Leaving spoil around the trap will be a clue to intruders that a trap exists. U.S. "tunnel rats" had to be specially trained to navigate and disarm these traps. What this brings us to is the border. It was Roosevelt who signed the executive order locking up tens of thousands of JAs who were native born U.S. citizens. Photo shows The Punji trap after being sprung. If they are truly seeking something better. Often the Viet Cong would smear feces on the spikes to cause infections in any wounds that the traps cause. on soldiers, greatly reducing morale. In the Vietnam War, this method was used to force wounded soldiers to be transported by helicopter to a medical hospital for treatment. Illegals should not have to permanently stay here; they have nothing to offer besides labor. Punji sticks were sometimes deployed in the preparation of an ambush. Mine warfare became increasingly important. If your property is known to have Punji stick traps, criminals will probably bypass it. Sometimes the sticks were smeared with feces in order The dollars everyone put into Social Security probably would have been self sustaining if big brother hadnt robbed it to fund welfare and everything else they wanted to spend it on. Man I loved that job!! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Socrates. Short of parachuting into, high jumping over, or tunneling under the above mentioned naturally occurring, regenerating biological barriers, we feel fairly secure. When even dem politicians are angry about something, it shows theyre frightened enough to act on behalf of honor and honesty. terrible wounds to a soldiers upper body. The use of punji sticks in any act of conflict is banned from use under the 1980 Geneva Convention. A work program should be the only way in!!! In this big city. The answer reinforced the fact that the VC came to know our troops as well as they knew themselves. As the brush decays, it leaves the thorns and hollows where eventually, scorpions, centipedes, and grasshopper mice (a small but eager predator) and so on take up residence. Garden beds are also an excellent option to consider partly because digging holes in them will not elicit any suspicion and will be the easiest to camouflage. The overcrowding is due to illegal aliens who come here to commit felonies. Viet Cong Punji stake traps were just as deadly and effective. Tom is the author of more than 30 books on military history and weapons systems. The soil is too shallow and the mines too deep. Save your money! The number of U.S. soldiers wounded during the war was around 300,000 men, which means about 45,000 Americans were injured by the terrifying booby traps of the Viet Cong. He became intimately aware of VC traps and mines, and their methodologies that took advantage of the average American mindset. This particular booby trap could be made worse by not only placing sticks pointing up from the bottom, but by installing them at a downward angle, along the sides of the hole. this border problem has gone on for almost a century, since Mexico slaughtered any and all Christians and other religious people in 1922, the Cristeros Wars. The goal of the traps was to maim not kill as this required soldiers to deal with their wounded comrades, slowing them down. Viet Cong Punji Traps of the Vietnam War - YouTube Then, cut several branches at least one inch in diameter and about a foot or so long. The trap was sprung when the intended victim triggered a tripwire, causing a plank imbued with metal spikes to fall on them. I dont want to get started on that rant. Booby traps were cheap and relatively simple to make, and the Viet Cong used them to devastating effect. For the Viet Cong, there was no relief from the Vietnam War, there was only victory or death. The Vietcong worked to get the support of the peasants in 4 key ways: They rarely attacked peasants or their property. I love politics. The new Punji traps now conceal two victim steps on the trap the wire snaps and rows of iron spikes pierce his leg above the boot and enter his leg muscles from two sides. ICE cameras have caught heavily armed drug soldiers herding drug mules over the border, many of them children. The sharpened bamboo or wooden stakes were often coated in feces or urine, with the goal of causing an infection in the victim. When the Bamboowas released, so was the snake right onto the enemy. I would NOT put out punji sticks unless it were truly a world without rule of law. Movie Photo: Live for Life-8x10 Promo Still-soldier-unfortunate Victim These booby traps were created based on the fact that US troops enjoyed. Bamboo Pit Vipers were a common snake used by the Viet Cong. Unless your property is quite large and your home sits in the middle of your property, you can still be subject to deadly gunfire from outside your property line. CS: There arent too many that walk on this property even after dark. Good dogs, good trackers and guard dogs, as well. No booby trap that way. As the saying goes, praise the Lord and keep your powder dry. Cheers, and have a Nice Day. These were normally placed in tall grass with only the wax top above ground. They have the advantage of always having a sharp point facing up. Out enate had to pass a law to force dems to give them up, and state troopers collected them. Related: hide them throughout