yield per unit area, tolerance to intermittent drought and high water use efciency [2], making it a forage of choice. 9:587600, Hanna WW, Chaparro CJ, Mathews BW, Burns JC, Sollenberger LE, Carpenter JR (2004) Perennial Pennisetums. Feed 70 kg or 7 headloads of fresh Napier grass to a dairy cow per day. Appl Energy 86:22732282, Lamb MC, Rowland DL, Sorensen RB, Butts CL, Faircloth WH, Nuti RC (2006) Economic returns of irrigated and non-irrigated peanut based cropping systems. How to Grow Super Napier Grass: A Guide to Planting to Harvesting One is Round pit and the other is a rectangular pit. In rectangular pits, plantation of 10 cuttings should be done for every length 90 centimetres. These '^' shapes will help plants to get all the ingredients particularly without disturbing another one. After the sowing process gets completed, the first irrigation does just by showering water on the soil. Cut the stem around 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) above the soil. The average Sahiwal cow weight is 450 kg. The plantation of Napier grass is done in the marginal slopes and lands in order to improve the fertility of the soil and to decrease the erosion of soil. It can affect the growth of the plant and create rottenness in your plants. The price required for napier grass to compete with the peanut, cotton, corn production system ranged from $99 to $121Mg1 with total costs included mainly dependent on irrigation rate. Now, use soil in order to cover the roots. Peanut, corn, and cotton were also produced in irrigated and non-irrigated environments. This makes it a very good raw material for the production of biofuel. Each of these used a net present value approach to estimate annualized establishment and production costs. You may use . Napier grass (cv. Feasibility of Biogas Production from Napier Grass - ResearchGate Watering should be done on the third day. CAS Part of Springer Nature. Napier plant plays a major role in the production of biomass. Variable cost were derived from previous studies aimed at providing energy cane production cost in Louisiana and Florida where variable cost ranged from 59 to 79% of total cost of production at the farm level [4, 5, 20]. Agronomy 45:503520, Burton GW (1989) Registration of Merkeron napiergrass. Let's understand the Sahiwal cow and her performance in the dairy farming business. Biogas Production from Napier Grass at Various Cutting Intervals - Springer Hybrid Super Napier Grass Fast Growing And High Yielding 6 Years Yield Now in the round pits, plantation of about 10 cane cuttings should be done. Plots consisted of 18 rows established on 0.91M spacing with a plot length of 18m long with a 3m border/buffer between treatments. It is suitable for cultivation throughout the year. Helsel. For the pits which are round, digging should be done at a depth of up to 60 centimetres and a width of 90 centimetres. Leave a stem length of 10 cm from the ground at harvesting. Though the production of seeds is not that consistent, the collection part is very tough. The reproduction of Napier grass is done in a vegetative way through shoots which are horizontal called stolon which locate above the soil extending from the parent to the offspring. It is a tall, stout and deep-rooted perennial bunch grass . Napier grass is the primary source for the production of paper in many regions across the country. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Color - Mostly, Sahiwal cows are red and brownish in color but sometimes, the color can be a mixture of golden and brown. The soils which are light loamy and sandy are most preferred and heavy soils are not much encouraged for the growth of Napier grass. Edited by LE Moser, BL Burson, and LE Sollenberger. On 20 April 2010, transplants were planted in plots (1m between plants in a row). Treatments were arranged in randomized complete block design that included four replicates under three irrigation levels. We don't use soil in hydroponic farming. Potassium rate across all N rates did not have a significant effect on napier grass yield (P=0.7127). Irrigated variable costs were $1522, $1477, and $1237 with fixed cost of $489, $316, and $492ha1, respectively. The use of Brachiaria for commercial pasture production only began in Africa at the start of the twenty-first century. Irrigated and non-irrigated land charges of $337 and $90 per acre to reflect regional rates were included for peanut, corn, cotton, and napier grass. Super Napier grass grows by cuttings of at least 2 nodes( mentioned above). For milk-producing animals, Super Napier grass is highly recommended to increase milk production. For the pits which are rectangular, the pits should be dug at a depth of 60 centimetres and a width of 90 centimetres.
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