Of the following, which is the best next step for the researchers to best determine the long-term effectiveness of these insecticides with regards to the development of resistance? There are autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms found in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. A. Which of the following is the most reasonable prediction about the results of the experiment? The increased air pollution of the nineteenth century due to the use of coal led to a darkening of surfaces from soot. Select the correct answer for the following questions: A shift to less polluting fuel in the twentieth led to cleaner air and a lightening of the moth's normal habitat. The frequency of the MC1RD allele will decline due to natural selection. These alleles code for glycoproteins that act as antigens on the red blood cells. D. The lizards will hybridize with a different lizard species that is adapted to a warmer environment, leading to increased genetic variation in the species. A scientist believes that the first organic molecules may have come to Earth on meteorites 3.6 billion years ago. Cattle are equally related to pigs and sheep, because the phylogeny places cattle between pigs and sheep. An experiment is designed to help prevent the further decline and extinction of the Henslow's sparrow in which controlled burns will be set in the each of the ten Midwest counties in order to prevent the regrowth of the forest. A. Which of the following would be an appropriate alternative hypothesis? After 20 generations of allowing this population of about 1000 flies to mate randomly, 10 females and 10 males were isolated from the rest of the population. Which of the following best predicts the effect of the enclosure on the O'Neill population? C. Formation of simple proteins on primitive Earth only occurs spontaneously if the required building blocks were transported to Earth by a celestial event or a meteorite. A. After the 20 generations, DNA sequencing was used to determine the genetic composition of each population. Consider the hypothetical molecule B - A = B. AP Biology Practice Test: Unit 7 Natural Selection B. The plant species will flower earlier in the spring in response to rising temperatures before the arrival of the pollinators, so seeds will not be produced. B. B. Take a look at the Intro to Unit 7. The researchers built an enclosure to prevent migration into and out of the O'Neill rock pocket mouse population for a period of two years. Select the best alternate hypothesis to support this claim. Convergent evolution, because these organisms do not share a recent common ancestor. Human activities can drive changes in ecosystems that affect the risk of extinction. Select the best alternate hypothesis to support this claim. C. The plant species will flower earlier in the spring in response to rising temperatures before the arrival of the pollinators, so seeds will not be produced. A. (b)(b)(b) How much torque is required to stop it in 6.0s?6.0 \mathrm{~s} ?6.0s? A. Bacteria and eukaryotes use different mRNA codons for the same amino acids during translation. Dr. Sidney Fox wished to add to the heterotroph hypothesis of the origin of life by synthesizing simple proteins from a mixture of amino acids. Cells with mitochondria were able to utilize metabolic energy more efficiently. Iridium is an element that is rare on Earth but commonly found in meteorites. C. Restriction enzymes in the cytoplasm of the bacteria degrade linear DNA. n addition to the ABO blood groups, humans have an MN blood type system in which the M and N alleles are codominant to one another. John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, PL-600: Microsoft Power Platform Solution Arc. The population was predominantly black throughout the nineteenth century. Which of the following best explains the mechanism that caused this speciation event in the giant kangaroo rats of population A? In a particular region, a species of lizard lives in the lowlands. The following questions were not written by College Board and although they cover information outlined in the AP Biology Course and Exam Description the formatting An experiment is designed to help prevent the further decline and extinction of the Henslow's sparrow in which controlled burns will be set in the each of the ten Midwest counties in order to prevent the regrowth of the forest. Each of the fifteen genotypes shown in generation 1 and generation 2 represents 100 mice. D. The frequency of both alleles will increase because the population will enter a period of rapid growth. AP Biology Past Exam Questions AP Central | College Even though the population has rebounded following restrictions on seal hunting, genetic variation is greatly reduced in the northern species compared to that in the southern species. After several generations, both groups of mice are given a new type of food that is harder to digest than the previous food. Which of the following is an alternative hypothesis that can be tested to support the RNARNA World Hypothesis? One group is given food with an added substance that is known to be a mutagen. During the last few decades, tall buildings have been built around the woodlot, and species 3, 4, and 5 are shadeintolerant plants. Are the following statements true or false? The researchers determined that the East lava flow population is not in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. B. Formation of crude proteins occurs by chance and occurs regardless of atmospheric O2O2 levels or available free energy. Both groups of mice will show an increase in the ability to digest the new food, because they experienced the same selective pressures. A. A group of birds is found in an island chain that have all descended from a single ancestral species. Convergent evolution, because these