their tunnel complexes, the Mace may have been the worst of all Vietnam War booby traps, The Army bought nearly $5 billion worth of rockets, Army aviators are getting locked in for 3 more years on active duty, Watch this WWII Marine training video before your next club or knife fight, 3 improvements from the M16A1 to the M16A2. I hope some read your posts and learn things they were not taught in school. You have a Hobsons choice. Snake pits were a trap primarily used within the. Disclaimer: All the techniques are for INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY and are never to be attempted by anyone for any reason. Punji stick booby trap with bamboo spikes Cu Chi tunnels. niio. Not only could you find yourself financially liable for harm caused to an intruder but also you could find yourself charged criminally. Sign up for our newsletter and receive the mighty updates! Football season for most starts in late fall. No question about illegality in a situation where there is still some semblance of rule of law. Blake Stilwell is a traveler and writer with degrees in design, television & film, journalism, public relations, international relations, and business administration. Luckily for you, you can make the punji sticks yourself. You can fabricate the spikes from green branches found in nature, metal round bar, large nails, or anything else you can imagine. He regularly contributes articles to national magazines and websites on military history and firearms topics, and historical photos from his collection are used by publishers around the world. Live The Armory Life. A round of ammunition would be set with a nail underneath, to act as a mock firing pin, and a board placed overtop the hole to prevent enemy soldiers from detecting it in advance. I get kinda worked up when I hear people refer to Social Security as an entitlement. When I mentioned my fear of snakes, he laughed and said: You and almost every other draftee.. After all, the bums still need to eat and it may qualify as Reparations to a certain segment of the population. Hundreds of different Punji trap prototypes were conceived . Backfill with plenty or logs and thorn brush, dirt and so on. Nine of the Most Infamous Booby Traps Used By the Viet Cong In 1965 alone, this number was at 70 percent. If there is another civil war in the US and my family is threatened all bets are off. A more insidious trap featured spears pointed downwardso victims would be injured only when they tried to pull out of the trap. We Got This! What Is A Punji Trap? - Researchtopics.quest Punji sticks would be placed in areas likely to be passed through by enemy troops. Punji sticks, also known as punji stakes, were an extremely common booby trap deployed by the Viet Cong. [1] The Oxford English Dictionary (third edition, 2007) lists less frequent, earlier spellings for "punji stake (or stick)": panja, panjee, panjie, panji, and punge. she copied it, posted it in every church and synagogue, magazines, and two newspapers. That is also why you have a Backhoe, dig a bigger hole for their remains and cover that with Quik Lime, no evidence. I got mine when I was 12 years old and started a job at the local movie theater running the movie projectors. These are traps made with sharpened bamboo stakes, often smeared with urine, feces, or another substance that would cause infection in the victim. Inevitably, the VC would mine the edges of the area, and the local U.S. troops would suffer yet another casualty. Punji sticks, also known as punji stakes, were an extremely common booby trap deployed by the Viet Cong. Id hate to tell them but that money is mineI worked for itI had no choice but to pay into itif I had my druthers Id rather them just give me what I paid in to it and let me manage that money myself. I have maintained for some time that we most definitely do not need to import felons. This often resulted in the slowing down of their unit while efforts were made to free them. According to the Australian Ministry of Defense, around 11% of all deaths and 15% of injuries in the Vietnam War were due to booby traps. CC: And with our unprotected southern border we have absolutely zero idea who is crossing over into the country. The trap was placed in a bamboo cylinder, set up with a nail as a firing pin mounted in the base. They would also tie the deadly snakes to bamboo and hide them throughout their tunnel complexes. They will readily point out enemy booby traps, Never bunch up. Many military historians dont give much credence to the effectiveness of the Viet Congs booby trap and mine warfare tactics. Concealed devices used to inflict casualties, booby traps were an integral component of the war used by Viet Cong and the People's Army of Vietnam. This course, like others created by Army and Marine Corps units, included the following mine warfare problems for new men to learn how to identify, mark, and avoid: That represents quite a laundry list of exceptionally dangerous traps that new infantrymen needed to learn, on top of many other combat nuances in Vietnam that their basic training did not cover. The rest they are putting up in hotels at our expense. Sometimes the sticks pointed downwards at an angle, with soldiers stepping into a pit unable to remove their leg without causing further damage. The latest content straight to your inbox plus an automatic entry to each of our monthly gungiveaways! Even a burned-out radio battery still has enough juice to detonate an explosive charge if properly set in series. They vote, but their votes dont mean a thing when the ballots are tallied. Viet Cong guerrillas would often carried Bamboo Pit Vipers in their packs to (hopefully) kill anyone who searches through them. Got no problems with dropped into any afterwards while exploring or cunningly lured by glittery rewards. DO NOT CONSTRUCT OR PLACE ANY TRAPS even on your private property. CC: Kids are being separated from parents. 2. Contrary to popular belief, neither the North Vietnamese Army nor Viet Cong guerrillas could match the U.S. forces toe-to-toe during the Vietnam War either in skill or of firepower. Booby traps are often placed up in trees with the ground area beneath also booby trapped. Spider Hole Tactics to Defend Against Looters. Snake pits were encountered by US tunnel rats, but the Viet Cong would put snakes in other locations, too, such as in their bags or in old weapons caches. His career includes work in Business Insider, Fox News, ABC News, NBC, HBO, and the White House. I imagine they are trying to sweep up as many lost souls as they can to keep their numbers high. You can always smear fecal matter on the points if you want to add to the psychological impact. When Powell was in Vietnam, he fell victim to a punji stick booby trap. Here in Arizona, you will need a frigging backhoe to dig, even a small hole, in most places. We cannot stop the employment of these devices, but we can lower the casualty rate by knowing how to recognize, mark, and report mines and boobytraps. During the Vietnam war, traps have been used excessively by the native soldiers to break the morale of the invading US force. Punji Sticks 2. Any booby trap or man-made deterrent (trip wire, noise maker, etcetera) is a billboard stating that someone is there, and probably has supplies worth protecting, even if the construction appears to be old. A Korean soldier of the 26th Regiment, ROK Tiger Division, lifts a Viet Cong booby-trap from the ground during a demonstration near HQ, Song Cau. Or to let them be so eroded as to be unidentifiable. This was made worse by the use of secondary traps, which targeted those attempting to help the injured. Hope that some time soon, before this cancer takes me, I can come to yore state, and meet with you. Consider anything temporary at best and always make a map where these were put. Even as the VC dealt with maddening logistics, the situation worked in their favor as it forced American troops to deal with a dangerous wide array of mines to deactivate. Plenty of cactus and jujube, citrus, wolfberries, and so on all covered with thorns. To quote that great American political philosopher, We have met the enemy and they is us.. Bamboo Whip Traps The bamboo whip booby trap swung violently into the legs and torsos of those who stepped on the tripwire to initiate the attack. What is punji pit? - Thecrucibleonscreen.com If you have a large property, you should consider the most likely avenues of ingress and attack and place the traps along them. In that application, a pit was a guaranteed man-getter. First, the hole needs to be wide enough to accommodate a human leg to drop in. Lowes and I am sure Home Depot, although I have not checked them out for the product, carries rebar in various thicknesses and lengths. This created an opportunity for the Viet Cong to ambush whilst, The Road to the Crown - Elizabeth I's Coronation Procession, Built by a Giantess? Shamoo: Hitler said, I want to raise a generation of young people that will be void of a conscious, relentless, imperious, and cruel., We are socialists, we are enemies of todays capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions. Adolf Hitler, If there is no God, everything is permissible. Fyodor Dostoyevsky. niio. A female can eat food scraps but males should be let out at night, before dawn to hunt. Most U.S. troops would only spend about a year in-country, and even when they were in the depths of the jungle, they were better equipped and better fed on their worst day than the VC were on their best. The Viet Cong had found a way to test Americas resolve in a long war. Dems are desperate to own us, but if these ballots are counted right, were one more nail in the dnc coffin. If by chance, and shear stupid luck, some dang Progressive Minded Social Justice Thinking, Enlightened, WOKE, Freeloading Fool and or Satanic Minion were to make it past all of the natural barriers; they would undoubtedly be in a sad state, nearly necked, and bleeding from a thousand wounds. Honestly why send the damn kids? Punji sticks are usually deployed in substantial numbers. Punji sticks are usually deployed in substantial numbers. In those times that he is cornered in a corporate environment, he will talk about marketing until he is released. Shop MOVIE PHOTO: LIVE FOR LIFE-8X10 PROMO STILL-SOLDIER-UNFORTUNATE VICTIM OF PUNJI TRAP-1968-vg and more music, movie, and TV memorabilia at Amazon's Entertainment Collectibles Store. The victim would put his foot through the coverand fallon the spikes below. Next wave the chicoms pay for, from N. Africa and Asia.
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