organisms do not share a recent common ancestor. Both the larger population and the isolated population were maintained under identical conditions and allowed to mate randomly for another 20 generations. Observed modern extinction rates will resemble the rates found early in previous extinctions. The results of breeding programs can be seen in the change in winning times of the Kentucky Derby from 1880 to the present, as shown in Figure 1. D. In response to different environments, populations A and B experienced different mutation rates, leading to the emergence of two different gene pools and, over time, new species A and B. There will be no difference in the populations observed in the controlled fire sites and the rest of counties 5 and 6. In a certain small mammal, fur color is controlled by a pair of alleles, with B being dominant over b. The frequency of the BB allele will increase because light-colored individuals will be more visible to predators. Click the card to (a)(a)(a) What is the angular momentum of a 2.8kg2.8 \mathrm{~kg}2.8kg uniform cylindrical grinding wheel of radius 28cm28 \mathrm{~cm}28cm when rotating at 1300rpm1300 \mathrm{rpm}1300rpm ? A. The liver helps the circulatory system by _________. The animals in population A were reproductively isolated from those in populations B, C, and D. Which of the following statements best predicts the result of a comparison between the fossils found before and after the period of rapid change? Population B was separated for a longer time from the original population than population A was, and population B evolved into a more distinct new species than population A did. A scientist wishes to provide experimental evidence to support the model shown in Figure 1 by demonstrating the ability to synthesize an RNA molecule. These building blocks combined to form polymers, such as crude proteins. AP BIO COLLEGE BOARD UNIT 7 Flashcards | Quizlet Which of the following best illustrates the change in the frequencies of the A and a alleles from generation 1 to generation 2 and to future generations, assuming Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is present after generation 1 ? There is no difference in iridium levels in sediments that were deposited on Earth 3.6 billion years old, compared to recent sediments. Cells with flagella were better able to find food and escape predators. Figure 1. In an experiment, the scientist creates two groups of twenty highly inbred mice. The telomeric repeat sequences for selected organisms are given in Table 1. John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis. At the given instant, the rod is spinning about the zzz axis with an angular velocity 1=8rad/s\omega_1=8 \mathrm{rad} / \mathrm{s}1=8rad/s and angular acceleration 1=2rad/s2\dot{\omega}_1=2 \mathrm{rad} / \mathrm{s}^21=2rad/s2. a) filtering blood of harmful substances. Which of the following best explains the relationship between coat color and predation rate in the rock pocket mouse population on the lava flow rocks with respect to the different coat color phenotypes? Humans and mice share a recent common ancestor that had the 5-TTAGGG-3 repeat sequence in its telomeres. Observed modern extinction rates will resemble the rates found early in previous extinctions. A thermometer requires 1 min to indicate 98% of the response to a step input. Based on the information provided in the figure, which of the following best describes how membrane-bound organelles provided unique evolutionary advantages to the last eukaryotic common ancestor? D. The presence of MC1RdMC1Rd alleles in the East lava flow population is an indication of gene flow from mice populations living on light granite rocks. Given aerobic conditions and large amounts of lightning, amino acids will spontaneously form crude proteins. A group of scientists found that in one population the frequency of the M allele was 0.82, and the frequency of the N allele was 0.18. The animals in population A were exposed to different predators and had to modify their fur color to be better camouflaged. A group of researchers claim that chance events play an important role in the evolution of populations. White circle, grey circle and black circle. A. WebAp Bio: Unit 7 Progress Check: MCQ describes how the L. clathratus population would be affected? Which of the following principles best justifies a claim that cheetahs, compared to other large cats, have a relatively low resilience to environmental perturbations? The plant species will flower earlier in the spring in response to rising temperatures before the arrival of the pollinators, so seeds will not be produced. A scientist believes that the first organic molecules may have come to Earth on meteorites 3.6 billion years ago. After rearing five additional generations of the mice on this new food, the two groups are assessed for how efficiently this new food is digested. Graph that starts at 5.0 cm and ends at 9.0 cm. B. After 20 generations of allowing this population of about 1000 flies to mate randomly, 10 females and 10 males were isolated from the rest of the population. A. A population of the species has the following allele frequencies: B=0.85 and b=0.15. D. Cattle and sheep are separated by only one node, and they are separated from the other organisms by more than one node. Which of the following best explains the relationship between coat color and predation rate in the rock pocket mouse population on the lava flow rocks with respect to the different coat color phenotypes? Which of the following best describes the processes occurring between the mouse populations and their environments? C. Controlled fires in counties 6 and 8 will have no effect on the sparrow populations. Which of the following student claims is best supported by the data provided? D. The number of species present on Earth will equal the number of species on Earth after the last extinction. Image courtesy of Pixabay Facts about the test: The AP Biology exam has 60 multiple choice questions and you will be given 1 hour B. A. Figure 1 shows the phylogeny of the birds. Some researchers claim that the decrease in plant species richness of this woodlot is unrelated to human activities over the last forty years. A group of researchers claim that chance events play an important role in the evolution of populations. The model is shown in Figure 1. Which of the following best predicts the effect of the enclosure on the O'Neill population? Figure 1 describes a possible scenario, known as the RNA World Hypothesis, that could have led to the evolution of our modern-day genetic material. C. Set up a new experiment in which these insects are sprayed with two different insecticides to see if they are more effective than Insecticides #1 and #2. General Instructions for your group. Make .sure .you .begin .the .exam .at .the .designated .time . . If you are giving the regularly scheduled exam, say: It is Monday morning, May 13, and you will be taking the AP Biology Exam. If you are giving the alternate exam for late testing, say: A scientist maintains a large population of the fruit fly Drosophila affinis in the laboratory. They found that although all 12 populations were exposed to the same environmental pressures, each population had differentiated from one another genetically after 10,000 generations. A researcher uses the protocol shown in Figure 1 to isolate a eukaryotic gene for the purpose of genetically engineering bacteria to synthesize the corresponding protein. Which of the following is closest to the frequency of the MC1RDMC1RD allele in the Tule Mountain population? Which of the following best explains the trend shown in Figure 1? Most of the species found in the first static period will be absent in the second static period. Which of the following student claims is best supported by the data provided? AP Biology AP Classroom Unit 7 FRQ Flashcards | Quizlet A scientist believes that the first organic molecules may have come to Earth on meteorites 3.6 billion years ago. Both the larger population and the isolated population were maintained under identical conditions and allowed to mate randomly for another 20 generations. Which of the following would be an appropriate alternative hypothesis? (Kentucky Derby). The frequency of the MC1RD allele will decline due to natural selection. Some lizards will migrate to new habitats in the mountains and become isolated, leading to allopatric speciation. The mechanical properties and dimensions of the two bars are, E1=E2=200GPa,1=2=12106/CA1=25mm2,A2=50mm2,L1=3m,L2=5m,=1mm\begin{gathered} C. The plant species will flower earlier in the spring in response to rising temperatures before the arrival of the pollinators, so seeds will not be produced. Image courtesy of Pixabay. Based on the data in table 1, which of the following best provides evidence to support this claim? One group is given food with an added substance that is known to be a mutagen. C. Start each population with bacterial cells that have different genotypes to make sure there is enough genetic variation for selection to occur. C. Populations with little genetic diversity are less likely to contain individuals that can withstand different selective pressures. The model is shown in Figure 1. Which of the following best explains the phenotypic pattern in the moths over time? At that time, the moths, normally white with black speckles, known as the peppered variety, became less common than the solid black variety. Cells with mitochondria were able to utilize metabolic energy more efficiently. A mixture of ribonucleotides such as adenine and uracil will spontaneously form single-stranded chains of RNA . provided unique evolutionary advantages to the last eukaryotic common ancestor? Statistics and Probability questions and answers; College Board AP Classroom Unit 7 Which of the following is an alternative hypothesis that can be tested to support the RNA World Hypothesis? D. There is a progression of cellular organization in organisms found in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. By 1940, most genetic variation for speed had been lost from the gene pool. Which of the following is an alternative hypothesis that can be tested to support the RNA World Hypothesis? In an exercise to understand how genetically controlled physical traits could affect speciation, a theoretical population was imagined that contained organisms with three shapes and three levels of pigmentation, as illustrated in Figure 1. Dark coat color provides camouflage to mice on the flow; therefore, mice with dark coats predation rate in that habitat. The original habitat had many available unoccupied ecological niches that were colonized by populations of the original species. If you are giving the alternate exam for late testing, say: It is Friday afternoon, May 24, and you will be B. The two populations will show significant genetic differences because the founder effect will result in significant losses in diversity in the smaller population. The SinoHimalayan fern, Lepisorus clathratus is widely distributed on the QinghaiTibetan plateau. Unit 7 Progress Check: MCQ Part B Flashcards | Quizlet The distance the horses ran became shorter between 1880 and 1940. B. A. WebAP Biology Scoring Guide Unit 7 Progress Check: MCQ Part A 2. D. By 1940, most genetic variation for speed had been lost from the gene pool. B. The flow rate of ammonia at 10C(=624.6kg/m310^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\left(\rho=624.6 \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m}^3\right.10C(=624.6kg/m3 and =1.697104kg/ms\mu=1.697 \times 10^{-4} \mathrm{~kg} / \mathrm{m} \cdot \mathrm{s}=1.697104kg/ms ) through a 222-cm\mathrm{cm}cm-diameter pipe is to be measured with a\mathrm{cm}cm-diameter flow nozzle equipped with a differential pressure gage. There is no difference in iridium levels in sediments that were deposited on Earth 3.6 billion years old, compared to recent sediments. Which of the following best predicts why the recombinant bacteria will fail to produce the eukaryotic protein? Scientists claim that some of the populations in Marion County are at an increased risk of decline or extinction. A. During the last few decades, tall buildings have been built around the woodlot, and species 3, 4, and 5 are shadeintolerant plants. Relationships of selected organisms based on catalase structure. describes how the L. clathratus population would be affected? relationship between the MC1R gene and coat color in the Carrizozo, New Mexico, rock pocket mouse population? A. Migration of individuals between the Isabela and Butuan populations D. Cells with mitochondria were able to utilize metabolic energy more efficiently. To test their claim, they monitored 12 populations of E. coli for 10,000 generations under the same environmental conditions. AP Bio Unit 7 | Biology Quiz - Quizizz In an exercise to understand how genetically controlled physical traits could affect speciation, a theoretical population was imagined that contained organisms with three shapes and three levels of pigmentation, as illustrated in Figure 1. B. Specimen 2 To prevent the loss of genes as chromosome ends wear down during DNA replication, the tips of eukaryotic chromosomes have specialized DNA "caps" called telomeres. Table 1 shows the collected data. However, an additional mutation in the black allele changed it from a dominant to a recessive allele at the turn of the twentieth century, leading to a return to the dominance of the original peppered variety. A . A. Dr. Sidney Fox wished to add to the heterotroph hypothesis of the origin of life by synthesizing simple proteins from a mixture of amino acids. Some scientists propose that due to human activity and climate change, a sixth mass extinction has already begun. WebIt is Monday morning, May 13, and you will be taking the AP Biology Exam. Iridium is an element that is rare on Earth but commonly found in meteorites. Continue treating the three insect populations with the same insecticides and determine whether their efficiencies decline significantly after several generations. The presence of MC1Rd alleles in the East lava flow population is an indication of gene flow from mice populations living on light granite rocks. B. B. In a certain small mammal, fur color is controlled by a pair of alleles, with B being dominant over b. C. Organisms in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya each have adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine bases forming their DNA. Based on the phylogenetic relationships shown in Figure 1, which of the following best explains the similarities exhibited by whales, bony fishes, and cartilaginous fishes? B. A population of the species has the following allele frequencies: B=0.85 and b=0.15. Solved College Board AP Classroom Unit 7 Progress - Chegg D. A mixture of ribonucleotides such as adenine and uracil will spontaneously form single-stranded chains of RNA. The heterotroph hypothesis of the origin of life states that basic organic building blocks formed from inorganic molecules under the primitive conditions present early in Earth's development. Determine the amount T(C)\Delta T\left({ }^{\circ} \mathrm{C}\right)T(C) by which the two bars would need to be uniformly heated to bring the holes in the two bars into alignment. Which of these would be an appropriate null hypothesis to test related to whether meteorites hit the Earth 3.6 billion years ago? Introns must be removed from eukaryotic DNA before the gene is inserted into the plasmid. Which of the following best explains the phenotypic pattern in the moths over time? Population numbers will continue to decline even in the controlled fire sites because human activities always lead to extinction. The darker backgrounds conferred a selective advantage to the black variety, as described by natural selection. Humans and mice have the same number of genes. A shift to less polluting fuel in the twentieth led to cleaner air and a lightening of the moth's normal habitat. The scientists identified a period of stability or stasis, followed by rapid change, and then stasis again with regard to shell shape. C. The species will experience a genetic bottleneck, and sympatric speciation will result in the development of several new species. Populations M1 through M5 are located in Marion County. Quantitative Skills in the AP Sciences (2018) This reference guide is for students to use as they develop quantitative skills, such as using measurements, gathering and evaluating data, using quantitative evidence to support claims, and connecting empirical information to scientific theory, throughout the course. Curriculum Modules Download Based on the data in Figure 1, which of the following would most affect the allelic frequencies of the populations on Isabela and Butuan? Of the following, which is the best next step for the researchers to best determine the long-term effectiveness of these insecticides with regards to the development of resistance? The SinoHimalayan fern, Lepisorus clathratus is widely distributed on the QinghaiTibetan plateau. Which of the following would be an appropriate alternative hypothesis? few individuals become isolated from a large population and establish a new small population with a gene pool that differs from the large population. Start each population with a different species of bacteria to determine whether the same environment has an effect on genetic differentiation.
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